public TokensRegexNERAnnotator(String name, Properties properties) {
    String prefix = (name != null && !name.isEmpty()) ? name + '.' : "";
    String backgroundSymbol =
        properties.getProperty(prefix + "backgroundSymbol", DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_SYMBOL);
    String[] backgroundSymbols = backgroundSymbol.split("\\s*,\\s*");
    String mappingFiles =
        properties.getProperty(prefix + "mapping", DefaultPaths.DEFAULT_REGEXNER_RULES);
    String[] mappings = mappingFiles.split("\\s*[,;]\\s*");
    String validPosRegex = properties.getProperty(prefix + "validpospattern");
    this.posMatchType =
            properties.getProperty(prefix + "posmatchtype",;

    String noDefaultOverwriteLabelsProp =
        properties.getProperty(prefix + "noDefaultOverwriteLabels");
    this.noDefaultOverwriteLabels =
        (noDefaultOverwriteLabelsProp != null)
            ? Collections.unmodifiableSet(
            : Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>());
    this.ignoreCase = PropertiesUtils.getBool(properties, prefix + "ignorecase", false);
    this.verbose = PropertiesUtils.getBool(properties, prefix + "verbose", false);

    if (validPosRegex != null && !validPosRegex.isEmpty()) {
      validPosPattern = Pattern.compile(validPosRegex);
    } else {
      validPosPattern = null;
    entries =
            readEntries(name, noDefaultOverwriteLabels, ignoreCase, verbose, mappings));
    IdentityHashMap<SequencePattern<CoreMap>, Entry> patternToEntry = new IdentityHashMap<>();
    multiPatternMatcher = createPatternMatcher(patternToEntry);
    this.patternToEntry = Collections.unmodifiableMap(patternToEntry);
    Set<String> myLabels = Generics.newHashSet();
    // Can always override background or none.
    Collections.addAll(myLabels, backgroundSymbols);
    // Always overwrite labels
    for (Entry entry : entries) myLabels.add(entry.type);
    this.myLabels = Collections.unmodifiableSet(myLabels);
 * TokensRegexNERAnnotator labels tokens with types based on a simple manual mapping from regular
 * expressions to the types of the entities they are meant to describe. The user provides a file
 * formatted as follows:
 * <pre>
 *    regex1    TYPE    overwritableType1,Type2...    priority
 *    regex2    TYPE    overwritableType1,Type2...    priority
 *    ...
 * </pre>
 * where each argument is tab-separated, and the last two arguments are optional. Several regexes
 * can be associated with a single type. In the case where multiple regexes match a phrase, the
 * priority ranking is used to choose between the possible types. When the priority is the same,
 * then longer matches are favored. This classifier is designed to be used as part of a full NER
 * system to label entities that don't fall into the usual NER categories. It only records the label
 * if the token has not already been NER-annotated, or it has been annotated but the NER-type has
 * been designated overwritable (the third argument).
 * <p>The first column regex may follow one of two formats:
 * <ol>
 *   <li>A TokensRegex expression (marked by starting with "( " and ending with " )". See {@link
 *       TokenSequencePattern} for TokensRegex syntax. <br>
 *       <em>Example</em>: <code>( /University/ /of/ [ {ner:LOCATION} ] )    SCHOOL</code>
 *   <li>a sequence of regex, each separated by whitespace (matching "\s+"). <br>
 *       <em>Example</em>: <code>Stanford    SCHOOL</code> <br>
 *       The regex will match if the successive regex match a sequence of tokens in the input.
 *       Spaces can only be used to separate regular expression tokens; within tokens \s or similar
 *       non-space representations need to be used instead. <br>
 *       Notes: Following Java regex conventions, some characters in the file need to be escaped.
 *       Only a single backslash should be used though, as these are not String literals. The input
 *       to RegexNER will have already been tokenized. So, for example, with our usual English
 *       tokenization, things like genitives and commas at the end of words will be separated in the
 *       input and matched as a separate token.
 * </ol>
 * <p>This annotator is similar to {@link RegexNERAnnotator} but uses TokensRegex as the underlying
 * library for matching regular expressions. This allows for more flexibility in the types of
 * expressions matched as well as utilizing any optimization that is included in the TokensRegex
 * library.
 * <p>Main differences from {@link RegexNERAnnotator}:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>Supports both TokensRegex patterns and patterns over the text of the tokens
 *   <li>When NER annotation can be overwritten based on the original NER labels. The rules for when
 *       the new NER labels are used are given below: <br>
 *       If the found expression overlaps with a previous NER phrase, then the NER labels are not
 *       replaced. <br>
 *       <em>Example</em>: Old NER phrase: <code>The ABC Company</code>, Found Phrase: <code>ABC =>
 *       </code> Old NER labels are not replaced. <br>
 *       If the found expression has inconsistent NER tags among the tokens, then the NER labels are
 *       replaced. <br>
 *       <em>Example</em>: Old NER phrase: <code>
 *       The/O ABC/MISC Company/ORG => The/ORG ABC/ORG Company/ORG</code>
 *   <li>How <code>validpospattern</code> is handled for POS tags is specified by <code>PosMatchType
 *       </code>
 *   <li>By default, there is no <code>validPosPattern</code>
 *   <li>By default, both O and MISC is always replaced
 * </ul>
 * <p>Configuration:
 * <table>
 *   <tr><th>Field</th><th>Description</th><th>Default</th></tr>
 *   <tr><td><code>mapping</code></td><td>Comma separated list of mapping files to use </td>
 *      <td><code>edu/stanford/nlp/models/regexner/type_map_clean</code></td>
 *   </tr>
 *   <tr><td><code>backgroundSymbol</code></td><td>Comma separated list of NER labels to always replace</td>
 *      <td><code>O,MISC</code></td></tr>
 *   <tr><td><code>posmatchtype</code></td>
 *     <td>How should <code>validpospattern</code> be used to match the POS of the tokens.
 *         <code>MATCH_ALL_TOKENS</code> - All tokens has to match.<br/>
 *         <code>MATCH_AT_LEAST_ONE_TOKEN</code> - At least one token has to match.<br/>
 *         <code>MATCH_ONE_TOKEN_PHRASE_ONLY</code> - Only has to match for one token phrases.<br/>
 *      </td>
 *      <td><code>MATCH_AT_LEAST_ONE_TOKEN</code></td>
 *   </tr>
 *   <tr><td><code>validpospattern</code></td><td>Regular expression pattern for matching POS tags.</td>
 *      <td><code></code></td>
 *   </tr>
 *   <tr><td><code>noDefaultOverwriteLabels</code></td>
 *      <td>Comma separated list of output types for which default NER labels are not overwritten.
 *          For these types, only if the matched expression has NER type matching the
 *          specified overwriteableType for the regex will the NER type be overwritten.</td>
 *      <td><code></code></td></tr>
 *   <tr><td><code>ignoreCase</code></td><td>If true, case is ignored</td></td>
 *      <td><code>false</code></td></tr>
 *   <tr><td><code>verbose</code></td><td>If true, turns on extra debugging messages.</td>
 *      <td><code>false</code></td></tr>
 * </table>
 * @author Angel Chang
public class TokensRegexNERAnnotator implements Annotator {
  protected static final Redwood.RedwoodChannels logger = Redwood.channels("TokenRegexNER");

