Пример #1
 public void testCreateNamespace()
     throws FOMException, FluidException, JSONException, IOException {
   // Lets create a new namespace underneath the user's default root namespace
   Namespace testNamespace = new Namespace(this.fdb, "", this.fdb.getUsername());
   String newName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
   Namespace newNamespace = testNamespace.createNamespace(newName, "This is a test namespace");
   assertEquals(newName, newNamespace.getName());
   assertEquals("This is a test namespace", newNamespace.getDescription());
   assertEquals(true, newNamespace.getId().length() > 0);
   assertEquals(true, TestUtils.contains(testNamespace.getNamespaceNames(), newName));
   // Lets make sure validation works correctly...
   newName = "this is wrong"; // e.g. space is an invalid character
   String msg = "";
   try {
     newNamespace = testNamespace.createNamespace(newName, "This is a test namespace");
   } catch (FOMException ex) {
     msg = ex.getMessage();
   assertEquals("Invalid name (incorrect characters or too long)", msg);
   // the new name is too long
   newName =
   msg = "";
   try {
     newNamespace = testNamespace.createNamespace(newName, "This is a test namespace");
   } catch (FOMException ex) {
     msg = ex.getMessage();
   assertEquals("Invalid name (incorrect characters or too long)", msg);
Пример #2
 public void testGetItem() throws Exception {
   // We'll make use of the user's default root namespace (defined by their username)
   Namespace testNamespace = new Namespace(this.fdb, "", this.fdb.getUsername());
   // There isn't anything there
   assertEquals("", testNamespace.getId());
   // Lets call FluidDB and populate the fields... now there should be an ID
   assertEquals(true, testNamespace.getId().length() > 0);
Пример #3
 public void testGetTag() throws FOMException, JSONException, FluidException, IOException {
   // Lets create a tag underneath the user's default root namespace
   Namespace testNamespace = new Namespace(this.fdb, "", this.fdb.getUsername());
   String newName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
   Tag newTag = testNamespace.createTag(newName, "This is a test tag", true);
   // if we successfully created a tag we'll be able to get it from FluidDB
   Tag gotTag = testNamespace.getTag(newName);
   assertEquals(newTag.getId(), gotTag.getId());
Пример #4
 public void testGetSetDescription()
     throws FOMException, JSONException, FluidException, IOException {
   // We'll make use of the user's default root namespace (defined by their username)
   Namespace testNamespace = new Namespace(this.fdb, "", this.fdb.getUsername());
   // Lets set the description
   testNamespace.setDescription("This is a test description");
   assertEquals("This is a test description", testNamespace.getDescription());
   // Lets get the same description from a newly instantiated object referencing the same
   // namespace so the description gets automagically pulled from FluidDB
   Namespace testNamespace2 = new Namespace(this.fdb, "", this.fdb.getUsername());
   assertEquals("This is a test description", testNamespace2.getDescription());
Пример #5
 public void testGetNamespaceNames()
     throws FOMException, FluidException, JSONException, IOException {
   // Lets create a new namespace underneath the user's default root namespace
   Namespace testNamespace = new Namespace(this.fdb, "", this.fdb.getUsername());
   String newName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
   Namespace newNamespace = testNamespace.createNamespace(newName, "This is a test namespace");
   // check the change happens at FluidDB
   assertEquals(true, TestUtils.contains(testNamespace.getNamespaceNames(), newName));
   // delete the namespace
   // this *won't* mean the namespace is removed from the local object
   assertEquals(true, TestUtils.contains(testNamespace.getNamespaceNames(), newName));
   // need to update from FluidDB
   assertEquals(false, TestUtils.contains(testNamespace.getNamespaceNames(), newName));
Пример #6
 public void testDelete() throws FOMException, FluidException, JSONException, IOException {
   // Lets create a new namespace underneath the user's default root namespace
   Namespace testNamespace = new Namespace(this.fdb, "", this.fdb.getUsername());
   String newName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
   Namespace newNamespace = testNamespace.createNamespace(newName, "This is a test namespace");
   assertEquals(true, TestUtils.contains(testNamespace.getNamespaceNames(), newName));
   assertEquals(false, TestUtils.contains(testNamespace.getNamespaceNames(), newName));
Пример #7
 public void testGetTagNames() throws FOMException, JSONException, FluidException, IOException {
   Namespace testNamespace = new Namespace(this.fdb, "", this.fdb.getUsername());
   String newName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
   Tag newTag = testNamespace.createTag(newName, "This is a test tag", true);
   // check the change happens at FluidDB
   assertEquals(true, TestUtils.contains(testNamespace.getTagNames(), newName));
   // delete the tag
   // this *won't* mean the tag is removed from the local object
   assertEquals(true, TestUtils.contains(testNamespace.getTagNames(), newName));
   // need to update from FluidDB
   assertEquals(false, TestUtils.contains(testNamespace.getTagNames(), newName));
Пример #8
  public void testGetSetPermission() throws Exception {
    // Lets create a new namespace underneath the user's default root namespace and
    // play with the permissions on that
    Namespace n = new Namespace(this.fdb, "", this.fdb.getUsername());
    String newName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
    Namespace newNamespace = n.createNamespace(newName, "Created for the purposes of testing");
    // Lets set a strange permission on the namespace so we know what we're checking when
    // we get it back
    Permission p = new Permission(Policy.OPEN, new String[] {"fluiddb"});
    newNamespace.setPermission(Namespace.Actions.CREATE, p);

    // OK... lets try getting the newly altered permission back
    Permission checkP = newNamespace.getPermission(Namespace.Actions.CREATE);
    assertEquals(p.GetPolicy(), checkP.GetPolicy());
    assertEquals(p.GetExceptions()[0], checkP.GetExceptions()[0]);

    // Housekeeping to clean up after ourselves...