public boolean delete() { boolean result = super.delete(); boolean delete_error = false; String errorMsg = "The following relationships were not torn down by the GraphNode.dispose call: "; Graphelement_c testR301Inst1 = Graphelement_c.getOneDIM_GEOnR301(this, false); if (testR301Inst1 != null) { delete_error = true; errorMsg = errorMsg + "301 "; } Shape_c testR19Inst1 = Shape_c.getOneGD_SHPOnR19(this, false); if (testR19Inst1 != null) { delete_error = true; errorMsg = errorMsg + "19 "; } FloatingText_c testR19Inst2 = FloatingText_c.getOneGD_CTXTOnR19(this, false); if (testR19Inst2 != null) { delete_error = true; errorMsg = errorMsg + "19 "; } if (delete_error == true) { if (CanvasPlugin.getDefault().isDebugging()) { Ooaofgraphics.log.println(ILogger.DELETE, "GraphNode", errorMsg); } else { Exception e = new Exception(); e.fillInStackTrace(); CanvasPlugin.logError(errorMsg, e); } } return result; }
// declare transform functions public void Dispose() { Ooaofgraphics.log.println( ILogger.OPERATION, "GraphNode", " Operation entered: Graphnode::Dispose"); final ModelRoot modelRoot = getModelRoot(); Graphelement_c v_element = Graphelement_c.getOneDIM_GEOnR301(this); if (((v_element != null))) { if (v_element != null) { v_element.Dispose(); } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Attempted to call an operation on a null instance.", t); } } else { Shape_c v_shape = Shape_c.getOneGD_SHPOnR19(this); if (((v_shape != null))) { this.unrelateAcrossR19From(v_shape); if (v_shape != null) { v_shape.Dispose(); } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Attempted to call an operation on a null instance.", t); } } FloatingText_c v_ctxt = FloatingText_c.getOneGD_CTXTOnR19(this); if (((v_ctxt != null))) { this.unrelateAcrossR19From(v_ctxt); if (v_ctxt != null) { v_ctxt.Dispose(); } else { Throwable t = new Throwable(); t.fillInStackTrace(); CorePlugin.logError("Attempted to call an operation on a null instance.", t); } } if (delete()) { Ooaofgraphics.getDefaultInstance() .fireModelElementDeleted( new BaseModelDelta(Modeleventnotification_c.DELTA_DELETE, this)); } } } // End dispose