static int apply(Func f, int x)
       // @ requires [_]Func(f, ?level) &*& [2]call_perm(level);
       // @ ensures true;
       // @ terminates;
   // @ open Func(_, _);
   // @ assert [_]f.valid(?level0);
   // @ call_perm_weaken(2, level0);
   // @ f.getClass_le_level();
   // @ consume_call_perm_for(f.getClass());
   return f.apply(x);
  * Applies a comprehension function to each element of a given ArrayList and returns a new
  * ArrayList (with those modification) as a result. The given input ArrayList is not modified. If
  * the comprehension function returns null the according list element is not included in the
  * returned ArrayList. This is the ArrayList version of @link map(List...)
  * @param in input ArrayList
  * @param f comprehension function
  * @return new list that is a comprehension of in (the input ArrayList)
 public static <In, Out> ArrayList<Out> map(ArrayList<In> in, Func<In, Out> f) {
   if (in != null && f != null) {
     ArrayList<Out> out = new ArrayList<Out>(in.size());
     for (int i = 0; i < in.size(); i++) {
       Out o = f.apply(in.get(i));
       if (o != null) {
     return out;
   return null;
  * Applies a comprehension function to each element of a given set and returns a new set (with
  * those modifications) as a result. The given input set is not modified. If the comprehension
  * function returns null the according set element is not included in the returned set.
  * @param in input set
  * @param f comprehension function
  * @return new list that is a comprehension of in (the input set)
 public static <In, Out> Set<Out> map(Set<In> in, Func<In, Out> f) {
   if (in != null) {
     Set<Out> out = new HashSet<Out>(in.size());
     for (In inObj : in) {
       Out o = f.apply(inObj);
       if (o != null) {
     return out;
   return null;
  * Decomposes a given collection containing nested collections and iterates over the elements
  * which can be manipulated with a user- specified function f.
  * @param in Collection containing collection (i.e. Collection<Collection<type>>)
  * @param f function to be applied to individual elements
  * @return collection of all individual elements (if f returns non-null for individual element,
  *     else this element is excluded)
 public static <In, Out> Collection<Out> decomposeCollectionToElements(
     Collection<HashSet<In>> in, Func<In, Out> f) {
   if (in != null) {
     Set<Out> out = new HashSet<Out>(in.size());
     for (Collection<In> inCol : in) {
       for (In inObj : inCol) {
         Out o = f.apply(inObj);
         if (o != null) {
     return out;
   return null;
  * Applies a comprehension function to each element of a given list and manipulates the list
  * according to this function. If the comprehension function returns null, the element is removed
  * from the list.
  * @param list input list
  * @param f comprehension function
 public static <T> void applyToListInPlace(List<T> list, Func<T, T> f) {
   if (list != null && f != null) {
     for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
       T o = f.apply(list.get(i));
       if (o != null) {
         list.set(i, o);
       } else {
   /*ListIterator<T> itr = list.listIterator();
   while (itr.hasNext()) {
       T output = f.apply(;
       if(output != null){
       } else {