public static void setCollectionValues( Xpp3Dom parent, String nodeName, String childName, Collection<String> values) { Xpp3Dom node = parent.getChild(nodeName); if (node != null) { for (int i = 0; i < parent.getChildCount(); i++) { Xpp3Dom existing = parent.getChild(i); if (StringUtils.equals(nodeName, existing.getName())) { parent.removeChild(i); break; } } node = null; } node = new Xpp3Dom(nodeName); parent.addChild(node); for (String childVal : values) { Xpp3Dom childNode = new Xpp3Dom(childName); node.addChild(childNode); childNode.setValue(childVal); } }
public List<String> getW32Icons() { Xpp3Dom domLauncher = dom.getChild("launcher"); if (domLauncher == null) { return null; } Xpp3Dom win = domLauncher.getChild("win"); if (win == null) { return null; } List<String> icons = new ArrayList<String>(); String useIco = win.getAttribute("useIco"); if (Boolean.valueOf(useIco)) { // for (Xpp3Dom ico : win.getChildren("ico")) { Xpp3Dom ico = win.getChild("ico"); // should be only 1 icons.add(ico.getAttribute("path")); } } else { for (Xpp3Dom bmp : win.getChildren("bmp")) { String[] attibuteNames = bmp.getAttributeNames(); if (attibuteNames != null && attibuteNames.length > 0) icons.add(bmp.getAttribute(bmp.getAttributeNames()[0])); } } return icons; }
public String getValueForWebResource(Xpp3Dom dom, String value) { Xpp3Dom resource = dom.getChild("resource"); if (resource != null) { Xpp3Dom child = resource.getChild(value); if (child != null) { return child.getValue(); } } return null; }
public String getMacIcon() { Xpp3Dom domLauncher = dom.getChild("launcher"); if (domLauncher == null) { return null; } Xpp3Dom linux = domLauncher.getChild("macosx"); if (linux == null) { return null; } return linux.getAttribute("icon"); }
private void readConfiguration() throws IOException { Xpp3Dom configuration = (Xpp3Dom) plugin.getConfiguration(); defaultBundleList = null; jarWebSupport = null; includeDefaultBundles = true; bundleListFile = new File(project.getBasedir(), "src/main/bundles/list.xml"); if (configuration != null) { includeDefaultBundles = nodeValue(configuration, "includeDefaultBundles", true); Xpp3Dom defaultBundleListConfig = configuration.getChild("defaultBundleList"); if (defaultBundleListConfig != null) { defaultBundleList = new ArtifactDefinition(defaultBundleListConfig); } Xpp3Dom jarWebSupportConfig = configuration.getChild("jarWebSupport"); if (jarWebSupportConfig != null) { jarWebSupport = new ArtifactDefinition(jarWebSupportConfig); } Xpp3Dom bundleListFileConfig = configuration.getChild("bundleListFile"); if (bundleListFileConfig != null) { bundleListFile = new File(project.getBasedir(), bundleListFileConfig.getValue()); } configureAdditionalBundles(configuration); } for (PluginExecution execution : plugin.getExecutions()) { Xpp3Dom executionConfiguration = (Xpp3Dom) execution.getConfiguration(); if (executionConfiguration != null) { configureAdditionalBundles(executionConfiguration); } } initArtifactDefinitions( getClass().getClassLoader(), new ArtifactDefinitionsCallback() { public void initArtifactDefinitions(Properties dependencies) { if (defaultBundleList == null) { defaultBundleList = new ArtifactDefinition(); } defaultBundleList.initDefaults(dependencies.getProperty("defaultBundleList")); if (jarWebSupport == null) { jarWebSupport = new ArtifactDefinition(); } jarWebSupport.initDefaults(dependencies.getProperty("jarWebSupport")); } }); }
