  public void testPendingMasterIsElected() {
    // CASE 1: Got MasterIsElected for me - should switch to TO_MASTER
    HighAvailabilityMemberState newState = PENDING.masterIsElected(context, myId);
    assertEquals(TO_MASTER, newState);

    // CASE 2: Got MasterIsElected for someone else - should remain to PENDING
    HighAvailabilityMemberState newStateCase2 = PENDING.masterIsElected(context, new InstanceId(2));
    assertEquals(PENDING, newStateCase2);
  public void testPendingSlaveIsAvailable() {
    // CASE 1: Got SlaveIsAvailable for me - should not happen, that's what TO_SLAVE exists for
    try {
      PENDING.slaveIsAvailable(context, myId, SampleUri);
      fail("Should not accept SlaveIsAvailable for myself from PENDING");
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      // marvellous

    // CASE 2: Got SlaveIsAvailable for someone else - it's ok, remain in PENDING
    HighAvailabilityMemberState newState =
        PENDING.slaveIsAvailable(context, new InstanceId(2), SampleUri);
    assertEquals(PENDING, newState);
  public void testPendingMasterIsAvailable() {
    // CASE 1: Got MasterIsAvailable for me - should not happen
    try {
      PENDING.masterIsAvailable(context, myId, SampleUri);
      fail("Should not accept MasterIsAvailable for myself from PENDING");
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
      // marvellous

    // CASE 2: Got MasterIsAvailable for someone else - should transition to TO_SLAVE
    // TODO test correct info is passed through to context
    HighAvailabilityMemberState newState =
        PENDING.masterIsAvailable(context, new InstanceId(2), SampleUri);
    assertEquals(TO_SLAVE, newState);