@Test public void testSparkSql() { repl.interpret("case class Person(name:String, age:Int)\n", context); repl.interpret( "val people = sc.parallelize(Seq(Person(\"moon\", 33), Person(\"jobs\", 51), Person(\"gates\", 51), Person(\"park\", 34)))\n", context); assertEquals(Code.SUCCESS, repl.interpret("people.take(3)", context).code()); if (getSparkVersionNumber() <= 11) { // spark 1.2 or later does not allow create multiple SparkContext in the same jvm // by default. // create new interpreter SparkInterpreter repl2 = new SparkInterpreter(getSparkTestProperties()); repl2.setInterpreterGroup(intpGroup); intpGroup.get("note").add(repl2); repl2.open(); repl2.interpret("case class Man(name:String, age:Int)", context); repl2.interpret( "val man = sc.parallelize(Seq(Man(\"moon\", 33), Man(\"jobs\", 51), Man(\"gates\", 51), Man(\"park\", 34)))", context); assertEquals(Code.SUCCESS, repl2.interpret("man.take(3)", context).code()); repl2.close(); } }
@Test public void emptyConfigurationVariablesOnlyForNonSparkProperties() { Properties intpProperty = repl.getProperty(); SparkConf sparkConf = repl.getSparkContext().getConf(); for (Object oKey : intpProperty.keySet()) { String key = (String) oKey; String value = (String) intpProperty.get(key); LOGGER.debug(String.format("[%s]: [%s]", key, value)); if (key.startsWith("spark.") && value.isEmpty()) { assertTrue( String.format("configuration starting from 'spark.' should not be empty. [%s]", key), !sparkConf.contains(key) || !sparkConf.get(key).isEmpty()); } } }
@Test public void testZShow() { String code = ""; repl.interpret("case class Person(name:String, age:Int)\n", context); repl.interpret( "val people = sc.parallelize(Seq(Person(\"moon\", 33), Person(\"jobs\", 51), Person(\"gates\", 51), Person(\"park\", 34)))\n", context); if (getSparkVersionNumber() < 13) { repl.interpret("people.registerTempTable(\"people\")", context); code = "z.show(sqlc.sql(\"select * from people\"))"; } else { code = "z.show(people.toDF)"; } assertEquals(Code.SUCCESS, repl.interpret(code, context).code()); }
@Test public void testReferencingUndefinedVal() { InterpreterResult result = repl.interpret( "def category(min: Int) = {" + " if (0 <= value) \"error\"" + "}", context); assertEquals(Code.ERROR, result.code()); }
@Test public void testEnableImplicitImport() { if (getSparkVersionNumber() >= 13) { // Set option of importing implicits to "true", and initialize new Spark repl Properties p = getSparkTestProperties(); p.setProperty("zeppelin.spark.importImplicit", "true"); SparkInterpreter repl2 = new SparkInterpreter(p); repl2.setInterpreterGroup(intpGroup); intpGroup.get("note").add(repl2); repl2.open(); String ddl = "val df = Seq((1, true), (2, false)).toDF(\"num\", \"bool\")"; assertEquals(Code.SUCCESS, repl2.interpret(ddl, context).code()); repl2.close(); } }
@Test public void testDisableImplicitImport() { if (getSparkVersionNumber() >= 13) { // Set option of importing implicits to "false", and initialize new Spark repl // this test should return error status when creating DataFrame from sequence Properties p = getSparkTestProperties(); p.setProperty("zeppelin.spark.importImplicit", "false"); SparkInterpreter repl2 = new SparkInterpreter(p); repl2.setInterpreterGroup(intpGroup); intpGroup.get("note").add(repl2); repl2.open(); String ddl = "val df = Seq((1, true), (2, false)).toDF(\"num\", \"bool\")"; assertEquals(Code.ERROR, repl2.interpret(ddl, context).code()); repl2.close(); } }