private List<String> findModules(Plugin pluginConfig, IJavaProject javaProject) { List<String> modNames = new ArrayList<String>(); Xpp3Dom gwtConfig = (Xpp3Dom) pluginConfig.getConfiguration(); if (gwtConfig != null) { Xpp3Dom[] moduleNodes = gwtConfig.getChildren("module"); if (moduleNodes.length > 0) { String moduleQNameTrimmed = null; for (Xpp3Dom mNode : moduleNodes) { moduleQNameTrimmed = mNode.getValue().trim(); } if (moduleQNameTrimmed != null) { modNames.add(moduleQNameTrimmed); } } else { Xpp3Dom modulesNode = gwtConfig.getChild("modules"); if (modulesNode != null) { moduleNodes = modulesNode.getChildren("module"); for (Xpp3Dom mNode : moduleNodes) { String moduleQNameTrimmed = mNode.getValue().trim(); modNames.add(moduleQNameTrimmed); } } } } if (modNames.size() == 0) { IModule[] modules = ModuleUtils.findAllModules(javaProject, false); modNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (IModule iModule : modules) { modNames.add(iModule.getQualifiedName()); log.debug("\t{}", iModule.getQualifiedName()); } } return modNames; }
public void refreshSiblingProject(IMavenProjectFacade projectFacade, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { // need to look up project configuration and refresh the *-service project associated with this // project try { // not doing any null checks since this is in large try/catch final Plugin liferayMavenPlugin = MavenUtil.getLiferayMavenPlugin(projectFacade, monitor); final Xpp3Dom config = (Xpp3Dom) liferayMavenPlugin.getConfiguration(); final Xpp3Dom apiBaseDir = config.getChild(ILiferayMavenConstants.PLUGIN_CONFIG_API_BASE_DIR); // this should be the name path of a project that should be in user's workspace that we can // refresh final String apiBaseDirValue = apiBaseDir.getValue(); final IFile apiBasePomFile = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace() .getRoot() .getFileForLocation(new Path(apiBaseDirValue).append(IMavenConstants.POM_FILE_NAME)); final IMavenProjectFacade apiBaseFacade = this.projectManager.create(apiBasePomFile, true, monitor); apiBaseFacade.getProject().refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, monitor); } catch (Exception e) { LiferayMavenCore.logError("Could not refresh sibling service project.", e); // $NON-NLS-1$ } }
public boolean isAddManifestClasspath() { Xpp3Dom config = getConfiguration(); if (config != null) { Xpp3Dom arch = config.getChild("archive"); if (arch != null) { Xpp3Dom manifest = arch.getChild("manifest"); if (manifest != null) { Xpp3Dom addToClp = manifest.getChild("addClasspath"); if (addToClp != null) { return Boolean.valueOf(addToClp.getValue()); } } } } return false; }
private void setDisableP2Mirrors(TargetPlatformConfiguration result, Xpp3Dom configuration) { Xpp3Dom disableP2mirrorsDom = configuration.getChild("disableP2Mirrors"); if (disableP2mirrorsDom != null) { logger.warn( "Unsupported target-platform-configuration <disableP2Mirrors>. Use tycho.disableP2Mirrors -D command line parameter or settings.xml property."); } }
public Launcher getLauncher() { Xpp3Dom domLauncher = dom.getChild("launcher"); if (domLauncher == null) { return null; } return new Launcher(domLauncher); }
public void testCompleteWiring() throws Exception { ModelBuilder builder = new DefaultModelBuilderFactory().newInstance(); assertNotNull(builder); DefaultModelBuildingRequest request = new DefaultModelBuildingRequest(); request.setProcessPlugins(true); request.setPomFile(getPom("simple")); ModelBuildingResult result =; assertNotNull(result); assertNotNull(result.getEffectiveModel()); assertEquals("activated", result.getEffectiveModel().getProperties().get("profile.file")); Xpp3Dom conf = (Xpp3Dom) result.getEffectiveModel().getBuild().getPlugins().get(0).getConfiguration(); assertEquals("1.5", conf.getChild("source").getValue()); assertEquals(" 1.5 ", conf.getChild("target").getValue()); }
private void setPomDependencies(TargetPlatformConfiguration result, Xpp3Dom configuration) { String value = getStringValue(configuration.getChild("pomDependencies")); if (value == null) { return; } result.setPomDependencies(value); }
private void setAllowConflictingDependencies( TargetPlatformConfiguration result, Xpp3Dom configuration) { String value = getStringValue(configuration.getChild("allowConflictingDependencies")); if (value == null) { return; } result.setAllowConflictingDependencies(Boolean.parseBoolean(value)); }
