   * Generate constraints which assign exception values into an exception pointer
   * @param node governing node
   * @param peis list of PEI instructions
   * @param exceptionVar PointerKey representing a pointer to an exception value
   * @param catchClasses the types "caught" by the exceptionVar
  private void addExceptionDefConstraints(
      IR ir,
      CGNode node,
      List<ProgramCounter> peis,
      PointerKey exceptionVar,
      Set<IClass> catchClasses) {
    for (ProgramCounter peiLoc : peis) {
      SSAInstruction pei = ir.getPEI(peiLoc);

      if (pei instanceof SSAAbstractInvokeInstruction) {
        SSAAbstractInvokeInstruction s = (SSAAbstractInvokeInstruction) pei;
        PointerKey e = heapModel.getPointerKeyForLocal(node, s.getException());
        addEdge(exceptionVar, e);

      } else if (pei instanceof SSAAbstractThrowInstruction) {
        SSAAbstractThrowInstruction s = (SSAAbstractThrowInstruction) pei;
        PointerKey e = heapModel.getPointerKeyForLocal(node, s.getException());
        addEdge(exceptionVar, e);

      // Account for those exceptions for which we do not actually have a
      // points-to set for
      // the pei, but just instance keys
      Collection<TypeReference> types = pei.getExceptionTypes();
      if (types != null) {
        for (TypeReference type : types) {
          if (type != null) {
            InstanceKey ik = heapModel.getInstanceKeyForPEI(node, peiLoc, type);
            assert ik instanceof ConcreteTypeKey
                : "uh oh: need to implement getCaughtException constraints for instance " + ik;
            ConcreteTypeKey ck = (ConcreteTypeKey) ik;
            IClass klass = ck.getType();
            if (PropagationCallGraphBuilder.catches(catchClasses, klass, cha)) {
              addEdge(exceptionVar, ik);