protected Tile[] buildTiles(PlaceNameService placeNameService, NavigationTile navTile) { final Angle dLat = placeNameService.getTileDelta().getLatitude(); final Angle dLon = placeNameService.getTileDelta().getLongitude(); // Determine the row and column offset from the global tiling origin for the southwest tile // corner int firstRow = Tile.computeRow(dLat, navTile.navSector.getMinLatitude()); int firstCol = Tile.computeColumn(dLon, navTile.navSector.getMinLongitude()); int lastRow = Tile.computeRow(dLat, navTile.navSector.getMaxLatitude().subtract(dLat)); int lastCol = Tile.computeColumn(dLon, navTile.navSector.getMaxLongitude().subtract(dLon)); int nLatTiles = lastRow - firstRow + 1; int nLonTiles = lastCol - firstCol + 1; Tile[] tiles = new Tile[nLatTiles * nLonTiles]; Angle p1 = Tile.computeRowLatitude(firstRow, dLat); for (int row = 0; row <= lastRow - firstRow; row++) { Angle p2; p2 = p1.add(dLat); Angle t1 = Tile.computeColumnLongitude(firstCol, dLon); for (int col = 0; col <= lastCol - firstCol; col++) { Angle t2; t2 = t1.add(dLon); // Need offset row and column to correspond to total ro/col numbering tiles[col + row * nLonTiles] = new Tile(placeNameService, new Sector(p1, p2, t1, t2), row + firstRow, col + firstCol); t1 = t2; } p1 = p2; } return tiles; }
static Angle computeColumnLongitude(int column, Angle delta) { if (delta == null) { String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.AngleIsNull"); Logging.logger().severe(msg); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } return Angle.fromDegrees(-180 + delta.getDegrees() * column); }
static Angle computeRowLatitude(int row, Angle delta) { if (delta == null) { String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.AngleIsNull"); Logging.logger().severe(msg); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } return Angle.fromDegrees(-90d + delta.getDegrees() * row); }
static int computeColumn(Angle delta, Angle longitude) { if (delta == null || longitude == null) { String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.AngleIsNull"); Logging.logger().severe(msg); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } return (int) ((longitude.getDegrees() + 180d) / delta.getDegrees()); }
protected static Angle clampAngle(Angle a, Angle min, Angle max) { double degrees = a.degrees; double minDegrees = min.degrees; double maxDegrees = max.degrees; return Angle.fromDegrees( degrees < minDegrees ? minDegrees : (degrees > maxDegrees ? maxDegrees : degrees)); }
/** * @author Paul Collins * @version $Id: 13201 2010-03-12 01:59:03Z tgaskins $ */ public class PlaceNameLayer extends AbstractLayer implements BulkRetrievable { private final PlaceNameServiceSet placeNameServiceSet; private PriorityBlockingQueue<Runnable> requestQ = new PriorityBlockingQueue<Runnable>(64); private Vec4 referencePoint; protected final Object fileLock = new Object(); private boolean cullNames = false; protected static final double LEVEL_A = 0x1 << 25; protected static final double LEVEL_B = 0x1 << 24; protected static final double LEVEL_C = 0x1 << 23; protected static final double LEVEL_D = 0x1 << 22; protected static final double LEVEL_E = 0x1 << 21; protected static final double LEVEL_F = 0x1 << 20; protected static final double LEVEL_G = 0x1 << 19; protected static final double LEVEL_H = 0x1 << 18; protected static final double LEVEL_I = 0x1 << 17; protected static final double LEVEL_J = 0x1 << 16; protected static final double LEVEL_K = 0x1 << 15; protected static final double LEVEL_L = 0x1 << 14; protected static final double LEVEL_M = 0x1 << 13; protected static final double LEVEL_N = 0x1 << 12; protected static final double LEVEL_O = 0x1 << 11; protected static final double LEVEL_P = 0x1 << 10; protected static final LatLon GRID_1x1 = new LatLon(Angle.fromDegrees(180d), Angle.fromDegrees(360d)); protected static final LatLon GRID_4x8 = new LatLon(Angle.fromDegrees(45d), Angle.fromDegrees(45d)); protected static final LatLon GRID_8x16 = new LatLon(Angle.fromDegrees(22.5d), Angle.fromDegrees(22.5d)); protected static final LatLon GRID_16x32 = new LatLon(Angle.fromDegrees(11.25d), Angle.fromDegrees(11.25d)); protected static final LatLon GRID_36x72 = new LatLon(Angle.fromDegrees(5d), Angle.fromDegrees(5d)); protected static final LatLon GRID_72x144 = new LatLon(Angle.fromDegrees(2.5d), Angle.fromDegrees(2.5d)); protected static final LatLon GRID_144x288 = new LatLon(Angle.fromDegrees(1.25d), Angle.fromDegrees(1.25d)); protected static final LatLon GRID_288x576 = new LatLon(Angle.fromDegrees(0.625d), Angle.fromDegrees(0.625d)); protected List<NavigationTile> navTiles = new ArrayList<NavigationTile>(); // top navigation tiles for each service /** * @param placeNameServiceSet the set of PlaceNameService objects that PlaceNameLayer will render. