public DefaultSearchContext( long id, ShardSearchRequest request, SearchShardTarget shardTarget, Engine.Searcher engineSearcher, IndexService indexService, IndexShard indexShard, ScriptService scriptService, PageCacheRecycler pageCacheRecycler, BigArrays bigArrays, Counter timeEstimateCounter, ParseFieldMatcher parseFieldMatcher, TimeValue timeout) { super(parseFieldMatcher, request); = id; this.request = request; this.searchType = request.searchType(); this.shardTarget = shardTarget; this.engineSearcher = engineSearcher; this.scriptService = scriptService; this.pageCacheRecycler = pageCacheRecycler; // SearchContexts use a BigArrays that can circuit break this.bigArrays = bigArrays.withCircuitBreaking(); this.dfsResult = new DfsSearchResult(id, shardTarget); this.queryResult = new QuerySearchResult(id, shardTarget); this.fetchResult = new FetchSearchResult(id, shardTarget); this.indexShard = indexShard; this.indexService = indexService; this.searcher = new ContextIndexSearcher(this, engineSearcher); this.timeEstimateCounter = timeEstimateCounter; this.timeoutInMillis = timeout.millis(); }
@Override public SearchLookup lookup() { // TODO: The types should take into account the parsing context in QueryParserContext... if (searchLookup == null) { searchLookup = new SearchLookup(mapperService(), fieldData(), request.types()); } return searchLookup; }
@Override public ObjectMapper getObjectMapper(String name) { return mapperService().getObjectMapper(name, request.types()); }
@Override public MappedFieldType smartNameFieldType(String name) { return mapperService().smartNameFieldType(name, request.types()); }
@Override protected long nowInMillisImpl() { return request.nowInMillis(); }
@Override public String[] types() { return request.types(); }
@Override public boolean hasTypes() { return request.types() != null && request.types().length > 0; }
@Override public int numberOfShards() { return request.numberOfShards(); }
/** * Should be called before executing the main query and after all other parameters have been set. */ @Override public void preProcess() { if (scrollContext == null) { long from = from() == -1 ? 0 : from(); long size = size() == -1 ? 10 : size(); long resultWindow = from + size; // We need settingsService's view of the settings because its dynamic. // indexService's isn't. int maxResultWindow = indexService .getIndexSettings() .getSettings() .getAsInt(MAX_RESULT_WINDOW, Defaults.MAX_RESULT_WINDOW); if (resultWindow > maxResultWindow) { throw new QueryPhaseExecutionException( this, "Result window is too large, from + size must be less than or equal to: [" + maxResultWindow + "] but was [" + resultWindow + "]. See the scroll api for a more efficient way to request large data sets. " + "This limit can be set by changing the [" + DefaultSearchContext.MAX_RESULT_WINDOW + "] index level parameter."); } } // initialize the filtering alias based on the provided filters aliasFilter = indexService.aliasFilter(indexShard.getQueryShardContext(), request.filteringAliases()); if (query() == null) { parsedQuery(ParsedQuery.parsedMatchAllQuery()); } if (queryBoost() != AbstractQueryBuilder.DEFAULT_BOOST) { parsedQuery( new ParsedQuery( new FunctionScoreQuery(query(), new WeightFactorFunction(queryBoost)), parsedQuery())); } Query searchFilter = searchFilter(types()); if (searchFilter != null) { if (Queries.isConstantMatchAllQuery(query())) { Query q = new ConstantScoreQuery(searchFilter); if (query().getBoost() != AbstractQueryBuilder.DEFAULT_BOOST) { q = new BoostQuery(q, query().getBoost()); } parsedQuery(new ParsedQuery(q, parsedQuery())); } else { BooleanQuery filtered = new BooleanQuery.Builder() .add(query(), Occur.MUST) .add(searchFilter, Occur.FILTER) .build(); parsedQuery(new ParsedQuery(filtered, parsedQuery())); } } try { this.query = searcher().rewrite(this.query); } catch (IOException e) { throw new QueryPhaseExecutionException(this, "Failed to rewrite main query", e); } }