Пример #1
   * handles the updating of associative links, references times, and context/needed tallies. should
   * also handle similarities, but that is not implemented yet and will be by the six version of
   * this.<br>
   * The updating is done here since the listener is removed after encoding, so the master chunk
   * will not have this listener attached
   * @param event
   * @see
   *     org.jactr.core.chunk.event.ChunkListenerAdaptor#mergingInto(org.jactr.core.chunk.event.ChunkEvent)
  public void mergingInto(ChunkEvent event) {
    IChunk self = event.getSource();
    IChunk master = event.getChunk();

    ISubsymbolicChunk4 selfSSC = (ISubsymbolicChunk4) self.getSubsymbolicChunk();
    ISubsymbolicChunk4 masterSSC = (ISubsymbolicChunk4) master.getSubsymbolicChunk();

    // update the references for master

    masterSSC.setTimesInContext(masterSSC.getTimesInContext() + selfSSC.getTimesInContext());
    masterSSC.setTimesNeeded(masterSSC.getTimesNeeded() + selfSSC.getTimesNeeded());

     * and refs
    IReferences refs = masterSSC.getReferences();
    for (double refTime : selfSSC.getReferences().getTimes()) refs.addReferenceTime(refTime);

    // will allocate
    Collection<Link> links = selfSSC.getIAssociations(null);

    for (Link iLink : links) {
      IChunk iChunk = iLink.getIChunk();
      Link masterLink = masterSSC.getIAssociation(iChunk);
      if (masterLink != null) {
        /** need to merge the links */
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
          LOGGER.debug(master + " already linked to " + iChunk + ", merging");
        masterLink.setCount(Math.max(masterLink.getCount(), iLink.getCount()));
        masterLink.setStrength(Math.max(masterLink.getStrength(), iLink.getStrength()));
      } else {
        /** add the link to master */
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
          LOGGER.debug(master + " not already linked to " + iChunk + ", linking.");
        Link newLink = new Link(master, iChunk, iLink.getCount(), iLink.getStrength());
        ((ISubsymbolicChunk4) iChunk.getSubsymbolicChunk()).addLink(newLink);

       * reduce the count so that we are sure we're removing the link
      ((ISubsymbolicChunk4) iChunk.getSubsymbolicChunk()).removeLink(iLink);

    links = selfSSC.getJAssociations(links);

    for (Link jLink : links) {
      IChunk jChunk = jLink.getJChunk();
      Link masterLink = masterSSC.getIAssociation(jChunk);
      if (masterLink != null) {
        /** need to merge the links */
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
          LOGGER.debug(jChunk + " already linked to " + master + ", merging");
        masterLink.setCount(Math.max(masterLink.getCount(), jLink.getCount()));
        masterLink.setStrength(Math.max(masterLink.getStrength(), jLink.getStrength()));

      } else {
        /** add the link to master */
        if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
          LOGGER.debug(jChunk + " not already linked to " + master + ", linking.");
        Link newLink = new Link(jChunk, master, jLink.getCount(), jLink.getStrength());
        ((ISubsymbolicChunk4) jChunk.getSubsymbolicChunk()).addLink(newLink);

       * reduce the count so that we are sure we're removing the link
      ((ISubsymbolicChunk4) jChunk.getSubsymbolicChunk()).removeLink(jLink);
Пример #2
  public void slotChanged(ChunkEvent ce) {
    IChunk iChunk = ce.getSource();
    Object oldValue = ce.getOldSlotValue();
    Object newValue = ce.getNewSlotValue();

    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
      LOGGER.debug(iChunk + "." + ce.getSlotName() + "=" + newValue + " (was " + oldValue + ")");

     * we can only do this if ISubsymbolicChunk is ISubsymbolicChunk4
    if (!(iChunk.getSubsymbolicChunk() instanceof ISubsymbolicChunk4)) {
      if (LOGGER.isWarnEnabled())
            "Can only adjust associative links if the chunk's subsymbolic is derived from ISubsymbolicChunk4");

     * I chunk is the owner that references J
    ISubsymbolicChunk4 sscI = (ISubsymbolicChunk4) iChunk.getSubsymbolicChunk();

     * first the old chunk value..
    if (oldValue instanceof IChunk) {
      IChunk jChunk = (IChunk) oldValue;
      if (jChunk.getSubsymbolicChunk() instanceof ISubsymbolicChunk4) {
        ISubsymbolicChunk4 sscJ = (ISubsymbolicChunk4) jChunk.getSubsymbolicChunk();

        Link sJI = sscJ.getIAssociation(iChunk);

        if (sJI != null) {
          if (sJI.getCount() == 0) {
            if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
              LOGGER.debug("Removing link between " + iChunk + " and " + jChunk + " : " + sJI);
          } else if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                "Multiple links established between "
                    + iChunk
                    + " and "
                    + jChunk
                    + " decrementing : "
                    + sJI);
      } else if (LOGGER.isWarnEnabled())
            "old value " + jChunk + " doesn't have a ISubsymbolicChunk4, nothing to be done");

     * now for the new one
    if (newValue instanceof IChunk) {
      IChunk jChunk = (IChunk) newValue;
      if (jChunk.getSubsymbolicChunk() instanceof ISubsymbolicChunk4) {
        ISubsymbolicChunk4 sscJ = (ISubsymbolicChunk4) jChunk.getSubsymbolicChunk();

        Link sJI = sscJ.getIAssociation(iChunk);
         * is this a new linkage?
        if (sJI == null) {
          sJI = new Link(jChunk, iChunk);
          if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
            LOGGER.debug("Adding link between " + iChunk + " and " + jChunk + " : " + sJI);
        } else {
          sJI.increment(); // not new, but we need to increment the link
          if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
                "Link already established between "
                    + iChunk
                    + " and "
                    + jChunk
                    + " incrementing : "
                    + sJI);
      } else if (LOGGER.isWarnEnabled())
            "new value " + jChunk + " doesn't have a ISubsymbolicChunk4, nothing to be done");