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@link * gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.placename.PlaceNameServiceSet} is null */ public PlaceNameLayer(PlaceNameServiceSet placeNameServiceSet) { if (placeNameServiceSet == null) { String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.PlaceNameServiceSetIsNull"); Logging.logger().fine(message); throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } // this.placeNameServiceSet = placeNameServiceSet.deepCopy(); for (int i = 0; i < this.placeNameServiceSet.getServiceCount(); i++) { // todo do this for long as well and pick min int calc1 = (int) (PlaceNameService.TILING_SECTOR.getDeltaLatDegrees() / this.placeNameServiceSet .getService(i) .getTileDelta() .getLatitude() .getDegrees()); int numLevels = (int) Math.log(calc1); navTiles.add( new NavigationTile( this.placeNameServiceSet.getService(i), PlaceNameService.TILING_SECTOR, numLevels, "top")); } if (!WorldWind.getMemoryCacheSet().containsCache(Tile.class.getName())) { long size = Configuration.getLongValue(AVKey.PLACENAME_LAYER_CACHE_SIZE, 2000000L); MemoryCache cache = new BasicMemoryCache((long) (0.85 * size), size); cache.setName("Placename Tiles"); WorldWind.getMemoryCacheSet().addCache(Tile.class.getName(), cache); } } public boolean isCullNames() { return cullNames; } public void setCullNames(boolean cullNames) { this.cullNames = cullNames; placeNameRenderer.setCullTextEnabled(cullNames); } public final PlaceNameServiceSet getPlaceNameServiceSet() { return this.placeNameServiceSet; } private PriorityBlockingQueue<Runnable> getRequestQ() { return this.requestQ; } // ============== Tile Assembly ======================= // // ============== Tile Assembly ======================= // // ============== Tile Assembly ======================= // protected class NavigationTile { String id; protected PlaceNameService placeNameService; public Sector navSector; protected List<NavigationTile> subNavTiles = new ArrayList<NavigationTile>(); private List<String> tileKeys = new ArrayList<String>(); protected int level; NavigationTile(PlaceNameService placeNameService, Sector sector, int levels, String id) { this.placeNameService = placeNameService; = id; this.navSector = sector; level = levels; } protected void buildSubNavTiles() { if (level > 0) { // split sector, create a navTile for each quad Sector[] subSectors = this.navSector.subdivide(); for (int j = 0; j < subSectors.length; j++) { subNavTiles.add( new NavigationTile(placeNameService, subSectors[j], level - 1, + "." + j)); } } } public List<NavigationTile> navTilesVisible( DrawContext dc, double minDistSquared, double maxDistSquared) { ArrayList<NavigationTile> navList = new ArrayList<NavigationTile>(); if (this.isNavSectorVisible(dc, minDistSquared, maxDistSquared)) { if (this.level > 0 && !this.hasSubTiles()) this.buildSubNavTiles(); if (this.hasSubTiles()) { for (NavigationTile nav : subNavTiles) { navList.addAll(nav.navTilesVisible(dc, minDistSquared, maxDistSquared)); } } else // at bottom level navigation tile { navList.add(this); } } return navList; } public boolean hasSubTiles() { return !subNavTiles.isEmpty(); } protected boolean isNavSectorVisible( DrawContext dc, double minDistanceSquared, double maxDistanceSquared) { if (!navSector.intersects(dc.getVisibleSector())) return false; View view = dc.getView(); Position eyePos = view.getEyePosition(); if (eyePos == null) return false; // check for eyePos over globe if (Double.isNaN(eyePos.getLatitude().getDegrees()) || Double.isNaN(eyePos.getLongitude().getDegrees())) return false; Angle lat = clampAngle(eyePos.getLatitude(), navSector.getMinLatitude(), navSector.getMaxLatitude()); Angle lon = clampAngle( eyePos.getLongitude(), navSector.getMinLongitude(), navSector.getMaxLongitude()); Vec4 p = dc.getGlobe().computePointFromPosition(lat, lon, 0d); double distSquared = dc.getView().getEyePoint().distanceToSquared3(p); //noinspection RedundantIfStatement if (minDistanceSquared > distSquared || maxDistanceSquared < distSquared) return false; return true; } public List<Tile> getTiles() { if (tileKeys.isEmpty()) { Tile[] tiles = buildTiles(this.placeNameService, this); // load tileKeys for (Tile t : tiles) { tileKeys.add(t.getFileCachePath()); WorldWind.getMemoryCache(Tile.class.getName()).add(t.getFileCachePath(), t); } return Arrays.asList(tiles); } else { List<Tile> dataTiles = new ArrayList<Tile>(); for (String s : tileKeys) { Tile t = (Tile) WorldWind.getMemoryCache(Tile.class.getName()).getObject(s); if (t != null) { dataTiles.add(t); } } return dataTiles; } } } protected static class Tile implements Cacheable { protected final PlaceNameService placeNameService; protected final Sector sector; protected final int row; protected final int column; private Integer hashInt = null; // Computed data. protected String fileCachePath = null; protected double extentVerticalExaggeration = Double.MIN_VALUE; protected double priority = Double.MAX_VALUE; // Default is