   * Returns whether or not the specified binary slice should be created. The slice should not be
   * created if the vars not compatible.
   * <p>Since we are trying to create all of the invariants, the variables does not have to be a
   * leader and can be a constant. Note that the always missing check is only applicable when the
   * dynamic constants optimization is turned on (so we do not do the check here).
   * @see daikon.PptTopLevel#is_slice_ok(VarInfo, VarInfo)
  public static boolean is_slice_ok(VarInfo v1, VarInfo v2) {

    return v1.compatible(v2);
   * Returns whether or not the specified ternary slice should be created. The slice should not be
   * created if any of the following are true - Any var is an array - Any of the vars are not
   * compatible with the others - Any var is not (integral or float)
   * <p>Since we are trying to create all of the invariants, the variables does not have to be a
   * leader and can be a constant. Note that the always missing check is only applicable when the
   * dynamic constants optimization is turned on (so we do not do the check here). In addition, we
   * do want to create the reflexive ones and partially reflexive invariants.
   * @see daikon.PptTopLevel#is_slice_ok(VarInfo, VarInfo, VarInfo)
  public static boolean is_slice_ok(VarInfo v1, VarInfo v2, VarInfo v3) {

    // Vars must be compatible
    return (v1.compatible(v2) && v1.compatible(v3) && v2.compatible(v3));
  // Note that some slightly inefficient code has been added to aid
  // in debugging. When creating binary and ternary views and debugging
  // is on, the outer loops will not terminate prematurely on innapropriate
  // (i.e., non-canonical) variables. This allows explicit debug statements
  // for each possible combination, simplifying determining why certain
  // slices were not created.
  // Note that '///*' indicates code duplicated from PptTopLevel's
  // version but commented out because DaikonSimple does not need
  // to perform these checks
  public static void instantiate_views_and_invariants(PptTopLevel ppt) {

    // used only for debugging
    int old_num_vars = ppt.var_infos.length;
    int old_num_views = ppt.numViews();
    boolean debug_on = debug.isLoggable(Level.FINE);

    // / 1. all unary views

    // Unary slices/invariants.
    // Currently, there are no constraints on the unary
    // slices. Since we are trying to create all of the invariants, the
    // variables does not have to be a leader and can be a constant.
    // Note that the always missing check is only applicable when the
    // dynamic constants optimization is turned on (so we do not do the
    // check here).

    Vector<PptSlice> unary_views = new Vector<PptSlice>(ppt.var_infos.length);
    for (VarInfo vi : ppt.var_infos) {

      // /* if (!is_slice_ok(vi))
      // /* continue;

      PptSlice1 slice1 = new PptSlice1(ppt, vi);

    unary_views = null;

    // / 2. all binary views

    // Binary slices/invariants.
    Vector<PptSlice> binary_views = new Vector<PptSlice>();
    for (int i1 = 0; i1 < ppt.var_infos.length; i1++) {
      VarInfo var1 = ppt.var_infos[i1];

      // Variables can be constant and missing in DaikonSimple invariants
      // /* if (!is_var_ok_binary(var1))
      // /* continue;

      for (int i2 = i1; i2 < ppt.var_infos.length; i2++) {
        VarInfo var2 = ppt.var_infos[i2];

        // Variables can be constant and missing in DaikonSimple invariants
        // /* if (!is_var_ok_binary(var2))
        // /* continue;

        if (!(var1.compatible(var2)
            || (var1.type.isArray() && var1.eltsCompatible(var2))
            || (var2.type.isArray() && var2.eltsCompatible(var1)))) {

        PptSlice2 slice2 = new PptSlice2(ppt, var1, var2);

    binary_views = null;

    // 3. all ternary views
    Vector<PptSlice> ternary_views = new Vector<PptSlice>();
    for (int i1 = 0; i1 < ppt.var_infos.length; i1++) {
      VarInfo var1 = ppt.var_infos[i1];

      if (!is_var_ok(var1)) continue;

      for (int i2 = i1; i2 < ppt.var_infos.length; i2++) {
        VarInfo var2 = ppt.var_infos[i2];

        if (!is_var_ok(var2)) continue;

        for (int i3 = i2; i3 < ppt.var_infos.length; i3++) {
          VarInfo var3 = ppt.var_infos[i3];

          if (!is_var_ok(var3)) continue;

          if (!is_slice_ok(var1, var2, var3)) {
          PptSlice3 slice3 = new PptSlice3(ppt, var1, var2, var3);


    // This method didn't add any new variables.
    assert old_num_vars == ppt.var_infos.length;