protected void renderField(Field<?> field, int index, El target) { String ls = field.getLabelSeparator() != null ? field.getLabelSeparator() : labelSeparator; field.setLabelSeparator(ls); Params p = new Params(); if (hideLabels) { field.setHideLabel(true); } p.add(field.getId()); p.add(field.getFieldLabel()); p.add(labelStyle); p.add(elementStyle); p.add(ls); p.add(field.isHideLabel() ? "x-hide-label" : ""); p.add("x-form-clear-left"); p.add(field.getLabelStyle()); String inputId = field.getId(); p.add(inputId); fieldTemplate.insert(target.dom, index, p); if (field.isRendered()) { target.selectNode(".x-form-el-" + field.getId()).appendChild(field.getElement()); } else { field.render(target.selectNode(".x-form-el-" + field.getId()).dom); } if (field.getStyleName().contains("-wrap")) { inputId += "-input"; target .selectNode(".x-form-el-" + field.getId()) .previousSibling() .setAttribute("for", inputId); } }
/** * Replaces the button icon <b>but</b> does not save icon reference into parent {@code icon} * attribute. * * @param icon The button icon to display. */ private void replaceIcon(final AbstractImagePrototype icon) { if (rendered) { El oldIcon = buttonEl.selectNode("." + baseStyle + "-image"); if (oldIcon != null) { oldIcon.remove(); el().removeStyleName(baseStyle + "-text-icon", baseStyle + "-icon", baseStyle + "-noicon"); } el().addStyleName( (icon != null ? (!Util.isEmptyString(html) ? " " + baseStyle + "-text-icon" : " " + baseStyle + "-icon") : " " + baseStyle + "-noicon")); Element e = null; if (icon != null) { e = (Element) icon.createElement().cast(); Accessibility.setRole(e, "presentation"); fly(e).addStyleName(baseStyle + "-image"); buttonEl.insertFirst(e);; } autoWidth(); alignIcon(e); } }
@Override public void onComponentEvent(ComponentEvent ce) { super.onComponentEvent(ce); switch (ce.getEventTypeInt()) { case Event.ONCLICK: onClick(ce); break; case Event.ONMOUSEMOVE: onMouseMove(ce); break; case Event.ONMOUSEOUT: onMouseOut(ce); break; case Event.ONMOUSEOVER: onMouseOver(ce); break; case Event.ONMOUSEWHEEL: if (enableScrolling) { scrollMenu(ce.getEvent().getMouseWheelVelocityY() < 0); } } El t = ce.getTargetEl(); if (enableScrolling &&".x-menu-scroller")) { switch (ce.getEventTypeInt()) { case Event.ONMOUSEOVER: // deactiveActiveItem(); onScrollerIn(t); break; case Event.ONMOUSEOUT: onScrollerOut(t); break; } } }
protected void createScrollers() { if (el().select(".x-menu-scroller").getLength() == 0) { Listener<ClickRepeaterEvent> listener = new Listener<ClickRepeaterEvent>() { public void handleEvent(ClickRepeaterEvent be) { onScroll(be); } }; El scroller; scroller = new El(DOM.createDiv()); scroller.addStyleName("x-menu-scroller", "x-menu-scroller-top"); scroller.setInnerHtml(" "); ClickRepeater cr = new ClickRepeater(scroller); cr.doAttach(); cr.addListener(Events.OnClick, listener); addAttachable(cr); el().insertFirst(scroller.dom); scroller = new El(DOM.createDiv()); scroller.addStyleName("x-menu-scroller", "x-menu-scroller-bottom"); scroller.setInnerHtml(" "); cr = new ClickRepeater(scroller); cr.doAttach(); cr.addListener(Events.OnClick, listener); addAttachable(cr); el().appendChild(scroller.dom); } }