minimum priority protected PlaceNameChunk dataChunk = null; Tile(PlaceNameService placeNameService, Sector sector, int row, int column) { this.placeNameService = placeNameService; this.sector = sector; this.row = row; this.column = column; this.fileCachePath = this.placeNameService.createFileCachePathFromTile(this.row, this.column); this.hashInt = this.computeHash(); } public void setDataChunk(PlaceNameChunk chunk) { dataChunk = chunk; } public PlaceNameChunk getDataChunk() { return dataChunk; } public long getSizeInBytes() { long result = 32; // references result += this.getSector().getSizeInBytes(); if (this.getFileCachePath() != null) result += this.getFileCachePath().length(); if (dataChunk != null) { result += dataChunk.estimatedMemorySize; } return result; } static int computeRow(Angle delta, Angle latitude) { if (delta == null || latitude == null) { String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.AngleIsNull"); Logging.logger().severe(msg); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } return (int) ((latitude.getDegrees() + 90d) / delta.getDegrees()); } static int computeColumn(Angle delta, Angle longitude) { if (delta == null || longitude == null) { String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.AngleIsNull"); Logging.logger().severe(msg); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } return (int) ((longitude.getDegrees() + 180d) / delta.getDegrees()); } static Angle computeRowLatitude(int row, Angle delta) { if (delta == null) { String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.AngleIsNull"); Logging.logger().severe(msg); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } return Angle.fromDegrees(-90d + delta.getDegrees() * row); } static Angle computeColumnLongitude(int column, Angle delta) { if (delta == null) { String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.AngleIsNull"); Logging.logger().severe(msg); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } return Angle.fromDegrees(-180 + delta.getDegrees() * column); } public Integer getHashInt() { return hashInt; } int computeHash() { return this.getFileCachePath() != null ? this.getFileCachePath().hashCode() : 0; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; final Tile tile = (Tile) o; return !(this.getFileCachePath() != null ? !this.getFileCachePath().equals(tile.getFileCachePath()) : tile.getFileCachePath() != null); } public String getFileCachePath() { if (this.fileCachePath == null) this.fileCachePath = this.placeNameService.createFileCachePathFromTile(this.row, this.column); return this.fileCachePath; } public PlaceNameService getPlaceNameService() { return placeNameService; } public getRequestURL() throws { return this.placeNameService.createServiceURLFromSector(this.sector); } public Sector getSector() { return sector; } public int hashCode() { return this.hashInt; } protected boolean isTileInMemoryWithData() { Tile t = (Tile) WorldWind.getMemoryCache(Tile.class.getName()).getObject(this.getFileCachePath()); return !(t == null || t.getDataChunk() == null); } public double getPriority() { return priority; } public void setPriority(double priority) { this.priority = priority; } } protected Tile[] buildTiles(PlaceNameService placeNameService, NavigationTile navTile) { final Angle dLat = placeNameService.getTileDelta().getLatitude(); final Angle dLon = placeNameService.getTileDelta().getLongitude(); // Determine the row and column offset from the global tiling origin for the southwest tile // corner int firstRow = Tile.computeRow(dLat, navTile.navSector.getMinLatitude()); int firstCol = Tile.computeColumn(dLon, navTile.navSector.getMinLongitude()); int lastRow = Tile.computeRow(dLat, navTile.navSector.getMaxLatitude().subtract(dLat)); int lastCol = Tile.computeColumn(dLon, navTile.navSector.getMaxLongitude().subtract(dLon)); int nLatTiles = lastRow - firstRow + 1; int nLonTiles = lastCol - firstCol + 1; Tile[] tiles = new Tile[nLatTiles * nLonTiles]; Angle p1 = Tile.computeRowLatitude(firstRow, dLat); for (int row = 0; row <= lastRow - firstRow; row++) { Angle p2; p2 = p1.add(dLat); Angle t1 = Tile.computeColumnLongitude(firstCol, dLon); for (int col = 0; col <= lastCol - firstCol; col++) { Angle t2; t2 = t1.add(dLon); // Need offset row and column to correspond to total ro/col numbering tiles[col + row * nLonTiles] = new Tile(placeNameService, new Sector(p1, p2, t1, t2), row + firstRow, col + firstCol); t1 = t2; } p1 = p2; } return tiles; } // ============== Place Name Data Structures ======================= // // ============== Place Name Data Structures ======================= // // ============== Place Name Data Structures ======================= // protected static class PlaceNameChunk implements Cacheable { protected final PlaceNameService placeNameService; protected final CharBuffer textArray; protected final int[] textIndexArray; protected final