public void saveRules() { try { OutputHandler.SOP("Saving rules"); if (!rulesFile.exists()) rulesFile.createNewFile(); // create streams FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(rulesFile); OutputStreamWriter streamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(stream); BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(streamWriter); writer.write("# " + rulesFile.getName() + " | numbers are automatically added"); writer.newLine(); for (String rule : rules) { writer.write(rule); writer.newLine(); } writer.close(); streamWriter.close(); stream.close(); OutputHandler.SOP("Completed saving rules file."); } catch (Exception e) { Logger lof = OutputHandler.felog; lof.logp( Level.SEVERE, "FEConfig", "Saving Rules", "Error writing the Rules file: " + rulesFile.getName(), e); } }
// this is designed so it will work for any class. public FEConfig() { OutputHandler.SOP("Loading configs"); config = new Configuration(FECONFIG, true); // config.load -- Configurations are loaded on Construction. // load the modules loadModules(); loadCore(); loadCmd(); loadPerms(); // CONFIG TESTING!!!! /* * config.addCustomCategoryComment("TEST", "this is for testing..."); * config.addCustomCategoryComment("TEST.nestedTEST", "MORE TESTING!!!"); * config.get("TEST", "test1", false); * config.get("TEST", "test2", false); * config.get("TEST", "test3", false); * config.get("TEST.nestedTEST", "test1", false); * config.get("TEST.nestedTEST", "test2", false); * config.get("TEST.nestedTEST", "test3", false); * config.get("TEST", "testList", new String[] {"lala", "lala", "lala"}); * config.get("TEST.nestedTEST", "testList", new String[] {"lala", "lala", "lala"}); */ // Finish init and save.; }
public PacketSelectionUpdate(PlayerInfo info) { packet = new Packet250CustomPayload(); ByteArrayOutputStream streambyte = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream stream = new DataOutputStream(streambyte); try { stream.write(packetID); if (info != null && info.getPoint1() != null) { Point p1 = info.getPoint1(); stream.writeBoolean(true); stream.writeInt(p1.x); stream.writeInt(p1.y); stream.writeInt(p1.z); } else stream.writeBoolean(false); if (info != null && info.getPoint2() != null) { Point p2 = info.getPoint2(); stream.writeBoolean(true); stream.writeInt(p2.x); stream.writeInt(p2.y); stream.writeInt(p2.z); } else stream.writeBoolean(false); stream.close(); streambyte.close(); = FECHANNEL; = streambyte.toByteArray(); packet.length =; } catch (Exception e) { OutputHandler.SOP("Error creating packet >> " + this.getClass()); } }
private static void writeNBT(NBTTagCompound tag, File file) { try { // create file/folders if they don;t exist.. if (!file.getParentFile().exists()) file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); // make temp file File temp = new File(file.getPath() + "_tmp"); if (temp.exists()) temp.delete(); // write temp file DataOutputStream stream = new DataOutputStream(new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(temp))); try { NBTBase.writeNamedTag(tag, stream); } finally { stream.close(); } // change from temp to real if (file.exists()) { file.delete(); } if (file.exists()) { throw new IOException("Failed to delete " + file); } else { temp.renameTo(file); } } catch (Exception e) { OutputHandler.SOP("Writing NBT to " + file + " failed"); } }
@Override public void run() { OutputHandler.debug("Started running the logger"); while (run) { try { Thread.sleep(1000 * ModulePlayerLogger.interval); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { } if (buffer.isEmpty()) { OutputHandler.SOP("No logs to make"); } else { OutputHandler.SOP("Making logs"); makeLogs(); OutputHandler.SOP("Done making logs"); } } }
public static void logConfigChange(String category, String prop, String oldVal, String newVal) { SOP( "Config Changed: " + prop + " under " + "category" + " changed from " + oldVal + " to " + newVal); }
public void preLoad(FMLPreInitializationEvent e) { OutputHandler.SOP("Commands module is enabled. Loading..."); conf = new ConfigCmd(); }
public ArrayList<String> loadRules() { // Rules the rules file will be a flat strings file.. nothing special. ArrayList<String> rules = new ArrayList<String>(); // somehow a new rules.txt is generated EVERY load. OutputHandler.SOP("Loading rules"); if (!rulesFile.exists()) { try { OutputHandler.SOP("No rules file found. Generating with default rules.."); rulesFile.createNewFile(); // create streams FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(rulesFile); OutputStreamWriter streamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(stream); BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(streamWriter); writer.write("# " + rulesFile.getName() + " | numbers are automatically added"); writer.newLine(); writer.write("Obey the Admins"); rules.add("Obey the