     * Configures the iterators on a scanner for the given table name.
     * @param job the Hadoop job configuration
     * @param scanner the scanner for which to configure the iterators
     * @param tableName the table name for which the scanner is configured
     * @since 1.7.0
    private void setupIterators(
        JobConf job,
        ScannerBase scanner,
        String tableName,
        org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapreduce.RangeInputSplit split) {
      List<IteratorSetting> iterators = null;

      if (null == split) {
        iterators = jobIterators(job, tableName);
      } else {
        iterators = split.getIterators();
        if (null == iterators) {
          iterators = jobIterators(job, tableName);

      for (IteratorSetting iterator : iterators) scanner.addScanIterator(iterator);