protected TargetEnvironment getDeprecatedTargetEnvironment(Xpp3Dom configuration) { Xpp3Dom environmentDom = configuration.getChild("environment"); if (environmentDom != null) { logger.warn( "target-platform-configuration <environment> element is deprecated; use <environments> instead"); return newTargetEnvironment(environmentDom); } return null; }
private void setTargetPlatformResolver( TargetPlatformConfiguration result, Xpp3Dom configuration) { String value = getStringValue(configuration.getChild("resolver")); if (value == null) { return; } result.setResolver(value); }
private static TargetEnvironment newTargetEnvironment(Xpp3Dom environmentDom) { Xpp3Dom osDom = environmentDom.getChild("os"); if (osDom == null) { return null; } Xpp3Dom wsDom = environmentDom.getChild("ws"); if (wsDom == null) { return null; } Xpp3Dom archDom = environmentDom.getChild("arch"); if (archDom == null) { return null; } return new TargetEnvironment(osDom.getValue(), wsDom.getValue(), archDom.getValue()); }
private void applyPOMWebAppConfig( final Xpp3Dom configuration, final JettyWebAppContext webAppConfig) throws BeanConfigurationException { BeanConfigurationRequest beanConfigurationRequest = new DefaultBeanConfigurationRequest(); beanConfigurationRequest .setBean(webAppConfig) .setConfiguration(configuration.getChild("webAppConfig")); beanConfigurator.configureBean(beanConfigurationRequest); }
private void setIncludePackedArtifacts( TargetPlatformConfiguration result, Xpp3Dom configuration) { String value = getStringValue(configuration.getChild("includePackedArtifacts")); if (value == null) { return; } result.setIncludePackedArtifacts(Boolean.parseBoolean(value)); }
public Xpp3Dom[] getWebResources() { Xpp3Dom config = getConfiguration(); if (config != null) { Xpp3Dom webResources = config.getChild("webResources"); if (webResources != null && webResources.getChildCount() > 0) { return webResources.getChildren(); } } return null; }
public String[] getPackagingIncludes() { Xpp3Dom config = getConfiguration(); if (config != null) { Xpp3Dom incl = config.getChild("packagingIncludes"); if (incl != null && incl.getValue() != null) { return StringUtils.tokenizeToStringArray(incl.getValue(), ","); } } return new String[0]; }
private void readExtraRequirements(TargetPlatformConfiguration result, Xpp3Dom configuration) { Xpp3Dom resolverDom = getDependencyResolutionDom(configuration); if (resolverDom == null) { return; } Xpp3Dom requirementsDom = resolverDom.getChild("extraRequirements"); if (requirementsDom == null) { return; } for (Xpp3Dom requirementDom : requirementsDom.getChildren("requirement")) { Dependency d = new Dependency(); d.setType(requirementDom.getChild("type").getValue()); d.setArtifactId(requirementDom.getChild("id").getValue()); d.setVersion(requirementDom.getChild("versionRange").getValue()); result.addExtraRequirement(d); } }
private void configureAdditionalBundles(Xpp3Dom configuration) { Xpp3Dom additionalBundlesConfig = configuration.getChild("additionalBundles"); if (additionalBundlesConfig != null) { Xpp3Dom[] bundleConfigs = additionalBundlesConfig.getChildren("bundle"); if (bundleConfigs != null) { for (Xpp3Dom bundleConfig : bundleConfigs) { additionalBundles.add(new ArtifactDefinition(bundleConfig)); } } } }
public String getManifestClasspathPrefix() { Xpp3Dom config = getConfiguration(); if (config != null) { Xpp3Dom arch = config.getChild("archive"); if (arch != null) { Xpp3Dom manifest = arch.getChild("manifest"); if (manifest != null) { Xpp3Dom prefix = manifest.getChild("classpathPrefix"); if (prefix != null && !StringUtils.nullOrEmpty(prefix.getValue())) { String rawPrefix = prefix.getValue().trim(); if (!rawPrefix.endsWith("/")) { rawPrefix += "/"; } return rawPrefix; } } } } return null; }
