  public void testMerlinDataLoaderU32() throws Exception {
    final String path = testFileFolder + "I13-20150210-101459-1.mib";
    IDataHolder dataHolder = LoaderFactory.getData(path, null);

    IDataset data = dataHolder.getDataset(0);
    int[] shape = data.getShape();
    assertEquals(515, shape[0], 0.0);
    assertEquals(515, shape[1], 0.0);
  public void testMerlinDataLoader() throws Exception {
    final String path = testFileFolder + "default1.mib";
    IDataHolder dataHolder = LoaderFactory.getData(path, null);

    IDataset data = dataHolder.getDataset(0);
    int[] shape = data.getShape();
    assertEquals(512, shape[0], 0.0);
    assertEquals(512, shape[1], 0.0);
    assertEquals(4095, data.max().intValue(), 0.0);
  public void loadLoaderFactory() throws Exception {

    IDataHolder dataHolder = LoaderFactory.getData(testFileFolder + file, null);

    IDataset data = dataHolder.getDataset("Portable Grey Map");
    // Check the first data point
    assertEquals(data.getDouble(0, 0), 0.0, 0.0);
    // Check the middle data point
    assertEquals(data.getDouble(512, 511), 15104.0, 0.0);
    // Check the last data point
    assertEquals(data.getDouble(1023, 1023), 0.0, 0.0);
  public void lazyLoadLoaderFactory() throws Exception {

    IDataHolder dataHolder = LoaderFactory.getData(testFileFolder + file, true, true, true, null);

    ILazyDataset lazy = dataHolder.getLazyDataset("Portable Grey Map");
    assertArrayEquals(new int[] {1024, 1024}, lazy.getShape());

    IDataset data = lazy.getSlice();
    // Check the first data point
    assertEquals(data.getDouble(0, 0), 0.0, 0.0);
    // Check the middle data point
    assertEquals(data.getDouble(512, 511), 15104.0, 0.0);
    // Check the last data point
    assertEquals(data.getDouble(1023, 1023), 0.0, 0.0);
 public void testLoaderFactory() throws Exception {
   IDataHolder dh = LoaderFactory.getData(testfile1, null);
   if (dh == null || dh.getNames().length < 1) throw new Exception();