Пример #1
   * Show the specified message in a modal dialog. If the user clicks on the "Cancel" button, then
   * throw an exception. This gives the user the option of not continuing the execution, something
   * that is particularly useful if continuing execution will result in repeated warnings. NOTE: If
   * this is called outside the swing event thread, then no cancel button is presented and no
   * CancelException will be thrown. This is because the displaying of the message must be deferred
   * to the swing event thread, according to the swing architecture, or we could get deadlock or
   * rendering problems.
   * @param info The message.
   * @exception ptolemy.util.CancelException If the user clicks on the "Cancel" button.
  protected void _warning(final String info) throws CancelException {
    // In swing, updates to showing graphics must be done in the
    // event thread.  If we are in the event thread, then proceed.
    // Otherwise, defer.
    if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) {
    } else {
      Runnable doWarning =
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              Object[] options = {"OK"};
              Object[] message = new Object[1];

              // If the message lines are longer than 80 characters, we split it
              // into shorter new line separated strings.
              // Running vergil on a HSIF .xml file will create a line longer
              // than 80 characters
              message[0] = StringUtilities.ellipsis(info, StringUtilities.ELLIPSIS_LENGTH_LONG);

              // Show the MODAL dialog
              /*int selected =*/ JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(

Пример #2
   * Show the specified message and throwable information in a modal dialog. If the user clicks on
   * the "Cancel" button, then throw an exception. This gives the user the option of not continuing
   * the execution, something that is particularly useful if continuing execution will result in
   * repeated warnings. By default, only the message of the throwable is shown. The stack trace
   * information is only shown if the user clicks on the "Display Stack Trace" button. NOTE: If this
   * is called outside the swing event thread, then no cancel button is presented and no
   * CancelException will be thrown. This is because the displaying of the message must be deferred
   * to the swing event thread, according to the swing architecture, or we could get deadlock or
   * rendering problems.
   * @param info The message.
   * @param throwable The throwable.
   * @exception ptolemy.util.CancelException If the user clicks on the "Cancel" button.
  protected void _warning(final String info, final Throwable throwable) throws CancelException {
    // In swing, updates to showing graphics must be done in the
    // event thread.  If we are in the event thread, then proceed.
    // Otherwise, defer.
    if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) {
      super._warning(info, throwable);
    } else {
      Runnable doWarning =
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              Object[] message = new Object[1];
              message[0] = StringUtilities.ellipsis(info, StringUtilities.ELLIPSIS_LENGTH_LONG);

              Object[] options = {"OK", "Display Stack Trace"};

              // Show the MODAL dialog
              int selected =

              if (selected == 1) {
                _showStackTrace(throwable, info);