/** * Get the custom location of web.xml, as set in <webXml>. * * @return the custom location of web.xml or null if <webXml> is not set */ public String getCustomWebXml(IProject project) { Xpp3Dom config = getConfiguration(); if (config != null) { Xpp3Dom webXmlDom = config.getChild("webXml"); if (webXmlDom != null && webXmlDom.getValue() != null) { String webXmlFile = webXmlDom.getValue().trim(); webXmlFile = ProjectUtils.getRelativePath(project, webXmlFile); return webXmlFile; } } return null; }
public List<FeatureRef> getFeatures() { Xpp3Dom featuresDom = dom.getChild("features"); if (featuresDom == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } ArrayList<FeatureRef> features = new ArrayList<FeatureRef>(); for (Xpp3Dom pluginDom : featuresDom.getChildren("feature")) { features.add(new FeatureRef(pluginDom)); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(features); }
public List<PluginRef> getPlugins() { Xpp3Dom pluginsDom = dom.getChild("plugins"); if (pluginsDom == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } ArrayList<PluginRef> plugins = new ArrayList<PluginRef>(); for (Xpp3Dom pluginDom : pluginsDom.getChildren("plugin")) { plugins.add(new PluginRef(pluginDom)); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(plugins); }
private void setTarget( TargetPlatformConfiguration result, MavenSession session, MavenProject project, Xpp3Dom configuration) { Xpp3Dom targetDom = configuration.getChild("target"); if (targetDom == null) { return; } Xpp3Dom artifactDom = targetDom.getChild("artifact"); if (artifactDom == null) { return; } Xpp3Dom groupIdDom = artifactDom.getChild("groupId"); Xpp3Dom artifactIdDom = artifactDom.getChild("artifactId"); Xpp3Dom versionDom = artifactDom.getChild("version"); if (groupIdDom == null || artifactIdDom == null || versionDom == null) { return; } Xpp3Dom classifierDom = artifactDom.getChild("classifier"); String groupId = groupIdDom.getValue(); String artifactId = artifactIdDom.getValue(); String version = versionDom.getValue(); String classifier = classifierDom != null ? classifierDom.getValue() : null; File targetFile = null; for (MavenProject otherProject : session.getProjects()) { if (groupId.equals(otherProject.getGroupId()) && artifactId.equals(otherProject.getArtifactId()) && version.equals(otherProject.getVersion())) { targetFile = new File(otherProject.getBasedir(), classifier + ".target"); break; } } if (targetFile == null) { Artifact artifact = repositorySystem.createArtifactWithClassifier( groupId, artifactId, version, "target", classifier); ArtifactResolutionRequest request = new ArtifactResolutionRequest(); request.setArtifact(artifact); request.setLocalRepository(session.getLocalRepository()); request.setRemoteRepositories(project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories()); repositorySystem.resolve(request); if (!artifact.isResolved()) { throw new RuntimeException( "Could not resolve target platform specification artifact " + artifact); } targetFile = artifact.getFile(); } result.setTarget(targetFile); }
public boolean isExcludeAll() { if (excludeAll == null) { if (configuration != null) { Xpp3Dom excludeAllDom = configuration.getChild("excludeAll"); if (excludeAllDom != null) { excludeAll = Boolean.valueOf(excludeAllDom.getValue()); } } if (excludeAll == null) { excludeAll = Boolean.FALSE; } } return excludeAll.booleanValue(); }
public boolean isRemoveDependencyVersions() { if (removeDependencyVersions == null) { if (configuration != null) { Xpp3Dom removeVersionDom = configuration.getChild("removeDependencyVersions"); if (removeVersionDom != null) { removeDependencyVersions = Boolean.valueOf(removeVersionDom.getValue()); } } if (removeDependencyVersions == null) { removeDependencyVersions = Boolean.FALSE; } } return removeDependencyVersions.booleanValue(); }
public String getLibDirectory() { if (libDirectory == null) { if (configuration != null) { Xpp3Dom libDom = configuration.getChild("libDirectory"); if (libDom != null) { libDirectory = libDom.getValue(); } } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(libDirectory)) { libDirectory = DEFAULT_LIB_DIRECTORY; } } return libDirectory; }