Пример #1
   * Create URI as string for a given handle and optional bitstream. URI is relative to top of DAV
   * hierarchy, but starts with '/'.
   * @param handle handle of a DSpace object (Item, Collection, etc)
   * @param bsPid bitstream persistent identifier.
   * @return "absolute" URI from top of DAV hierarchy
   * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
   * @throws SQLException the SQL exception
  protected String makeURI(String handle, String bsPid) throws IOException, SQLException {
    try {
      ResolvableIdentifier dsi = IdentifierService.resolve(context, handle);
      DSpaceObject dso = (DSpaceObject) IdentifierService.getResource(context, dsi);

      if (dso == null) {
        return null;
      return makeURI(dso, bsPid);
    } catch (IdentifierException e) {
      log.error("caught exception: ", e);
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
   * Utility method obtain URLs for the most recent items
   * @param context DSpace context
   * @param items the items to get URLs for
   * @return an array of URLs (in Strings) corresponding to those items
  private String[] getItemURLs(Context context, List items) throws SQLException {
    String[] urls = new String[items.size()];

    for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
      Item item = (Item) items.get(i);
      urls[i] = IdentifierService.getURL(item).toString();

    return urls;
   * Show a community home page, or deal with button press on home page
   * @param context Context object
   * @param request the HTTP request
   * @param response the HTTP response
   * @param community the community
  private void communityHome(
      Context context,
      HttpServletRequest request,
      HttpServletResponse response,
      Community community)
      throws ServletException, IOException, SQLException {
    // Handle click on a browse or search button
    if (!handleButton(request, response, IdentifierService.getURL(community))) {
      // No button pressed, display community home page
          LogManager.getHeader(context, "view_community", "community_id=" + community.getID()));

      // Get the collections within the community
      Collection[] collections = (Collection[]) community.getCollections().toArray();

      // get any subcommunities of the community
      Community[] subcommunities = (Community[]) community.getSubCommunities().toArray();

      // perform any necessary pre-processing
      preProcessCommunityHome(context, request, response, community);

      // is the user a COMMUNITY_EDITOR?
      //            if (community.canEditBoolean())
      if (AuthorizeManager.canEdit(community, context)) {
        // set a variable to create an edit button
        request.setAttribute("editor_button", new Boolean(true));

      // can they add to this community?
      if (AuthorizeManager.authorizeActionBoolean(context, community, Constants.ADD)) {
        // set a variable to create an edit button
        request.setAttribute("add_button", new Boolean(true));

      // can they remove from this community?
      if (AuthorizeManager.authorizeActionBoolean(context, community, Constants.REMOVE)) {
        // set a variable to create an edit button
        request.setAttribute("remove_button", new Boolean(true));

      // Forward to community home page
      request.setAttribute("community", community);
      request.setAttribute("collections", collections);
      request.setAttribute("subcommunities", subcommunities);
      JSPManager.showJSP(request, response, "/community-home.jsp");
   * Show a collection home page, or deal with button press on home page
   * @param context Context object
   * @param request the HTTP request
   * @param response the HTTP response
   * @param community the community
   * @param collection the collection
  private void collectionHome(
      Context context,
      HttpServletRequest request,
      HttpServletResponse response,
      Community community,
      Collection collection)
      throws ServletException, IOException, SQLException, AuthorizeException {
    // Handle click on a browse or search button
    if (!handleButton(request, response, IdentifierService.getURL(community))) {
      // Will need to know whether to commit to DB
      boolean updated = false;

      // No search or browse button pressed, check for
      if (request.getParameter("submit_subscribe") != null) {
        // Subscribe button pressed.
        // Only registered can subscribe, so redirect unless logged in.
        if (context.getCurrentUser() == null
            && !Authenticate.startAuthentication(context, request, response)) return;
        else {
          SubscriptionManager.subscribe(context, context.getCurrentUser(), collection);
          updated = true;
      } else if (request.getParameter("submit_unsubscribe") != null) {
        SubscriptionManager.unsubscribe(context, context.getCurrentUser(), collection);
        updated = true;

      // display collection home page
          LogManager.getHeader(context, "view_collection", "collection_id=" + collection.getID()));

      // perform any necessary pre-processing
      preProcessCollectionHome(context, request, response, collection);