double[] latlonArray; protected final int numEntries; protected final long estimatedMemorySize; protected PlaceNameChunk( PlaceNameService service, CharBuffer text, int[] textIndices, double[] positions, int numEntries) { this.placeNameService = service; this.textArray = text; this.textIndexArray = textIndices; this.latlonArray = positions; this.numEntries = numEntries; this.estimatedMemorySize = this.computeEstimatedMemorySize(); } protected long computeEstimatedMemorySize() { long result = 0; if (!textArray.isDirect()) result += (Character.SIZE / 8) * textArray.capacity(); result += (Integer.SIZE / 8) * textIndexArray.length; result += (Double.SIZE / 8) * latlonArray.length; return result; } protected Position getPosition(int index) { int latlonIndex = 2 * index; return Position.fromDegrees(latlonArray[latlonIndex], latlonArray[latlonIndex + 1], 0); } protected PlaceNameService getPlaceNameService() { return this.placeNameService; } protected CharSequence getText(int index) { int beginIndex = textIndexArray[index]; int endIndex = (index + 1 < numEntries) ? textIndexArray[index + 1] : textArray.length(); return this.textArray.subSequence(beginIndex, endIndex); } public long getSizeInBytes() { return this.estimatedMemorySize; } private Iterable<GeographicText> makeIterable(DrawContext dc) { // get dispay dist for this service for use in label annealing double maxDisplayDistance = this.getPlaceNameService().getMaxDisplayDistance(); ArrayList<GeographicText> list = new ArrayList<GeographicText>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.numEntries; i++) { CharSequence str = getText(i); Position pos = getPosition(i); GeographicText text = new UserFacingText(str, pos); text.setFont(this.placeNameService.getFont()); text.setColor(this.placeNameService.getColor()); text.setBackgroundColor(this.placeNameService.getBackgroundColor()); text.setVisible(isNameVisible(dc, this.placeNameService, pos)); text.setPriority(maxDisplayDistance); list.add(text); } return list; } } // ============== Rendering ======================= // // ============== Rendering ======================= // // ============== Rendering ======================= // private final GeographicTextRenderer placeNameRenderer = new GeographicTextRenderer(); @Override protected void doRender(DrawContext dc) { this.referencePoint = this.computeReferencePoint(dc); int serviceCount = this.placeNameServiceSet.getServiceCount(); for (int i = 0; i < serviceCount; i++) { PlaceNameService placeNameService = this.placeNameServiceSet.getService(i); if (!isServiceVisible(dc, placeNameService)) continue; double minDistSquared = placeNameService.getMinDisplayDistance() * placeNameService.getMinDisplayDistance(); double maxDistSquared = placeNameService.getMaxDisplayDistance() * placeNameService.getMaxDisplayDistance(); if (isSectorVisible( dc, placeNameService.getMaskingSector(), minDistSquared, maxDistSquared)) { ArrayList<Tile> baseTiles = new ArrayList<Tile>(); NavigationTile navTile = this.navTiles.get(i); // drill down into tiles to find bottom level navTiles visible List<NavigationTile> list = navTile.navTilesVisible(dc, minDistSquared, maxDistSquared); for (NavigationTile nt : list) { baseTiles.addAll(nt.getTiles()); } for (Tile tile : baseTiles) { try { drawOrRequestTile(dc, tile, minDistSquared, maxDistSquared); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.logger() .log( Level.FINE, Logging.getMessage("layers.PlaceNameLayer.ExceptionRenderingTile"), e); } } } } this.sendRequests(); this.requestQ.clear(); } protected Vec4 computeReferencePoint(DrawContext dc) { if (dc.getViewportCenterPosition() != null) return dc.getGlobe().computePointFromPosition(dc.getViewportCenterPosition()); java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D viewport = dc.getView().getViewport(); int x = (int) viewport.getWidth() / 2; for (int y = (int) (0.5 * viewport.getHeight()); y >= 0; y--) { Position pos = dc.getView().computePositionFromScreenPoint(x, y); if (pos == null) continue; return dc.getGlobe().computePointFromPosition(pos.getLatitude(), pos.getLongitude(), 0d); } return null; } protected Vec4 getReferencePoint() { return this.referencePoint; } protected void drawOrRequestTile( DrawContext dc, Tile tile, double minDisplayDistanceSquared, double maxDisplayDistanceSquared) { if (!isTileVisible(dc, tile, minDisplayDistanceSquared, maxDisplayDistanceSquared)) return; if (tile.isTileInMemoryWithData()) { PlaceNameChunk placeNameChunk = tile.getDataChunk(); if (placeNameChunk.numEntries > 0) { Iterable<GeographicText> renderIter = placeNameChunk.makeIterable(dc); this.placeNameRenderer.render(dc, renderIter); } return; } // Tile's data isn't available, so request it if (!tile.getPlaceNameService() .isResourceAbsent(tile.getPlaceNameService().getTileNumber(tile.row, tile.column))) { this.requestTile(dc, tile); } } protected static boolean