/** * Sets the button's icon style. The style name should match a CSS style that specifies a * background image using the following format: * * <pre> * * <code> .my-icon { background: url(images/icons/my-icon.png) no-repeat * center left !important; } </code> * * </pre> * * @param icon the icon */ public void setIcon(AbstractImagePrototype icon) { if (rendered) { if (buttonEl.selectNode("img") != null) { buttonEl.selectNode("img").remove(); el().removeStyleName("x-btn-text-icon", "x-btn-icon", "x-btn-noicon"); } el().addStyleName( (icon != null ? ((text != null && text.length() > 0) ? " x-btn-text-icon" : " x-btn-icon") : " x-btn-noicon")); if (icon != null) { Element e = (Element) icon.createElement().cast(); buttonEl.insertFirst(e);; String align = "b-b"; if (iconAlign == IconAlign.BOTTOM) { align = "b-b"; } else if (iconAlign == IconAlign.TOP) { align = "t-t"; } else if (iconAlign == IconAlign.LEFT) { align = "tl-tl"; } else if (iconAlign == IconAlign.RIGHT) { align = "tr-tr"; }, align, null); } } this.icon = icon; }
private El findLabelElement(Component c) { El elem = findItemElement(c); if (elem != null) { return elem.firstChild(); } return null; }
@Override protected void onRender(Element parent, int pos) { setElement(DOM.createFieldSet(), parent, pos); legend = new El(DOM.createLegend()); legend.addStyleName("x-fieldset-header"); if (checkboxToggle && collapsible) { checkbox = DOM.createInputCheck().cast(); sinkEvents(Event.ONCLICK); if (checkboxName != null) { checkbox.setAttribute("name", checkboxName); } legend.appendChild((Element) checkbox.cast()); checkbox.setDefaultChecked(!collapsed); checkbox.setChecked(!collapsed); if (GXT.isAriaEnabled()) { checkbox.setTitle("Expand " + html); } } else if (!checkboxToggle && collapsible) { collapseBtn = new ToolButton("x-tool-toggle"); collapseBtn.addListener( Events.Select, new Listener<ComponentEvent>() { public void handleEvent(ComponentEvent be) { setExpanded(!isExpanded()); } }); collapseBtn.render(legend.dom); collapseBtn.getAriaSupport().setRole("checkbox"); if (GXT.isAriaEnabled()) { collapseBtn.setTitle("Expand " + html); } ComponentHelper.setParent(this, collapseBtn); } heading = DOM.createSpan(); heading.setClassName("x-fieldset-header-text"); legend.appendChild(heading); getElement().appendChild(legend.dom); body = el().appendChild(DOM.createDiv()); if (html != null) { setHeadingHtml(html); } if (collapsed) { onCollapse(); } updateIconTitles(); if (GXT.isFocusManagerEnabled() && !getFocusSupport().isIgnore()) { el().setTabIndex(0); el().setElementAttribute("hideFocus", "true"); sinkEvents(Event.FOCUSEVENTS); } }
@Override protected void onRemove(Component component) { super.onRemove(component); El elem = findItemElement(component); if (elem != null) { elem.removeFromParent(); } }
@Override protected void onComponentShow(Component component) { super.onComponentShow(component); El e = findItemElement(component); if (e != null) { e.removeStyleName(component.getHideMode().value()); } }
protected void onScrollerIn(El t) { boolean top =".x-menu-scroller-top"); if (top ? ul.getScrollTop() > 0 : ul.getScrollTop() + activeMax < ul.dom.getPropertyInt("scrollHeight")) { t.addStyleName("x-menu-item-active", "x-menu-scroller-active"); } }
private El findItemElement(Component c) { if (c != null && c instanceof Field<?> && c.isRendered()) { El elem = target.selectNode(".x-form-el-" + c.getId()); if (elem != null) { return elem.findParent(".x-form-item", 5); } return null; } return null; }
