Пример #1
   * Check validity of and populates defaults in a task configuration. This will return a deep copy
   * of the provided task configuration with default configuration values applied, and configuration
   * map values sanitized and applied to their respective struct fields.
   * @param config Task config to validate and populate.
   * @return A reference to the modified {@code config} (for chaining).
   * @throws TaskDescriptionException If the task is invalid.
  public static ITaskConfig validateAndPopulate(ITaskConfig config)
      throws TaskDescriptionException {

    TaskConfig builder = config.newBuilder();

    if (!builder.isSetRequestedPorts()) {


    if (!isGoodIdentifier(config.getJobName())) {
      throw new TaskDescriptionException(
          "Job name contains illegal characters: " + config.getJobName());

    if (!isGoodIdentifier(config.getEnvironment())) {
      throw new TaskDescriptionException(
          "Environment contains illegal characters: " + config.getEnvironment());

    if (config.isSetTier() && !isGoodIdentifier(config.getTier())) {
      throw new TaskDescriptionException("Tier contains illegal characters: " + config.getTier());

    if (config.isSetJob()) {
      if (!JobKeys.isValid(config.getJob())) {
        // Job key is set but invalid
        throw new TaskDescriptionException("Job key " + config.getJob() + " is invalid.");

      if (!config.getJob().getRole().equals(config.getOwner().getRole())) {
        // Both owner and job key are set but don't match
        throw new TaskDescriptionException("Role must match job owner.");
    } else {
      // TODO(maxim): Make sure both key and owner are populated to support older clients.
      // Remove in 0.7.0. (AURORA-749).
      // Job key is not set -> populate from owner, environment and name
          JobKeys.from(config.getOwner().getRole(), config.getEnvironment(), config.getJobName())

    if (!builder.isSetExecutorConfig()) {
      throw new TaskDescriptionException("Configuration may not be null");

    // Maximize the usefulness of any thrown error message by checking required fields first.
    for (RequiredFieldValidator<?> validator : REQUIRED_FIELDS_VALIDATORS) {

    IConstraint constraint = getDedicatedConstraint(config);
    if (constraint != null) {
      if (!isValueConstraint(constraint.getConstraint())) {
        throw new TaskDescriptionException("A dedicated constraint must be of value type.");

      IValueConstraint valueConstraint = constraint.getConstraint().getValue();

      if (valueConstraint.getValues().size() != 1) {
        throw new TaskDescriptionException("A dedicated constraint must have exactly one value");

      String dedicatedRole = getRole(valueConstraint);
      if (!config.getOwner().getRole().equals(dedicatedRole)) {
        throw new TaskDescriptionException(
            "Only " + dedicatedRole + " may use hosts dedicated for that role.");

    Optional<Container._Fields> containerType;
    if (config.isSetContainer()) {
      IContainer containerConfig = config.getContainer();
      containerType = Optional.of(containerConfig.getSetField());
      if (containerConfig.isSetDocker()) {
        if (!containerConfig.getDocker().isSetImage()) {
          throw new TaskDescriptionException("A container must specify an image");
        if (containerConfig.getDocker().isSetParameters()
            && !containerConfig.getDocker().getParameters().isEmpty()
            && !ENABLE_DOCKER_PARAMETERS.get()) {
          throw new TaskDescriptionException("Docker parameters not allowed.");
    } else {
      // Default to mesos container type if unset.
      containerType = Optional.of(Container._Fields.MESOS);
    if (!containerType.isPresent()) {
      throw new TaskDescriptionException("A job must have a container type.");
    if (!ALLOWED_CONTAINER_TYPES.get().contains(containerType.get())) {
      throw new TaskDescriptionException(
          "The container type " + containerType.get().toString() + " is not allowed");

    return ITaskConfig.build(builder);