@Test public void testBasicIntp() { assertEquals( InterpreterResult.Code.SUCCESS, repl.interpret("val a = 1\nval b = 2", context).code()); // when interpret incomplete expression InterpreterResult incomplete = repl.interpret("val a = \"\"\"", context); assertEquals(InterpreterResult.Code.INCOMPLETE, incomplete.code()); assertTrue(incomplete.message().length() > 0); // expecting some error // message /* * assertEquals(1, repl.getValue("a")); assertEquals(2, repl.getValue("b")); * repl.interpret("val ver = sc.version"); * assertNotNull(repl.getValue("ver")); assertEquals("HELLO\n", * repl.interpret("println(\"HELLO\")").message()); */ }
/** * Get spark version number as a numerical value. eg. 1.1.x => 11, 1.2.x => 12, 1.3.x => 13 ... */ public static int getSparkVersionNumber() { if (repl == null) { return 0; } String[] split = repl.getSparkContext().version().split("\\."); int version = Integer.parseInt(split[0]) * 10 + Integer.parseInt(split[1]); return version; }
@Test public void testCreateDataFrame() { if (getSparkVersionNumber() >= 13) { repl.interpret("case class Person(name:String, age:Int)\n", context); repl.interpret( "val people = sc.parallelize(Seq(Person(\"moon\", 33), Person(\"jobs\", 51), Person(\"gates\", 51), Person(\"park\", 34)))\n", context); repl.interpret("people.toDF.count", context); assertEquals( new Long(4), context .getResourcePool() .get( context.getNoteId(), context.getParagraphId(), WellKnownResourceName.ZeppelinReplResult.toString()) .get()); } }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { tmpDir = new File( System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir") + "/ZeppelinLTest_" + System.currentTimeMillis()); System.setProperty("zeppelin.dep.localrepo", tmpDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/local-repo"); tmpDir.mkdirs(); if (repl == null) { intpGroup = new InterpreterGroup(); intpGroup.put("note", new LinkedList<Interpreter>()); repl = new SparkInterpreter(getSparkTestProperties()); repl.setInterpreterGroup(intpGroup); intpGroup.get("note").add(repl); repl.open(); } context = new InterpreterContext( "note", "id", "title", "text", new AuthenticationInfo(), new HashMap<String, Object>(), new GUI(), new AngularObjectRegistry(intpGroup.getId(), null), new LocalResourcePool("id"), new LinkedList<InterpreterContextRunner>(), new InterpreterOutput( new InterpreterOutputListener() { @Override public void onAppend(InterpreterOutput out, byte[] line) {} @Override public void onUpdate(InterpreterOutput out, byte[] output) {} })); }
@Test public void shareSingleSparkContext() throws InterruptedException { // create another SparkInterpreter SparkInterpreter repl2 = new SparkInterpreter(getSparkTestProperties()); repl2.setInterpreterGroup(intpGroup); intpGroup.get("note").add(repl2); repl2.open(); assertEquals( Code.SUCCESS, repl.interpret("print(sc.parallelize(1 to 10).count())", context).code()); assertEquals( Code.SUCCESS, repl2.interpret("print(sc.parallelize(1 to 10).count())", context).code()); repl2.close(); }
@Test public void testCompletion() { List<InterpreterCompletion> completions = repl.completion("sc.", "sc.".length()); assertTrue(completions.size() > 0); }
@Test public void testNextLineComments() { assertEquals( InterpreterResult.Code.SUCCESS, repl.interpret("\"123\"\n/*comment here\n*/.toInt", context).code()); }
@Test public void testNextLineCompanionObject() { String code = "class Counter {\nvar value: Long = 0\n}\n // comment\n\n object Counter {\n def apply(x: Long) = new Counter()\n}"; assertEquals(InterpreterResult.Code.SUCCESS, repl.interpret(code, context).code()); }
@Test public void testEndWithComment() { assertEquals( InterpreterResult.Code.SUCCESS, repl.interpret("val c=1\n//comment", context).code()); }
@Test public void testListener() { SparkContext sc = repl.getSparkContext(); assertNotNull(SparkInterpreter.setupListeners(sc)); }
@Test public void testNextLineInvocation() { assertEquals(InterpreterResult.Code.SUCCESS, repl.interpret("\"123\"\n.toInt", context).code()); }