isServiceVisible(DrawContext dc, PlaceNameService placeNameService) { //noinspection SimplifiableIfStatement if (!placeNameService.isEnabled()) return false; return (dc.getVisibleSector() != null) && placeNameService.getMaskingSector().intersects(dc.getVisibleSector()); // // return // placeNameService.getExtent(dc).intersects(dc.getView().getFrustumInModelCoordinates()); } protected static boolean isSectorVisible( DrawContext dc, Sector sector, double minDistanceSquared, double maxDistanceSquared) { View view = dc.getView(); Position eyePos = view.getEyePosition(); if (eyePos == null) return false; Angle lat = clampAngle(eyePos.getLatitude(), sector.getMinLatitude(), sector.getMaxLatitude()); Angle lon = clampAngle(eyePos.getLongitude(), sector.getMinLongitude(), sector.getMaxLongitude()); Vec4 p = dc.getGlobe().computePointFromPosition(lat, lon, 0d); double distSquared = dc.getView().getEyePoint().distanceToSquared3(p); //noinspection RedundantIfStatement if (minDistanceSquared > distSquared || maxDistanceSquared < distSquared) return false; return true; } protected static boolean isTileVisible( DrawContext dc, Tile tile, double minDistanceSquared, double maxDistanceSquared) { if (!tile.getSector().intersects(dc.getVisibleSector())) return false; View view = dc.getView(); Position eyePos = view.getEyePosition(); if (eyePos == null) return false; Angle lat = clampAngle( eyePos.getLatitude(), tile.getSector().getMinLatitude(), tile.getSector().getMaxLatitude()); Angle lon = clampAngle( eyePos.getLongitude(), tile.getSector().getMinLongitude(), tile.getSector().getMaxLongitude()); Vec4 p = dc.getGlobe().computePointFromPosition(lat, lon, 0d); double distSquared = dc.getView().getEyePoint().distanceToSquared3(p); //noinspection RedundantIfStatement if (minDistanceSquared > distSquared || maxDistanceSquared < distSquared) return false; return true; } protected static boolean isNameVisible( DrawContext dc, PlaceNameService service, Position namePosition) { double elevation = dc.getVerticalExaggeration() * namePosition.getElevation(); Vec4 namePoint = dc.getGlobe() .computePointFromPosition( namePosition.getLatitude(), namePosition.getLongitude(), elevation); Vec4 eyeVec = dc.getView().getEyePoint(); double dist = eyeVec.distanceTo3(namePoint); return dist >= service.getMinDisplayDistance() && dist <= service.getMaxDisplayDistance(); } protected static Angle clampAngle(Angle a, Angle min, Angle max) { double degrees = a.degrees; double minDegrees = min.degrees; double maxDegrees = max.degrees; return Angle.fromDegrees( degrees < minDegrees ? minDegrees : (degrees > maxDegrees ? maxDegrees : degrees)); } // ============== Image Reading and Downloading ======================= // // ============== Image Reading and Downloading ======================= // // ============== Image Reading and Downloading ======================= // protected void requestTile(DrawContext dc, Tile tile) { Vec4 centroid = dc.getGlobe().computePointFromPosition(tile.getSector().getCentroid(), 0); if (this.getReferencePoint() != null) tile.setPriority(centroid.distanceTo3(this.getReferencePoint())); RequestTask task = new RequestTask(tile, this); this.getRequestQ().add(task); } protected void sendRequests() { Runnable task = this.requestQ.poll(); while (task != null) { if (!WorldWind.getTaskService().isFull()) { WorldWind.getTaskService().addTask(task); } task = this.requestQ.poll(); } } protected static class RequestTask implements Runnable, Comparable<RequestTask> { protected final PlaceNameLayer layer; protected final Tile tile; RequestTask(Tile tile, PlaceNameLayer layer) { this.layer = layer; this.tile = tile; } public void run() { if (this.tile.isTileInMemoryWithData()) return; final tileURL = this.layer.getDataFileStore().findFile(tile.getFileCachePath(), false); if (tileURL != null) { if (this.layer.loadTile(this.tile, tileURL)) { tile.getPlaceNameService() .unmarkResourceAbsent( tile.getPlaceNameService().getTileNumber(tile.row, tile.column)); this.layer.firePropertyChange(AVKey.LAYER, null, this); return; } } this.layer.downloadTile(this.tile); } /** * @param that the task to compare * @return -1 if <code>this</code> less than <code>that</code>, 1 if greater than, 0 if equal * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>that</code> is null */ public int compareTo(RequestTask that) { if (that == null) { String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.RequestTaskIsNull"); Logging.logger().severe(msg); throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } return this.tile.getPriority() == that.tile.getPriority() ? 0 : this.tile.getPriority() < that.tile.getPriority() ? -1 : 1; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; final RequestTask that = (RequestTask) o; // Don't include layer in comparison so that requests are shared among layers return !