Пример #1
  public void select(
      List<Candidate> candi,
      BoardImage board,
      int player,
      int depth,
      int alpha,
      int beta,
      int depthLimit,
      StateHash<StateInfo> hash,
      SearchLogger logger) {
    int opponent = GameUtility.getOpponent(player);

    for (int x = 0; x < ChessGame.BOARD_WIDTH; x++)
      for (int y = 0; y < ChessGame.BOARD_HEIGHT; y++)
        if (board.getColorAt(x, y) == player) {
          Position[] targets = RuleEngine.getLegalMoves(board, x, y);
          for (Position target : targets) {
            assert (board.getColorAt(target) != player);

            Move move = new Move(new Position(x, y), target);
            int killedUnit = board.performMove(move);
            // this move leads to a new state that never happended
            // in history (which is ban move)
            if (historyStates == null || !historyStates.contains(board, opponent)) {
              StateInfo hashedState = hash.lookUp(board, opponent);
              String reason;
              int priority;

              if (hashedState != null && hashedState.getBeta() >= -alpha) {
                reason = "historical heuristic move.";
                priority = -hashedState.getAlpha() + 10;
              } else {
                if (killedUnit != ChessGame.EMPTY) {
                  reason = "killing move.";
                  priority = 10 + unitScoreTable.getUnitScore(target, killedUnit);
                } else {
                  reason = "normal move.";
                  priority = 10;

              priority += historyTable.getMoveScore(move);
              priority += killerTable.getMoveScore(depth, move);

              candi.add(new Candidate(move, priority, reason));

            board.unperformMove(move, killedUnit);
 protected boolean checkNotNullable(
     DfaMemoryState state, DfaValue value, NullabilityProblem problem, PsiElement anchor) {
   boolean ok = super.checkNotNullable(state, value, problem, anchor);
   if (!ok && anchor != null) {
     myProblems.putValue(problem, anchor);
   Pair<NullabilityProblem, PsiElement> key = Pair.create(problem, anchor);
   StateInfo info = myStateInfos.get(key);
   if (info == null) {
     myStateInfos.put(key, info = new StateInfo());
   if (state.isEphemeral() && !ok) {
     info.ephemeralNpe = true;
   } else if (!state.isEphemeral()) {
     if (ok) info.normalOk = true;
     else info.normalNpe = true;
   return ok;