protected void onRender(Element target, int index) { if (template == null) { if (buttonTemplate == null) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append( "<table cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"x-btn\" role=\"presentation\"><tbody class=\"{2}\" >"); sb.append( "<tr><td class=\"x-btn-tl\"><i> </i></td><td class=\"x-btn-tc\"></td><td class=\"x-btn-tr\"><i> </i></td></tr>"); sb.append( "<tr><td class=\"x-btn-ml\"><i> </i></td><td class=\"x-btn-mc\"><em class=\"{3}\" unselectable=\"on\"><button class=\"x-btn-text\" type=\"{1}\">{0}</button></em></td><td class=\"x-btn-mr\"><i> </i></td></tr>"); sb.append( "<tr><td class=\"x-btn-bl\"><i> </i></td><td class=\"x-btn-bc\"></td><td class=\"x-btn-br\"><i> </i></td></tr>"); sb.append("</tbody></table>"); buttonTemplate = new Template(sb.toString()); } template = buttonTemplate; } setElement( template.create( (text != null && text.length() > 0) ? text : " ", getType(), "x-btn-" + + " x-btn-icon-" + + "-" +, getMenuClass()), target, index); super.onRender(target, index); buttonEl = el().selectNode(buttonSelector); buttonEl.makePositionable(); if (getFocusEl() != null) { getFocusEl().addEventsSunk(Event.FOCUSEVENTS); } preview.getIgnoreList().add(getElement()); buttonEl.setTabIndex(0); if (GXT.isAriaEnabled()) { Accessibility.setRole(buttonEl.dom, Accessibility.ROLE_BUTTON); if (menu != null) { Accessibility.setState(buttonEl.dom, "aria-haspopup", "true"); } } sinkEvents(Event.ONCLICK | Event.MOUSEEVENTS | Event.FOCUSEVENTS); }
protected void onScroll(ClickRepeaterEvent ce) { El target = ce.getEl(); boolean top =".x-menu-scroller-top"); scrollMenu(top); if (top ? ul.getScrollTop() <= 0 : ul.getScrollTop() + activeMax >= ul.dom.getPropertyInt("scrollHeight")) { onScrollerOut(target); } }
protected void onClick(ComponentEvent ce) { ce.preventDefault(); if (!disabled) { El aElement = ce.getTarget("a", 3); String className = aElement.getStyleName(); if (className.indexOf("color-") != -1) { select( className.substring(className.indexOf("color-") + 6, className.indexOf("color-") + 12)); } } }
@Override protected int adjustHeightAnchor(int height, Component comp) { if (comp instanceof Field<?>) { Field<?> f = (Field<?>) comp; if (!f.isHideLabel() && labelAlign.equals(LabelAlign.TOP)) { El elem = findLabelElement(comp); if (elem != null) { height -= elem.getHeight(); } } } return super.adjustHeightAnchor(height, comp); }
private El getGroup(String groupName) { El g = el().selectNode("#" + getId() + "-" + groupName); if (g == null) { g = new El(DOM.createDiv()); g.makePositionable(true); g.dom.setAttribute("role", "group"); g.addStyleName(HideMode.OFFSETS.value()); g.addStyleName("x-menu-radio-group"); g.setId(getId() + "-" + groupName); el().appendChild(g.dom); } return g; }
protected void autoWidth() { if (rendered && isAutoWidth()) { setWidth("auto"); if (GXT.isIE) { if (textEl != null) { textEl.clip(); TextMetrics.get().bind(textEl.dom); int adj = iconStyle != null ? 25 : 0; int w = TextMetrics.get().getWidth(text) + adj + 5; textEl.setWidth(w, true); } } } }
/** * Sets the item's icon. * * @param icon the icon */ public void setIcon(AbstractImagePrototype icon) { this.icon = icon; if (rendered) { El node = el().selectNode(".x-tab-image"); if (node != null) { node.remove(); } if (icon != null) { Element e = icon.createElement().cast(); e.setClassName("x-tab-image"); el().appendChild(e); } el().setStyleName("x-tab-with-icon", icon != null); } }
@Override protected void onRender(Element target, int index) { setElement(DOM.createDiv(), target, index); el().makePositionable(true); super.onRender(target, index); ul = new El(DOM.createDiv()); ul.addStyleName(baseStyle + "-list"); getElement().appendChild(ul.dom); // add menu to ignore list eventPreview.getIgnoreList().add(getElement()); el().setTabIndex(0); el().setElementAttribute("hideFocus", "true"); el().addStyleName("x-ignore"); if (GXT.isAriaEnabled()) { Accessibility.setRole(getElement(), "menu"); Accessibility.setRole(ul.dom, "presentation"); handleRadioGroups(); } if (plain) { addStyleName("x-menu-plain"); } if (!showSeparator) { addStyleName("x-menu-nosep"); } sinkEvents(Event.ONCLICK | Event.MOUSEEVENTS | Event.KEYEVENTS | Event.ONMOUSEWHEEL); }