Admins"); writer.newLine(); writer.write("Do not grief"); rules.add("Do not grief"); writer.newLine(); writer.close(); streamWriter.close(); stream.close(); OutputHandler.SOP("Completed generating rules file."); } catch (Exception e) { Logger lof = OutputHandler.felog; lof.logp( Level.SEVERE, "FEConfig", "Generating Rules", "Error writing the Rules file: " + rulesFile.getName(), e); } } else { try { OutputHandler.SOP("Rules file found. Reading..."); FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(rulesFile); InputStreamReader streamReader = new InputStreamReader(stream); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(streamReader); String read = reader.readLine(); int counter = 0; while (read != null) { // ignore the comment things... if (read.startsWith("#")) { read = reader.readLine(); continue; } // add to the rules list. rules.add(read); // read the next string read = reader.readLine(); // increment counter counter++; } reader.close(); streamReader.close(); stream.close(); OutputHandler.SOP("Completed reading rules file. " + counter + " rules read."); } catch (Exception e) { Logger lof = OutputHandler.felog; lof.logp( Level.SEVERE, "FEConfig", "Constructor-Rules", "Error reading or writing the Rules file: " + rulesFile.getName(), e); } } return rules; }
public void preLoad(FMLPreInitializationEvent e) { OutputHandler.SOP("Discovering and loading modules..."); OutputHandler.SOP( "If you would like to disable a module, please look in ForgeEssentials/core.cfg."); modules = new ArrayList<IFEModule>(); IFEModule instance; /* * commands = new ModuleCommands(); * permission = new ModulePermissions(); * worldborder = new ModuleWorldBorder(); * playerLogger = new ModulePlayerLogger(); * economy = new ModuleEconomy(); * chat = new ModuleChat(); * protection = new ModuleProtection(); * snooper = new ModuleSnooper(); */ try { instance = new ModuleWorldControl(); modules.add(instance); OutputHandler.SOP("discoverred " + instance.getClass().toString()); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e1) { // Nothing to see here, carry on, carry on } try { instance = new ModuleBackup(); modules.add(instance); OutputHandler.SOP("discoverred " + instance.getClass().toString()); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e1) { // Nothing to see here, carry on, carry on } try { instance = new ModuleCommands(); modules.add(instance); OutputHandler.SOP("discoverred " + instance.getClass().toString()); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e1) { // Nothing to see here, carry on, carry on } try { instance = new ModulePermissions(); modules.add(instance); OutputHandler.SOP("discoverred " + instance.getClass().toString()); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e1) { // Nothing to see here, carry on, carry on } try { instance = new ModuleWorldBorder(); modules.add(instance); OutputHandler.SOP("discoverred " + instance.getClass().toString()); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e1) { // Nothing to see here, carry on, carry on } try { instance = new ModulePlayerLogger(); modules.add(instance); OutputHandler.SOP("discoverred " + instance.getClass().toString()); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e1) { // Nothing to see here, carry on, carry on } try { instance = new ModuleEconomy(); modules.add(instance); OutputHandler.SOP("discoverred " + instance.getClass().toString()); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e1) { // Nothing to see here, carry on, carry on } try { instance = new ModuleChat(); modules.add(instance); OutputHandler.SOP("discoverred " + instance.getClass().toString()); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e1) { // Nothing to see here, carry on, carry on } try { instance = new ModuleProtection(); modules.add(instance); OutputHandler.SOP("discoverred " + instance.getClass().toString()); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e1) { // Nothing to see here, carry on, carry on } try { instance = new ModuleSnooper(); modules.add(instance); OutputHandler.SOP("discoverred " + instance.getClass().toString()); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e1) { // Nothing to see here, carry on, carry on } for (IFEModule module : modules) module.preLoad(e); boolean generate = false; for (IFEModule module : modules) { IModuleConfig cfg = module.getConfig(); if (cfg != null) { File file = cfg.getFile(); if (!file.getParentFile().exists()) { generate = true; file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } if (!generate && (!file.exists() || !file.isFile())) generate = true; cfg.setGenerate(generate); cfg.init(); } } }
@Override public void preLoad(FMLPreInitializationEvent e) { OutputHandler.SOP("Chat module is enabled. Loading..."); }
// At Dries' request public static void debug(Object msg) { if (verbose) SOP(msg); }