  /** Removes the Object identified by the specified id from this Surface's {@link Layout}. */
  public void requestRemove(String id) {
    Node<T> node = layout.getNode(id);
    if (node == null) {

    List<Node<T>> affectedNodes = engine.requestRemoveElement(this, node);

    if (!affectedNodes.isEmpty()) {

      // Signal the client to remove the object associated with the removed "node".
          this, /* isMoveOperation() ? ChangeType.REMOVE_RETAIN : */ ChangeType.REMOVE_DISCARD);

      for (Node<T> n : affectedNodes) {
        n.set(this, ChangeType.RESIZE_RELOCATE);


    } else {
      //////////  VETO REMOVE /////////
   * Begins an "Add" operation which will be "answered" as a response through the {@link
   * SurfaceListener} interface.
   * <p>The {@link MosaicEngine} will respond to this request via the {@link SurfaceListener}
   * interface's methods to instruct the client as to what exact changes need to be made, this
   * allows the client to be totally passive with regard to necessary changes to affect the change
   * in its layout.
  public void requestAdd(T source, String sourceID, T target, Position p) {
    validateAddParams(source, sourceID, target, p);

    Node<T> newNode =
        new Node<>(source, sourceID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Double.MAX_VALUE, 0, Double.MAX_VALUE, 0, 0);
    engine.requestAddElement(this, newNode, getNode(layout.get(target)), p);
  /** Called by client code to begin a layout cycle. */
  public void requestLayout() {
    if (engine == null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("This surface has not been added to a MosaicEngine");

   * Stage one of an incremental programmatic move of an object from one location in the layout to
   * another. This begins a transaction of sorts which must either end with a call to {@link
   * #requestMoveCommit(Object, String)} or {@link #requestMoveReject(Object, String)}. The layout
   * engine will allow no other mutative effects until either of the above two methods are called,
   * signalling the end of the move operation.
   * <p>First, {@link ChangeType#MOVE_BEGIN} will be sent to the client which then can adjust the
   * presentation of the moved object to be viewed as a "ghost" object.
   * <p>Next, this specific phase will detach the object to be moved from its surrounding layout and
   * signal the layout to be altered via the {@link SurfaceListener} interface to adjust surrounding
   * objects within the layout to affect the specified object's removal. A specific {@link
   * ChangeType} will be issued called {@link ChangeType#ANIMATE_RESIZE_RELOCATE} for all objects
   * which this removal will affect, giving the client the opportunity to animate the positional
   * changes incurred during this phase.
   * @param source the object to be moved.
   * @see #requestMove(Object, Object, Position)
   * @see #requestMoveTest(Object, Object, Position)
   * @see #requestMoveCommit(Object, Object, Position)
   * @see #requestMoveReject(Object)
   * @see #requestMoveCancel()
  public void requestMoveBegin(T source) {
    if (locked) return;

    engine.beginDropElement(this, layout.getNode(layout.get(source)));
    if (layoutCopy.get(source).equals(layoutCopy.getRoot().stringID)) {
      nodeCursor = interimLayoutSnapshot.getRoot().stringID;
   * Stage two of an incremental programmatic move of an object from one location in the layout to
   * another. This will signal the engine to respond with a test drop location and size for the
   * source object and a test drop mutation for the target object.
   * @param source the object being moved.
   * @param target the object sharing its boundaries to provide a drop location
   * @param p the quadrant of the target object specifying the drop location.
   * @see #requestMove(Object, Object, Position)
   * @see #requestMoveBegin(Object)
   * @see #requestMoveCommit(Object, Object, Position)
   * @see #requestMoveReject(Object)
   * @see #requestMoveCancel()
  public void requestMoveTest(T source, T target, Position p) {
    if (!locked) return;

  * One of two possible last stages of the move operation. This indicates that the move operation
  * should conclude with the object specified being moved back to its original position and any
  * other objects affected by operations during the "move operation" to be restored to their
  * original location/dimensions.
  * <p>The engine will respond through the {@link SurfaceListener} interface with location
  * instructions for the source object and any other objects necessary. The last instruction will
  * be a {@link ChangeType#MOVE_END} which should signal the client to restore/remove any ghosting
  * effects on the object representing the moved object.
  * @param source the object being moved.
  * @see #requestMove(Object, Object, Position)
  * @see #requestMoveBegin(Object)
  * @see #requestMoveTest(Object, Object, Position)
  * @see #requestMoveCommit(Object, Object, Position)
  * @see #requestMoveReject(Object)
 public void requestMoveCancel(T source) {
   engine.cancelDropElement(this, layoutCopy.getNode(layoutCopy.get(source)));