/* package */ void setTheme(Context context, boolean themeDark) {
   mCircleView.setTheme(context, themeDark);
   mAmPmCirclesView.setTheme(context, themeDark);
   mHourRadialTextsView.setTheme(context, themeDark);
   mMinuteRadialTextsView.setTheme(context, themeDark);
   mHourRadialSelectorView.setTheme(context, themeDark);
   mMinuteRadialSelectorView.setTheme(context, themeDark);
   * Initialize the Layout with starting values.
   * @param context
   * @param initialHoursOfDay
   * @param initialMinutes
   * @param is24HourMode
  public void initialize(
      Context context,
      HapticFeedbackController hapticFeedbackController,
      int initialHoursOfDay,
      int initialMinutes,
      boolean is24HourMode) {
    if (mTimeInitialized) {
      Log.e(TAG, "Time has already been initialized.");

    mHapticFeedbackController = hapticFeedbackController;
    mIs24HourMode = is24HourMode;
    mHideAmPm =
            ? true
            : mIs24HourMode;

    // Initialize the circle and AM/PM circles if applicable.
    mCircleView.initialize(context, mHideAmPm);
    if (!mHideAmPm) {
      mAmPmCirclesView.initialize(context, initialHoursOfDay < 12 ? AM : PM);

    // Initialize the hours and minutes numbers.
    Resources res = context.getResources();
    int[] hours = {12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11};
    int[] hours_24 = {0, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23};
    int[] minutes = {0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55};
    String[] hoursTexts = new String[12];
    String[] innerHoursTexts = new String[12];
    String[] minutesTexts = new String[12];
    for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
      hoursTexts[i] =
          is24HourMode ? String.format("%02d", hours_24[i]) : String.format("%d", hours[i]);
      innerHoursTexts[i] = String.format("%d", hours[i]);
      minutesTexts[i] = String.format("%02d", minutes[i]);
        res, hoursTexts, (is24HourMode ? innerHoursTexts : null), mHideAmPm, true);
    mMinuteRadialTextsView.initialize(res, minutesTexts, null, mHideAmPm, false);

    // Initialize the currently-selected hour and minute.
    setValueForItem(HOUR_INDEX, initialHoursOfDay);
    setValueForItem(MINUTE_INDEX, initialMinutes);
    int hourDegrees = (initialHoursOfDay % 12) * HOUR_VALUE_TO_DEGREES_STEP_SIZE;
        context, mHideAmPm, is24HourMode, true, hourDegrees, isHourInnerCircle(initialHoursOfDay));
    int minuteDegrees = initialMinutes * MINUTE_VALUE_TO_DEGREES_STEP_SIZE;
    mMinuteRadialSelectorView.initialize(context, mHideAmPm, false, false, minuteDegrees, false);

    mTimeInitialized = true;
  * Calculate the degrees within the circle that corresponds to the specified coordinates, if the
  * coordinates are within the range that will trigger a selection.
  * @param pointX The x coordinate.
  * @param pointY The y coordinate.
  * @param forceLegal Force the selection to be legal, regardless of how far the coordinates are
  *     from the actual numbers.
  * @param isInnerCircle If the selection may be in the inner circle, pass in a size-1 boolean
  *     array here, inside which the value will be true if the selection is in the inner circle,
  *     and false if in the outer circle.
  * @return Degrees from 0 to 360, if the selection was within the legal range. -1 if not.
 private int getDegreesFromCoords(
     float pointX, float pointY, boolean forceLegal, final Boolean[] isInnerCircle) {
   int currentItem = getCurrentItemShowing();
   if (currentItem == HOUR_INDEX) {
     return mHourRadialSelectorView.getDegreesFromCoords(
         pointX, pointY, forceLegal, isInnerCircle);
   } else if (currentItem == MINUTE_INDEX) {
     return mMinuteRadialSelectorView.getDegreesFromCoords(
         pointX, pointY, forceLegal, isInnerCircle);
   } else {
     return -1;
 /** Set either the hour or the minute. Will set the internal value, and set the selection. */
 private void setItem(int index, int value) {
   if (index == HOUR_INDEX) {
     setValueForItem(HOUR_INDEX, value);
     int hourDegrees = (value % 12) * HOUR_VALUE_TO_DEGREES_STEP_SIZE;
     mHourRadialSelectorView.setSelection(hourDegrees, isHourInnerCircle(value), false);
   } else if (index == MINUTE_INDEX) {
     setValueForItem(MINUTE_INDEX, value);
     int minuteDegrees = value * MINUTE_VALUE_TO_DEGREES_STEP_SIZE;
     mMinuteRadialSelectorView.setSelection(minuteDegrees, false, false);
   * For the currently showing view (either hours or minutes), re-calculate the position for the
   * selector, and redraw it at that position. The input degrees will be snapped to a selectable
   * value.
   * @param degrees Degrees which should be selected.
   * @param isInnerCircle Whether the selection should be in the inner circle; will be ignored if
   *     there is no inner circle.
   * @param forceToVisibleValue Even if the currently-showing circle allows for fine-grained
   *     selection (i.e. minutes), force the selection to one of the visibly-showing values.
   * @param forceDrawDot The dot in the circle will generally only be shown when the selection is on
   *     non-visible values, but use this to force the dot to be shown.
   * @return The value that was selected, i.e. 0-23 for hours, 0-59 for minutes.
  private int reselectSelector(
      int degrees, boolean isInnerCircle, boolean forceToVisibleValue, boolean forceDrawDot) {
    if (degrees == -1) {
      return -1;
    int currentShowing = getCurrentItemShowing();