      // Is the user logged in/subscribed?
      EPerson e = context.getCurrentUser();
      boolean subscribed = false;

      if (e != null) {
        subscribed = SubscriptionManager.isSubscribed(context, e, collection);

        // is the user a COLLECTION_EDITOR?
        //                if (collection.canEditBoolean())
        if (AuthorizeManager.canEdit(collection, context)) {
          // set a variable to create an edit button
          request.setAttribute("editor_button", new Boolean(true));

        // can they admin this collection?
        if (AuthorizeManager.authorizeActionBoolean(
            context, collection, Constants.COLLECTION_ADMIN)) {
          request.setAttribute("admin_button", new Boolean(true));

          // give them a button to manage submitter list
          // what group is the submitter?
          Group group = collection.getSubmitters();

          if (group != null) {
            request.setAttribute("submitters", group);

        // can they submit to this collection?
        if (AuthorizeManager.authorizeActionBoolean(context, collection, Constants.ADD)) {
          request.setAttribute("can_submit_button", new Boolean(true));

        } else {
          request.setAttribute("can_submit_button", new Boolean(false));

      // Forward to collection home page
      request.setAttribute("collection", collection);
      request.setAttribute("community", community);
      request.setAttribute("logged.in", new Boolean(e != null));
      request.setAttribute("subscribed", new Boolean(subscribed));
      JSPManager.showJSP(request, response, "/collection-home.jsp");

      if (updated) {
Пример #5
   * Send a redirect (302) response to client with DAV URL of the resource for this handle and/or
   * bitstream. Puts URL in the <code>Location:</code> header.
   * @return URL in string form for desired DAV resource.
   * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
   * @throws SQLException the SQL exception
   * @throws DAVStatusException the DAV status exception
   * @throw IOException
   * @throw SQLException
  private void doRedirect() throws IOException, SQLException, DAVStatusException {
    try {
      DSpaceObject dso = null;
      String bsPid = null;

       * FIXME: (maybe?) NOTE: This is currently hard-wired to accomodate the
       * syntax of Handles, with "prefix/suffix" separated by the slash --
       * that means the Handle probably takes up multiple path elements,
       * unless the client escaped the '/'. This code *might* need adjusting
       * if we allow other kinds of persistent identifiers for DSpace objects.
      int hdlStart = -1;
      if (this.pathElt.length > 2 && this.pathElt[1].equals("handle")) {
        hdlStart = 2;
      } else if (this.pathElt.length > 3 && this.pathElt[1].equals("bitstream-handle")) {
        bsPid = this.pathElt[2];
        hdlStart = 3;
      } else {
        throw new DAVStatusException(
            HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Unrecognized 'lookup' request format.");
      String prefix = decodeHandle(this.pathElt[hdlStart]);
      String handle = null;

      // if "prefix" contains a slash, then it's the whole handle:
      if (prefix.indexOf("/") >= 0) {
        handle = prefix;
        log.debug("Lookup: resolving escaped handle \"" + handle + "\"");
      } else if (this.pathElt.length >= hdlStart + 2) {
        StringBuffer hdl = new StringBuffer(prefix);
        for (int i = hdlStart + 1; i < this.pathElt.length; ++i) {
        handle = hdl.toString();
        log.debug("Lookup: resolving multielement handle \"" + handle + "\"");
      } else {
        throw new DAVStatusException(
            HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Incomplete handle in lookup request.");

      // did handle lookup fail?
      ResolvableIdentifier dsi = IdentifierService.resolve(context, handle);
      dso = (DSpaceObject) IdentifierService.getResource(context, dsi);

      if (dso == null) {
        throw new DAVStatusException(
            HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, "Cannot resolve handle \"" + handle + "\"");

      // bitstream must exist too
      String location = makeLocation(dso, bsPid);
      if (location == null) {
        throw new DAVStatusException(
            "Bitstream \"" + bsPid + "\" does not exist in \"" + handle + "\"");

      // add query string -- unnecessary, but it helps naive clients that
      // use GET with "package" query arg to download an Item.
      String qs = this.request.getQueryString();
      if (qs != null) {
        location += "?" + qs;

      log.debug("Lookup returning redirect to: " + location);
      this.response.setHeader("Location", location);
          "These are not the droids you are looking for.");
    } catch (IdentifierException e) {
      log.error("caught exception: ", e);
      throw new RuntimeException(e);