文件: Ads.java 项目: habib123/SEBA
  public static void viewAd(String id) {

    Ad ad = Ad.findById(Long.parseLong(id));
    List<Category> cats = Category.find("categorytype_id=?1 order by id", "1").fetch();

    EntityManager entityManager = play.db.jpa.JPA.em();
    List<BigInteger> bCounts =
                "select count(*) as maxCount from Ad as a group by category_id order by maxCount")
    int min = bCounts.get(0).intValue();
    int max = bCounts.get(bCounts.size() - 1).intValue();
    bCounts =
                "select count(*) as maxCount from Ad as a group by category_id order by category_id ")
    List<String> fonts = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (int i = 0; i < bCounts.size(); i++) {
      BigInteger count = bCounts.get(i);
      int x = Ads.getFontSize(count.intValue(), min, max);

    render(ad, fonts, min, max, cats);
文件: Ads.java 项目: habib123/SEBA
  public static void createAd(@Valid Ad ad, File photo) throws IOException {

    DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
    // get current date time with Date()
    Date date = new Date();
    ad.createDate = dateFormat.format(date);
    ad.student = Student.findById(1l);
    // ad.category=Category.findById(ad.category.id);
    File d = new File(Play.applicationPath.getAbsolutePath() + "/public/img/ads");
    // if(d.exists()){
    String suffix = FilenameUtils.getExtension(photo.getName());
    File o = File.createTempFile("ad-", "." + suffix, d);

    InputStream input = new FileInputStream(photo);
    OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(o);
    ad.image = o.getName();

    try {
      IOUtils.copy(input, output);
    } finally {

    Ads.index(1, ad.category.id.toString());
  public Ad parseInto(Ad ad) {
    char open = expect(OB);

    for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
      char c = saved = discardIgnored(SEP + WS);

      // Check for end of ad.
      if (check(c, CB)) {
        return ad;

      // Discard any extraneous separators or newlines.
      saved = discardIgnored(SEP + WS);

      // Read the first token.
      Object o = readValue();

      // Check if it's anonymous or not.
      // FIXME: These switch cases should not be hardcoded...
      switch (c = expect(EQ + SEP + CB, " \t\b")) {
        case ':': // Check for assignment.
        case '=':
          // Determine the key.
          String k = o.toString();
          o = findValue();
          // Insert into ad as key-value pair.
          if (o instanceof Atom) ad.putObject(k, ((Atom) o).eval());
          else ad.putObject(k, o);
          if (open > 0 && ad instanceof ParsedAd) ((ParsedAd) ad).setHint(open);
          open = 0;
        case '}': // Check for end and push char back if found.
        case ']':
        case ')':
        case '>':
          saved = c;
        case ',': // Check for separator.
        case ';':
        case '&':
        case ' ':
        case '\r':
        case '\n':
          // Insert into ad as list item.
          if (o instanceof Atom) ad.putObject(((Atom) o).eval());
          else ad.putObject(o);
          if (open > 0 && ad instanceof ParsedAd) ((ParsedAd) ad).setHint(open);
          open = 0;
文件: Ads.java 项目: habib123/SEBA
  public static void list(
      String search, int category, Integer size, Integer page, int firstPage, int lastPage) {
    List<Ad> ads = null;

    List<Category> cats = Category.find("categorytype_id=?1", "1").fetch();

    EntityManager entityManager = play.db.jpa.JPA.em();
    List<BigInteger> bCounts =
                "select count(*) as maxCount from Ad as a group by category_id order by maxCount")
    int min = bCounts.get(0).intValue();
    int max = bCounts.get(bCounts.size() - 1).intValue();
    bCounts =
                "select count(*) as maxCount from Ad as a group by category_id order by category_id ")
    List<String> fonts = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (int i = 0; i < bCounts.size(); i++) {
      BigInteger count = bCounts.get(i);
      int x = Ads.getFontSize(count.intValue(), min, max);

    int pagesCount = 0;

    page = page != null ? page : 1;
    if (search.trim().length() == 0) {
      Long l = null;
      if (category == 0) {

        ads = Ad.find("order by createDate desc").fetch(page, size);
        l = Ad.count();
      } else {

        ads = Ad.find(" category_id=?1 order by createDate desc", category).fetch(page, size);
        l = Ad.count(" category_id=?1 ", category);

      Long l2 = (l / 10);
      if ((l % 10) > 0) l2 = (long) (Math.floor(l2) + 1);
      pagesCount = Integer.valueOf(l2.intValue());

    } else {
      search = search.toLowerCase();
      Long l = null;
      if (category == 0) {
        ads =
                    "(lower(headline) like ?1 OR lower(description) like ?2)",
                    "%" + search + "%",
                    "%" + search + "%")
                .fetch(page, size);
        l =
                "(lower(headline) like ?1 OR lower(description) like ?2)",
                "%" + search + "%",
                "%" + search + "%");
      } else {
        ads =
                    " category_id=?1 and (lower(headline) like ?2 OR lower(description) like ?3)",
                    "%" + search + "%",
                    "%" + search + "%")
                .fetch(page, size);
        l =
                "category_id=?1 and (lower(headline) like ?2 OR lower(description) like ?3)",
                "%" + search + "%",
                "%" + search + "%");

      Long l2 = (l / 10);
      if ((l % 10) > 0) l2 = (long) (Math.floor(l2) + 1);
      pagesCount = Integer.valueOf(l2.intValue());

    if ((lastPage - page) <= 2) {
      firstPage = page - 2;
      lastPage = page + 7;
      if (lastPage > pagesCount) lastPage = pagesCount;

    } else if ((page - firstPage) <= 2) {
      firstPage = page - 7;
      lastPage = page + 2;
      if (firstPage < 1) {
        firstPage = 1;
        lastPage = 10;

    if (lastPage > pagesCount) lastPage = pagesCount;

    render(ads, search, size, page, pagesCount, firstPage, lastPage, cats, fonts);