    int stepSize;
    boolean allowFineGrained = !forceToVisibleValue && (currentShowing == MINUTE_INDEX);
    if (allowFineGrained) {
      degrees = snapPrefer30s(degrees);
    } else {
      degrees = snapOnly30s(degrees, 0);

    RadialSelectorView radialSelectorView;
    if (currentShowing == HOUR_INDEX) {
      radialSelectorView = mHourRadialSelectorView;
    } else {
      radialSelectorView = mMinuteRadialSelectorView;
    radialSelectorView.setSelection(degrees, isInnerCircle, forceDrawDot);

    if (currentShowing == HOUR_INDEX) {
      if (mIs24HourMode) {
        if (degrees == 0 && isInnerCircle) {
          degrees = 360;
        } else if (degrees == 360 && !isInnerCircle) {
          degrees = 0;
      } else if (degrees == 0) {
        degrees = 360;
    } else if (degrees == 360 && currentShowing == MINUTE_INDEX) {
      degrees = 0;

    int value = degrees / stepSize;
    if (currentShowing == HOUR_INDEX && mIs24HourMode && !isInnerCircle && degrees != 0) {
      value += 12;
    return value;
   * Set either minutes or hours as showing.
   * @param animate True to animate the transition, false to show with no animation.
  public void setCurrentItemShowing(int index, boolean animate) {
    if (index != HOUR_INDEX && index != MINUTE_INDEX) {
      Log.e(TAG, "TimePicker does not support view at index " + index);

    int lastIndex = getCurrentItemShowing();
    mCurrentItemShowing = index;

    if (animate && (index != lastIndex)) {
      List<ObjectAnimator> anims = new ArrayList<ObjectAnimator>();
      if (index == MINUTE_INDEX) {
      } else if (index == HOUR_INDEX) {

      if (mTransition != null && mTransition.isRunning()) {
      mTransition = new AnimatorSet();
      mTransition.playTogether(anims.toArray(new ObjectAnimator[anims.size()]));
    } else {
      int hourAlpha = (index == HOUR_INDEX) ? 255 : 0;
      int minuteAlpha = (index == MINUTE_INDEX) ? 255 : 0;
          "set current item showing, no animate, hour alpha:"
              + hourAlpha
              + ", min alpha:"
              + minuteAlpha);
      ViewHelper.setAlpha(mHourRadialTextsView, hourAlpha);
      ViewHelper.setAlpha(mHourRadialSelectorView, hourAlpha);
      ViewHelper.setAlpha(mMinuteRadialTextsView, minuteAlpha);
      ViewHelper.setAlpha(mMinuteRadialSelectorView, minuteAlpha);
   * Set either minutes or hours as showing.
   * @param animate True to animate the transition, false to show with no animation.
  public void setCurrentItemShowing(int index, boolean animate) {
    if (index != HOUR_INDEX && index != MINUTE_INDEX) {
      Log.e(TAG, "TimePicker does not support view at index " + index);

    int lastIndex = getCurrentItemShowing();
    mCurrentItemShowing = index;

    if (animate && (index != lastIndex)) {
      ObjectAnimator[] anims = new ObjectAnimator[4];
      if (index == MINUTE_INDEX) {
        anims[0] = mHourRadialTextsView.getDisappearAnimator();
        anims[1] = mHourRadialSelectorView.getDisappearAnimator();
        anims[2] = mMinuteRadialTextsView.getReappearAnimator();
        anims[3] = mMinuteRadialSelectorView.getReappearAnimator();
      } else if (index == HOUR_INDEX) {
        anims[0] = mHourRadialTextsView.getReappearAnimator();
        anims[1] = mHourRadialSelectorView.getReappearAnimator();
        anims[2] = mMinuteRadialTextsView.getDisappearAnimator();
        anims[3] = mMinuteRadialSelectorView.getDisappearAnimator();

      if (mTransition != null && mTransition.isRunning()) {
      mTransition = new AnimatorSet();
    } else {
      int hourAlpha = (index == HOUR_INDEX) ? 255 : 0;
      int minuteAlpha = (index == MINUTE_INDEX) ? 255 : 0;