Пример #1
/*      */   public void insertChild(XMLElement child, int index)
/*      */   {
/*  422 */     if (child == null) {
/*  423 */       throw new IllegalArgumentException("child must not be null");
/*      */     }
/*  425 */     if ((child.getLocalName() == null) && (!this.children.isEmpty())) {
/*  426 */       XMLElement lastChild = (XMLElement)this.children.lastElement();
/*  427 */       if (lastChild.getLocalName() == null) {
/*  428 */         lastChild.setContent(lastChild.getContent() + 
/*  429 */           child.getContent());
/*  430 */         return;
/*      */       }
/*      */     }
/*  433 */     child.parent = this;
/*  434 */     this.children.insertElementAt(child, index);
/*      */   }
Пример #2
/*      */   public void addChild(XMLElement child)
/*      */   {
/*  398 */     if (child == null) {
/*  399 */       throw new IllegalArgumentException("child must not be null");
/*      */     }
/*  401 */     if ((child.getLocalName() == null) && (!this.children.isEmpty())) {
/*  402 */       XMLElement lastChild = (XMLElement)this.children.lastElement();
/*      */       
/*  404 */       if (lastChild.getLocalName() == null) {
/*  405 */         lastChild.setContent(lastChild.getContent() + 
/*  406 */           child.getContent());
/*  407 */         return;
/*      */       }
/*      */     }
/*  410 */     child.parent = this;
/*  411 */     this.children.addElement(child);
/*      */   }