(tile != null ? !tile.equals(that.tile) : that.tile != null); } public int hashCode() { return (tile != null ? tile.hashCode() : 0); } public String toString() { return this.tile.toString(); } } protected boolean loadTile(Tile tile, url) { if (WWIO.isFileOutOfDate(url, this.placeNameServiceSet.getExpiryTime())) { // The file has expired. Delete it then request download of newer. this.getDataFileStore().removeFile(url); String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.DataFileExpired", url); Logging.logger().fine(message); return false; } PlaceNameChunk tileData; synchronized (this.fileLock) { tileData = readTileData(tile, url); } if (tileData == null) { // Assume that something's wrong with the file and delete it. this.getDataFileStore().removeFile(url); tile.getPlaceNameService() .markResourceAbsent(tile.getPlaceNameService().getTileNumber(tile.row, tile.column)); String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.DeletedCorruptDataFile", url); Logging.logger().fine(message); return false; } tile.setDataChunk(tileData); WorldWind.getMemoryCache(Tile.class.getName()).add(tile.getFileCachePath(), tile); return true; } protected static PlaceNameChunk readTileData(Tile tile, url) { is = null; try { String path = url.getFile(); path = path.replaceAll( "%20", " "); // TODO: find a better way to get a path usable by FileInputStream fis = new; buf = new; is = new; GMLPlaceNameSAXHandler handler = new GMLPlaceNameSAXHandler(); javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory.newInstance().newSAXParser().parse(is, handler); return handler.createPlaceNameChunk(tile.getPlaceNameService()); } catch (Exception e) { // todo log actual error Logging.logger() .log( Level.FINE, Logging.getMessage( "layers.PlaceNameLayer.ExceptionAttemptingToReadFile", url.toString()), e); } finally { try { if (is != null) is.close(); } catch ( e) { Logging.logger() .log( Level.FINE, Logging.getMessage( "layers.PlaceNameLayer.ExceptionAttemptingToReadFile", url.toString()), e); } } return null; } protected static CharBuffer newCharBuffer(int numElements) { ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect((Character.SIZE / 8) * numElements); bb.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); return bb.asCharBuffer(); } protected static class GMLPlaceNameSAXHandler extends org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler { protected static final String GML_FEATURE_MEMBER = "gml:featureMember"; protected static final String TOPP_FULL_NAME_ND = "topp:full_name_nd"; protected static final String TOPP_LATITUDE = "topp:latitude"; protected static final String TOPP_LONGITUDE = "topp:longitude"; protected final LinkedList<String> internedQNameStack = new LinkedList<String>(); protected boolean inBeginEndPair = false; protected StringBuilder latBuffer = new StringBuilder(); protected StringBuilder lonBuffer = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder textArray = new StringBuilder(); int[] textIndexArray = new int[16]; double[] latlonArray = new double[16]; int numEntries = 0; protected GMLPlaceNameSAXHandler() {} protected PlaceNameChunk createPlaceNameChunk(PlaceNameService service) { int numChars = this.textArray.length(); CharBuffer textBuffer = newCharBuffer(numChars); textBuffer.put(this.textArray.toString()); textBuffer.rewind(); return new PlaceNameChunk( service, textBuffer, this.textIndexArray, this.latlonArray, this.numEntries); } protected void beginEntry() { int textIndex = this.textArray.length(); this.textIndexArray = append(this.textIndexArray, this.numEntries, textIndex); this.inBeginEndPair = true; } protected void endEntry() { double lat = this.parseDouble(this.latBuffer); double lon = this.parseDouble(this.lonBuffer); int numLatLon = 2 * this.numEntries; this.latlonArray = this.append(this.latlonArray, numLatLon, lat); numLatLon++; this.latlonArray = this.append(this.latlonArray, numLatLon, lon); this.latBuffer.delete(0, this.latBuffer.length()); this.lonBuffer.delete(0, this.lonBuffer.length()); this.inBeginEndPair = false; this.numEntries++; } protected double parseDouble(StringBuilder sb) { double value = 0; try { value = Double.parseDouble(sb.toString()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Logging.logger() .log( Level.FINE, Logging.getMessage("layers.PlaceNameLayer.ExceptionAttemptingToReadFile", ""), e); } return value; } protected int[] append(int[] array, int index, int value) { if (index >= array.length) array = this.resizeArray(array); array[index] = value; return array; } protected int[] resizeArray(int[] oldArray) { int newSize = 2 * oldArray.length; int[] newArray = new int[newSize]; System.arraycopy(oldArray, 0, newArray, 0, oldArray.length); return newArray; } protected double[] append(double[] array, int index, double value) { if (index >= array.length) array = this.resizeArray(array); array[index] = value; return array; } protected double[] resizeArray(double[] oldArray) { int