@SuppressWarnings("Unchecked") public static Object checkImmutable(Class<?> clazz, String fieldName, Object field) { Immutable immutable = (Immutable) clazz.getAnnotation(MY_CLASS); List<Class> knownImmutableClasses = new ArrayList<Class>(); if (immutable != null && immutable.knownImmutableClasses().length > 0) { knownImmutableClasses = Arrays.asList(immutable.knownImmutableClasses()); } if (field == null || field instanceof Enum || inImmutableList(field.getClass().getName()) || knownImmutableClasses.contains(field.getClass())) return field; if (field instanceof Collection) return DefaultGroovyMethods.asImmutable((Collection) field); if (field.getClass().getAnnotation(MY_CLASS) != null) return field; final String typeName = field.getClass().getName(); throw new RuntimeException( createErrorMessage(clazz.getName(), fieldName, typeName, "constructing")); }
private static void addPhaseOperationsForGlobalTransforms( CompilationUnit compilationUnit, Map<String, URL> transformNames, boolean isFirstScan) { GroovyClassLoader transformLoader = compilationUnit.getTransformLoader(); for (Map.Entry<String, URL> entry : transformNames.entrySet()) { try { Class gTransClass = transformLoader.loadClass(entry.getKey(), false, true, false); // no inspection unchecked GroovyASTTransformation transformAnnotation = (GroovyASTTransformation) gTransClass.getAnnotation(GroovyASTTransformation.class); if (transformAnnotation == null) { compilationUnit .getErrorCollector() .addWarning( new WarningMessage( WarningMessage.POSSIBLE_ERRORS, "Transform Class " + entry.getKey() + " is specified as a global transform in " + entry.getValue().toExternalForm() + " but it is not annotated by " + GroovyASTTransformation.class.getName() + " the global transform associated with it may fail and cause the compilation to fail.", null, null)); continue; } if (ASTTransformation.class.isAssignableFrom(gTransClass)) { final ASTTransformation instance = (ASTTransformation) gTransClass.newInstance(); if (instance instanceof CompilationUnitAware) { ((CompilationUnitAware) instance).setCompilationUnit(compilationUnit); } CompilationUnit.SourceUnitOperation suOp = new CompilationUnit.SourceUnitOperation() { public void call(SourceUnit source) throws CompilationFailedException { instance.visit(new ASTNode[] {source.getAST()}, source); } }; if (isFirstScan) { compilationUnit.addPhaseOperation(suOp, transformAnnotation.phase().getPhaseNumber()); } else { compilationUnit.addNewPhaseOperation( suOp, transformAnnotation.phase().getPhaseNumber()); } } else { compilationUnit .getErrorCollector() .addError( new SimpleMessage( "Transform Class " + entry.getKey() + " specified at " + entry.getValue().toExternalForm() + " is not an ASTTransformation.", null)); } } catch (Exception e) { compilationUnit .getErrorCollector() .addError( new SimpleMessage( "Could not instantiate global transform class " + entry.getKey() + " specified at " + entry.getValue().toExternalForm() + " because of exception " + e.toString(), null)); } } }