protected Element getTextCellElement(int column) { if (column == 0) { return textSpanEl; } else { return[column]).getSubChild(2); } }
protected void updateCellValues(int col, Element cell, HorizontalAlignment align) { String salign; switch (align) { case START: { if (LocaleInfo.getCurrentLocale().isRTL()) salign = "right"; else salign = "left"; break; } case END: { if (LocaleInfo.getCurrentLocale().isRTL()) salign = "left"; else salign = "right"; break; } default: salign =; } String widthClassName = ((TreeTableItem) item).treeTable.getId() + "-col-" + col; String className = cell.getClassName(); className = (className == null) ? widthClassName : className + " " + widthClassName; cell.setClassName(className); className = DOM.getElementProperty(DOM.getFirstChild(cell), "className"); className = (className == null) ? widthClassName : className + " " + widthClassName; DOM.setElementProperty(DOM.getFirstChild(cell), "className", className);"textAlign", salign); }
protected void clearGroups() { NodeList<Element> groups = el().select(".x-menu-radio-group"); for (int i = 0; i < groups.getLength(); i++) { Element e = groups.getItem(i);; } }
/** * Sets the icon style. * * @param iconStyle the CSS style name */ public void setIconStyle(String iconStyle) { if (this.iconStyle != iconStyle) { if (rendered) { if (this.iconStyle != null) { textEl.removeStyleName("x-status-icon"); textEl.removeStyleName(this.iconStyle); } if (iconStyle != null) { textEl.addStyleName("x-status-icon"); textEl.addStyleName(iconStyle); } autoWidth(); } this.iconStyle = iconStyle; } }
protected void constrainScroll(int y) { int full = ul.setHeight("auto").getHeight(); int max = maxHeight != Style.DEFAULT ? maxHeight : (XDOM.getViewHeight(false) - y); if (full > max && max > 0) { activeMax = max - 10 - scrollerHeight * 2; ul.setHeight(activeMax, true); createScrollers(); } else { ul.setHeight(full, true); NodeList<Element> nodes = el().select(".x-menu-scroller"); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { fly(nodes.getItem(i)).hide(); } } ul.setScrollTop(0); }
protected void autoWidth() { if (rendered && width == null) { setWidth("auto"); if (GXT.isIE7 && GXT.isStrict) { if (buttonEl != null && buttonEl.getWidth() > 20) { buttonEl.clip(); TextMetrics.get().bind(buttonEl.dom); buttonEl.setWidth(TextMetrics.get().getWidth(text) + buttonEl.getFrameWidth("lr"), true); } } if (minWidth != Style.DEFAULT) { if (getWidth() < minWidth) { setWidth(minWidth); } } } }
@Override public void onSelectedChange(boolean selected) { if (item.isRendered()) {"my-treetbl-item-sel", selected); if (!selected) { onMouseOut(null); } } }
/** * Sets the text. * * @param text the text */ public void setText(String text) { if (this.text != text) { this.text = text; if (rendered) { textEl.update((text == null || text.length() == 0) ? " " : text); autoWidth(); } } }
@Override protected void onFocus(ComponentEvent ce) { super.onFocus(ce); if (GXT.isFocusManagerEnabled()) { if (focusWidget != null) {; } } }
private void resizeLiveScroller() { int h = grid.getHeight(true) - mainHd.getHeight(true); if (isHorizontalScrollBarShowing()) { h -= XDOM.getScrollBarWidth(); } if (footer != null) { h -= footer.getHeight(); } liveScroller.setHeight(h, true); }
/** * Sets the button's text. * * @param text the new text */ public void setText(String text) { this.text = text; if (rendered) { if (text != null && text.equals("")) { text = " "; } buttonEl.update(text); autoWidth(); } }