Пример #1
  * This will invoke the <code>ContentHandler.processingInstruction</code> callback when a
  * processing instruction is encountered.
  * @param pi <code>ProcessingInstruction</code> containing target and data.
 private void processingInstruction(ProcessingInstruction pi) throws JDOMException {
   if (pi != null) {
     String target = pi.getTarget();
     String data = pi.getData();
     try {
       contentHandler.processingInstruction(target, data);
     } catch (SAXException se) {
       throw new JDOMException("Exception in processingInstruction", se);
Пример #2
  public void processingInstruction(String target, String data) {

    // simplify logic???? into two cases in and not in DTD
    // ditto for comment() method and superclass
    if (!inDTD) flushText();
    else if (!inInternalSubset()) return;

    ProcessingInstruction result = ProcessingInstruction.build(target, data);

    if (!inDTD) {
      if (inProlog) {
        parent.fastInsertChild(result, position);
      } else {
        parent.fastInsertChild(result, parent.getChildCount());
    } else {
      internalDTDSubset.append("  ");
Пример #3
  private boolean shallowEquals(NodeInfo n1, Node n2) {
    if (n1 == n2) return true;
    if (n1 == null || n2 == null) return false;

    int type1 = n1.getNodeKind();
    if (type1 == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) type1 = Node.TEXT_NODE;
    else if (type1 == NodeType.NAMESPACE) type1 = Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE;

    int type2 = n2.getNodeType();
    if (type2 == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE) type2 = Node.TEXT_NODE;

    if (type1 != type2) return false;

    switch (type1) {
        ProcessingInstruction pi2 = (ProcessingInstruction) n2;
        String target1 = n1.getDisplayName();
        String target2 = pi2.getTarget();
        if (!target1.equals(target2)) return false;
        String data1 = n1.getStringValue();
        String data2 = pi2.getData();
        if (!data1.equals(data2)) return false;
      case Node.COMMENT_NODE:
        Comment comment2 = (Comment) n2;
        data1 = n1.getStringValue();
        data2 = comment2.getData();
        if (!data1.equals(data2)) return false;
      case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
        Element element2 = (Element) n2;
        String namespaceURI1 = n1.getURI();
        if (namespaceURI1 == null) namespaceURI1 = "";
        String namespaceURI2 = element2.getNamespaceURI();
        if (namespaceURI2 == null) namespaceURI2 = "";
        if (!namespaceURI1.equals(namespaceURI2)) return false;
        String localName1 = n1.getLocalPart();
        String localName2 = element2.getLocalName();
        if (!localName1.equals(localName2)) return false;

        NodeInfoSequence attrs1 = new NodeInfoSequence(n1, Axis.ATTRIBUTE);
        NamedNodeMap attrs2 = element2.getAttributes();
        BitSet bitSet = new BitSet();
        NodeInfo attr1;
        while ((attr1 = attrs1.findNext()) != null) {
          if (isNamespaceDeclaration(attr1)) continue;
          namespaceURI1 = attr1.getURI();
          if (namespaceURI1 == null) namespaceURI1 = "";
          localName1 = attr1.getLocalPart();
          String value1 = attr1.getStringValue();

          int found = -1;
          for (int i = 0; i < attrs2.getLength(); i++) {
            Attr attr2 = (Attr) attrs2.item(i);
            namespaceURI2 = attr2.getNamespaceURI();
            if (namespaceURI2 == null) namespaceURI2 = "";
            localName2 = attr2.getLocalName();
            if (namespaceURI1.equals(namespaceURI2) && localName1.equals(localName2)) {
              String value2 = attr2.getNodeValue();
              if (!value1.equals(value2)) return false;
              found = i;
          if (found == -1) return false;
          else bitSet.set(found);
        for (int i = 0; i < attrs2.getLength(); i++) {
          if (!bitSet.get(i)) {
            Attr attr2 = (Attr) attrs2.item(i);
            if (!DOMUtil.isNamespaceDeclaration(attr2)) return false;

      case Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE:
        Attr attr2 = (Attr) n2;
        namespaceURI1 = isNamespaceDeclaration(n1) ? Namespaces.URI_XMLNS : n1.getURI();
        if (namespaceURI1 == null) namespaceURI1 = "";
        namespaceURI2 = attr2.getNamespaceURI();
        if (namespaceURI2 == null) namespaceURI2 = "";
        if (!namespaceURI1.equals(namespaceURI2)) return false;
        localName1 = n1.getLocalPart();
        localName2 = attr2.getLocalName();
        if (!localName1.equals(localName2)) return false;
        String value1 = n1.getStringValue();
        String value2 = attr2.getNodeValue();
        if (!value1.equals(value2)) return false;
      case Node.TEXT_NODE:
        value1 = n1.getStringValue();
        value2 = n2.getNodeValue();
        if (!value1.equals(value2)) return false;

    return true;
Пример #4
  * Sets a parameter for the fragment. The object set as parameter value must not be changed during
  * all the execution, otherwise the result won't be as expected. That is, if this object has a
  * method that changes its content, this method must not be called by the Formatter during the
  * service() method. Otherwise, all the rendering performed by the fragmentValue tag will use the
  * *last* version of the object, the one existing after the invocation of service method, which is
  * probably not expected.
  * <p>Example, of a iterating formatter: <code>
  * StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();<br>
  * for( int i= 0; i<10; i++){<br>
  * sb.delete(0,sb.length())<br>
  * sb.append( i );<br>
  * setAttribute("index",sb);<br>
  * renderFragment("output");<br>
  * }<br>     *
  * </code> will generate an output like : 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 while the expected output
  * is: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  * <p>So, use objects and don't change them. This is usually easy to accomplish, by using
  * different instances, in the example above, replace sb.delete(0,sb.length()) with sb = new
  * StringBuffer();
  * @param name Name of the parameter.
  * @param value It's value. Must not be changed during all the execution.
 protected void setAttribute(String name, double value) {
   if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Setting of attribute " + name + " scheduled.");
       ProcessingInstruction.getSetParameterInstruction(name, new Double(value)));
Пример #5
 protected void setAttributeInterpreter(FormaterTagDynamicAttributesInterpreter interpreter) {
Пример #6
 protected void writeToOut(String text) {
   if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Writting '" + text + "' to output,  scheduled.");
Пример #7
 protected void includePage(String pageName) {
   if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Including of page " + pageName + " scheduled.");
Пример #8
  * Orders the processing of fragment with given name.
  * @param fragmentName Name of the fragment to be rendered.
 protected void renderFragment(String fragmentName) {
   if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Rendering of fragment " + fragmentName + " scheduled.");