newSize = 2 * oldArray.length; double[] newArray = new double[newSize]; System.arraycopy(oldArray, 0, newArray, 0, oldArray.length); return newArray; } @SuppressWarnings({"StringEquality"}) public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) { if (!this.inBeginEndPair) return; // Top of QName stack is an interned string, // so we can use pointer comparison. String internedTopQName = this.internedQNameStack.getFirst(); StringBuilder sb = null; if (TOPP_LATITUDE == internedTopQName) sb = this.latBuffer; else if (TOPP_LONGITUDE == internedTopQName) sb = this.lonBuffer; else if (TOPP_FULL_NAME_ND == internedTopQName) sb = this.textArray; if (sb != null) sb.append(ch, start, length); } public void startElement( String uri, String localName, String qName, org.xml.sax.Attributes attributes) { // Don't validate uri, localName or attributes because they aren't used. // Intern the qName string so we can use pointer comparison. String internedQName = qName.intern(); //noinspection StringEquality if (GML_FEATURE_MEMBER == internedQName) this.beginEntry(); this.internedQNameStack.addFirst(internedQName); } public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) { // Don't validate uri or localName because they aren't used. // Intern the qName string so we can use pointer comparison. String internedQName = qName.intern(); //noinspection StringEquality if (GML_FEATURE_MEMBER == internedQName) this.endEntry(); this.internedQNameStack.removeFirst(); } } protected void downloadTile(final Tile tile) { downloadTile(tile, null); } protected void downloadTile(final Tile tile, DownloadPostProcessor postProcessor) { if (!this.isNetworkRetrievalEnabled()) return; if (!WorldWind.getRetrievalService().isAvailable()) return; url; try { url = tile.getRequestURL(); if (WorldWind.getNetworkStatus().isHostUnavailable(url)) return; } catch ( e) { Logging.logger() .log( java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, Logging.getMessage("layers.PlaceNameLayer.ExceptionCreatingUrl", tile), e); return; } Retriever retriever; if ("http".equalsIgnoreCase(url.getProtocol()) || "https".equalsIgnoreCase(url.getProtocol())) { if (postProcessor == null) postProcessor = new DownloadPostProcessor(this, tile); retriever = new HTTPRetriever(url, postProcessor); } else { Logging.logger() .severe( Logging.getMessage("layers.PlaceNameLayer.UnknownRetrievalProtocol", url.toString())); return; } // Apply any overridden timeouts. Integer cto = AVListImpl.getIntegerValue(this, AVKey.URL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT); if (cto != null && cto > 0) retriever.setConnectTimeout(cto); Integer cro = AVListImpl.getIntegerValue(this, AVKey.URL_READ_TIMEOUT); if (cro != null && cro > 0) retriever.setReadTimeout(cro); Integer srl = AVListImpl.getIntegerValue(this, AVKey.RETRIEVAL_QUEUE_STALE_REQUEST_LIMIT); if (srl != null && srl > 0) retriever.setStaleRequestLimit(srl); WorldWind.getRetrievalService().runRetriever(retriever, tile.getPriority()); } protected void saveBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer, outFile) throws { synchronized (this.fileLock) // sychronized with read of file in { WWIO.saveBuffer(buffer, outFile); } } protected static class DownloadPostProcessor extends AbstractRetrievalPostProcessor { protected final PlaceNameLayer layer; protected final Tile tile; protected final FileStore fileStore; public DownloadPostProcessor(PlaceNameLayer layer, Tile tile) { // No arg check; the class has protected access. this(layer, tile, null); } public DownloadPostProcessor(PlaceNameLayer layer, Tile tile, FileStore fileStore) { // No arg check; the class has protected access. //noinspection RedundantCast super((AVList) layer); this.layer = layer; this.tile = tile; this.fileStore = fileStore; } protected FileStore getFileStore() { return this.fileStore != null ? this.fileStore : this.layer.getDataFileStore(); } @Override protected void markResourceAbsent() { this.tile .getPlaceNameService() .markResourceAbsent( this.tile.getPlaceNameService().getTileNumber(this.tile.row, this.tile.column)); } @Override protected Object getFileLock() { return this.layer.fileLock; } protected File doGetOutputFile() { return this.getFileStore().newFile(this.tile.getFileCachePath()); } @Override protected ByteBuffer handleSuccessfulRetrieval() { ByteBuffer buffer = super.handleSuccessfulRetrieval(); if (buffer != null) { // Fire a property change to denote that the layer's backing data has changed. this.layer.firePropertyChange(AVKey.LAYER, null, this); } return buffer; } @Override protected ByteBuffer handleXMLContent() throws IOException { // Check for an exception report String s = WWIO.byteBufferToString(this.getRetriever().getBuffer(), 1024, null); if (s.contains("<ExceptionReport>")) { // TODO: Parse the xml and include only the message text in the log message. