public List<OWLOntologyChange> addMatrixValue(OWLObject rowObj, Object columnObj, Object value) { if (columnObj instanceof OWLObjectProperty) { Set<OWLNamedIndividual> values = null; if (value instanceof OWLNamedIndividual) { values = Collections.singleton((OWLNamedIndividual) value); } else if (value instanceof Set) { // @@TODO check the contents of the set values = (Set<OWLNamedIndividual>) value; } if (values != null) { return helper.addRelationships( (OWLNamedIndividual) rowObj, (OWLObjectProperty) columnObj, values, mngr.getActiveOntology()); } } else if (columnObj instanceof OWLDataProperty) { Set<OWLLiteral> values = null; if (value instanceof OWLLiteral) { values = Collections.singleton((OWLLiteral) value); } else if (value instanceof Set) { // @@TODO check the contents of the set values = (Set<OWLLiteral>) value; } if (values != null) { return helper.addRelationships( (OWLNamedIndividual) rowObj, (OWLDataProperty) columnObj, values, mngr.getActiveOntology()); } } return super.addMatrixValue(rowObj, columnObj, value); }
public Object getMatrixValue(OWLObject entity, Object prop) { if (entity instanceof OWLIndividual) { if (prop instanceof OWLObjectProperty) { return helper.getRelationships((OWLIndividual) entity, (OWLObjectProperty) prop); } else if (prop instanceof OWLDataProperty) { return helper.getRelationships((OWLIndividual) entity, (OWLDataProperty) prop); } else { return super.getMatrixValue(entity, prop); } } return null; }
public List<OWLOntologyChange> setMatrixValue(OWLObject ind, Object prop, Object value) { if (prop instanceof OWLObjectProperty) { return helper.setRelationships( (OWLNamedIndividual) ind, (OWLObjectProperty) prop, (Set<OWLNamedIndividual>) value, mngr.getActiveOntology()); } else if (prop instanceof OWLDataProperty) { return helper.setRelationships( (OWLNamedIndividual) ind, (OWLDataProperty) prop, (Set<OWLLiteral>) value, mngr.getActiveOntology()); } else { return super.setMatrixValue(ind, prop, value); } }