protected String retrieveServerResponse(String text) { Request req = Request.Post(getTagMeServiceUrl().toString()); req.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); req.bodyForm( Form.form() .add("text", text) .add("gcube-token", getApiKey()) .add("lang", getLanguageCode()) .add("tweet", getIsTweet().toString()) .add("include_abstract", "false") .add("include_categories", "false") .add("include_all_spots", "false") .add("long_text", "0") .add("epsilon", getEpsilon().toString()) .build(), Consts.UTF_8); logger.debug("Request is " + req); Response res = null; try { res = req.execute(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new GateRuntimeException("Problem executing HTTP request: " + req, ex); } Content cont = null; try { cont = res.returnContent(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new GateRuntimeException("Problem getting HTTP response content: " + res, ex); } String ret = cont.asString(); logger.debug("TagMe server response " + ret); return ret; }
private String loginWith(String username, String password) throws IOException { return Request.Post("http://localhost:8080/session") .bodyForm(Form.form().add("username", username).add("password", password).build()) .execute() .returnContent() .asString(); }
@When("^\"([^\"]*)\" upload a content without content type$") public void userUploadContentWithoutContentType(String username) throws Throwable { AccessToken accessToken = userStepdefs.tokenByUser.get(username); Request request = Request.Post(uploadUri).bodyByteArray("some text".getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)); if (accessToken != null) { request.addHeader("Authorization", accessToken.serialize()); } response = request.execute().returnResponse(); }
@When("^\"([^\"]*)\" upload a too big content$") public void userUploadTooBigContent(String username) throws Throwable { AccessToken accessToken = userStepdefs.tokenByUser.get(username); Request request = Request.Post(uploadUri) .bodyStream( new BufferedInputStream(new ZeroedInputStream(_10M), _10M), org.apache.http.entity.ContentType.DEFAULT_BINARY); if (accessToken != null) { request.addHeader("Authorization", accessToken.serialize()); } response = request.execute().returnResponse(); }
@When("^\"([^\"]*)\" upload a content$") public void userUploadContent(String username) throws Throwable { AccessToken accessToken = userStepdefs.tokenByUser.get(username); Request request = Request.Post(uploadUri) .bodyStream( new BufferedInputStream(new ZeroedInputStream(_1M), _1M), org.apache.http.entity.ContentType.DEFAULT_BINARY); if (accessToken != null) { request.addHeader("Authorization", accessToken.serialize()); } response = Executor.newInstance(HttpClientBuilder.create().disableAutomaticRetries().build()) .execute(request) .returnResponse(); }
/** * Create and POST a request to the Watson service * * @param req the Http Servlet request * @param resp the Http Servlet response * @throws ServletException the servlet exception * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. */ @Override protected void doPost(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { req.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); try { String reqURI = req.getRequestURI(); String endpoint = reqURI.substring(reqURI.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); String url = baseURL + "/v1/" + endpoint; // concatenate query params String queryStr = req.getQueryString(); if (queryStr != null) { url += "?" + queryStr; } URI uri = new URI(url).normalize();"posting to " + url); Request newReq = Request.Post(uri); newReq.addHeader("Accept", "application/json"); String metadata = req.getHeader("x-watson-metadata"); if (metadata != null) { metadata += "client-ip:" + req.getRemoteAddr(); newReq.addHeader("x-watson-metadata", metadata); } InputStreamEntity entity = new InputStreamEntity(req.getInputStream()); newReq.bodyString(EntityUtils.toString(entity, "UTF-8"), ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON); Executor executor = this.buildExecutor(uri); Response response = executor.execute(newReq); HttpResponse httpResponse = response.returnResponse(); resp.setStatus(httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); ServletOutputStream servletOutputStream = resp.getOutputStream(); httpResponse.getEntity().writeTo(servletOutputStream); servletOutputStream.flush(); servletOutputStream.close();"post done"); } catch (Exception e) { // Log something and return an error message logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "got error: " + e.getMessage(), e); resp.setStatus(HttpStatus.SC_BAD_GATEWAY); } }
public Object set4(String name, Object value, Boolean unset, Boolean sync) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { Form form = Form.form().add("name", name).add("sync", sync.toString()).add("session", this.session); if (!unset) { form.add("value", mapper.writeValueAsString(value)); } String reply = Request.Post(urlBase + "/set") .addHeader("Authorization", auth) .bodyForm( .execute() .returnContent() .asString(); if (!reply.equals("ok")) { throw new RuntimeException(reply); } return value; }
private void createMetadataAndTestData(String aggregationsMetadata) throws Exception { // get the collection etag String etag = getEtag(collectionTmpUri); // post some data String[] data = new String[] { "{\"name\":\"a\",\"age\":10}", "{\"name\":\"a\",\"age\":20}", "{\"name\":\"a\",\"age\":30}", "{\"name\":\"b\",\"age\":40}", "{\"name\":\"b\",\"age\":50}", "{\"name\":\"b\",\"age\":60}", "{\"obj\":{\"name\":\"x\",\"age\":10}}", "{\"obj\":{\"name\":\"x\",\"age\":20}}", "{\"obj\":{\"name\":\"y\",\"age\":10}}", "{\"obj\":{\"name\":\"y\",\"age\":20}}" }; for (String datum : data) { Response resp = adminExecutor.execute( Request.Post(collectionTmpUri) .bodyString(datum, halCT) .addHeader(Headers.CONTENT_TYPE_STRING, Representation.HAL_JSON_MEDIA_TYPE)); check("check aggregation create test data", resp, HttpStatus.SC_CREATED); } Response resp = adminExecutor.execute( Request.Patch(collectionTmpUri) .bodyString(aggregationsMetadata, halCT) .addHeader(Headers.CONTENT_TYPE_STRING, Representation.HAL_JSON_MEDIA_TYPE) .addHeader(Headers.IF_MATCH_STRING, etag)); check("check update collection with aggregations metadata", resp, HttpStatus.SC_OK); }
/** * @param <T> * @param responseType a descendant of CkanResponse * @param path something like 1/api/3/action/package_create * @param body the body of the POST * @param the content type, i.e. * @param params list of key, value parameters. They must be not be url encoded. i.e. * "id","laghi-monitorati-trento" * @throws JackanException on error */ <T extends CkanResponse> T postHttp( Class<T> responseType, String path, String body, ContentType contentType, Object... params) { checkNotNull(responseType); checkNotNull(path); checkNotNull(body); checkNotNull(contentType); String fullUrl = calcFullUrl(path, params); try { logger.log(Level.FINE, "posting to url {0}", fullUrl); Request request = Request.Post(fullUrl); if (proxy != null) { request.viaProxy(proxy); } Response response = request.bodyString(body, contentType).addHeader("Authorization", ckanToken).execute(); Content out = response.returnContent(); String json = out.asString(); T dr = getObjectMapper().readValue(json, responseType); if (!dr.success) { // monkey patching error type throw new JackanException( "posting to catalog " + catalogURL + " was not successful. Reason: " +"error").asText())); } return dr; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new JackanException("Error while performing a POST! Request url is:" + fullUrl, ex); } }
@Test public void variableTest() throws Exception { String content = Request.Post(serverUrl() + "?one=three").execute().returnContent().asString(); assertThat(content, is("Hello three!")); }
public String postFile(String uri, String file) throws IOException { InputStream is = Resources.getResource(file).openStream(); Content content = Request.Post(uri).bodyByteArray(toByteArray(is)).execute().returnContent(); return content.asString(); }
public String postBytes(String uri, byte[] bytes) throws IOException { Content content = Request.Post(uri).bodyByteArray(bytes).execute().returnContent(); return content.asString(); }