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(this.getRetriever().getName()); sb.append("\n"); sb.append(WWIO.byteBufferToString(this.getRetriever().getBuffer(), 2048, null)); Logging.logger().warning(sb.toString()); return null; } this.saveBuffer(); return this.getRetriever().getBuffer(); } } // *** Bulk download *** // *** Bulk download *** // *** Bulk download *** /** * Start a new {@link BulkRetrievalThread} that downloads all placenames for a given sector and * resolution to the current World Wind file cache. * * <p>This method creates and starts a thread to perform the download. A reference to the thread * is returned. To create a downloader that has not been started, construct a {@link * PlaceNameLayerBulkDownloader}. * * <p>Note that the target resolution must be provided in radians of latitude per texel, which is * the resolution in meters divided by the globe radius. * * @param sector the sector to download data for. * @param resolution the target resolution, provided in radians of latitude per texel. * @param listener an optional retrieval listener. May be null. * @return the {@link PlaceNameLayerBulkDownloader} that executes the retrieval. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the sector is null or the resolution is less than zero. * @see PlaceNameLayerBulkDownloader */ public BulkRetrievalThread makeLocal( Sector sector, double resolution, BulkRetrievalListener listener) { PlaceNameLayerBulkDownloader thread = new PlaceNameLayerBulkDownloader( this, sector, resolution, this.getDataFileStore(), listener); thread.setDaemon(true); thread.start(); return thread; } /** * Start a new {@link BulkRetrievalThread} that downloads all placenames for a given sector and * resolution to a specified file store. * * <p>This method creates and starts a thread to perform the download. A reference to the thread * is returned. To create a downloader that has not been started, construct a {@link * PlaceNameLayerBulkDownloader}. * * <p>Note that the target resolution must be provided in radians of latitude per texel, which is * the resolution in meters divided by the globe radius. * * @param sector the sector to download data for. * @param resolution the target resolution, provided in radians of latitude per texel. * @param fileStore the file store in which to place the downloaded elevations. If null the * current World Wind file cache is used. * @param listener an optional retrieval listener. May be null. * @return the {@link PlaceNameLayerBulkDownloader} that executes the retrieval. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the sector is null or the resolution is less than zero. * @see PlaceNameLayerBulkDownloader */ public BulkRetrievalThread makeLocal( Sector sector, double resolution, FileStore fileStore, BulkRetrievalListener listener) { PlaceNameLayerBulkDownloader thread = new PlaceNameLayerBulkDownloader(this, sector, resolution, fileStore, listener); thread.setDaemon(true); thread.start(); return thread; } /** * Get the estimated size in bytes of the placenames not in the World Wind file cache for the * given sector and resolution. * * <p>Note that the target resolution must be provided in radians of latitude per texel, which is * the resolution in meters divided by the globe radius. * * @param sector the sector to estimate. * @param resolution the target resolution, provided in radians of latitude per texel. * @return the estimated size in bytes of the missing placenames. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the sector is null or the resolution is less than zero. */ public long getEstimatedMissingDataSize(Sector sector, double resolution) { return this.getEstimatedMissingDataSize(sector, resolution, this.getDataFileStore()); } /** * Get the estimated size in bytes of the placenames not in a specified file store for the given * sector and resolution. * * <p>Note that the target resolution must be provided in radians of latitude per texel, which is * the resolution in meters divided by the globe radius. * * @param sector the sector to estimate. * @param resolution the target resolution, provided in radians of latitude per texel. * @param fileStore the file store to examine. If null the current World Wind file cache is used. * @return the estimated size in byte of the missing placenames. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the sector is null or the resolution is less than zero. */ public long getEstimatedMissingDataSize(Sector sector, double resolution, FileStore fileStore) { try { PlaceNameLayerBulkDownloader downloader = new PlaceNameLayerBulkDownloader( this, sector, resolution, fileStore != null ? fileStore : this.getDataFileStore(), null); return downloader.getEstimatedMissingDataSize(); } catch (Exception e) { String message = Logging.getMessage("generic.ExceptionDuringDataSizeEstimate", this.getName()); Logging.logger().severe(message); throw new RuntimeException(message); } } }