  private final boolean ignoreCase;
  private final List<Entry> entries;
  private final Map<SequencePattern<CoreMap>, Entry> patternToEntry;
  private final MultiPatternMatcher<CoreMap> multiPatternMatcher;

  private final Set<String> myLabels; // set of labels to always overwrite
  private final Pattern validPosPattern;
  private final boolean verbose;

  // Labels for which we don't use the default overwrite types (mylabels)
  private final Set<String> noDefaultOverwriteLabels;

  enum PosMatchType {
    // all tokens must match the pos pattern
    // only one token must match the pos pattern
    // only single token phrases have to match the pos pattern

  private final PosMatchType posMatchType;
  public static final PosMatchType DEFAULT_POS_MATCH_TYPE = PosMatchType.MATCH_AT_LEAST_ONE_TOKEN;
  public static final String DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_SYMBOL =
      SeqClassifierFlags.DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_SYMBOL + ",MISC";

  public static PropertiesUtils.Property[] SUPPORTED_PROPERTIES =
      new PropertiesUtils.Property[] {
        new PropertiesUtils.Property(
            "Comma separated list of mapping files to use."),
        new PropertiesUtils.Property(
            "ignorecase", "false", "Whether to ignore case or not when matching patterns."),
        new PropertiesUtils.Property(
            "validpospattern", "", "Regular expression pattern for matching POS tags."),
        new PropertiesUtils.Property(
            "How should 'validpospattern' be used to match the POS of the tokens."),
        new PropertiesUtils.Property(
            "Comma separated list of output types for which default NER labels are not overwritten.\n"
                + " For these types, only if the matched expression has NER type matching the\n"
                + " specified overwriteableType for the regex will the NER type be overwritten."),
        new PropertiesUtils.Property(
            "Comma separated list of NER labels to always replace."),
        new PropertiesUtils.Property("verbose", "false", ""),

   * Construct a new TokensRegexAnnotator.
   * @param mapping A comma-separated list of files, URLs, or classpath resources to load mappings
   *     from
  public TokensRegexNERAnnotator(String mapping) {
    this(mapping, false);

  public TokensRegexNERAnnotator(String mapping, boolean ignoreCase) {
    this(mapping, ignoreCase, null);

  public TokensRegexNERAnnotator(String mapping, boolean ignoreCase, String validPosRegex) {
    this("tokenregexner", getProperties("tokenregexner", mapping, ignoreCase, validPosRegex));

  private static Properties getProperties(
      String name, String mapping, boolean ignoreCase, String validPosRegex) {
    String prefix = (name != null && !name.isEmpty()) ? name + '.' : "";
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.setProperty(prefix + "mapping", mapping);
    props.setProperty(prefix + "ignorecase", String.valueOf(ignoreCase));
    if (validPosRegex != null) {
      props.setProperty(prefix + "validpospattern", validPosRegex);
    return props;

  public TokensRegexNERAnnotator(String name, Properties properties) {
    String prefix = (name != null && !name.isEmpty()) ? name + '.' : "";
    String backgroundSymbol =
        properties.getProperty(prefix + "backgroundSymbol", DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_SYMBOL);
    String[] backgroundSymbols = backgroundSymbol.split("\\s*,\\s*");
    String mappingFiles =
        properties.getProperty(prefix + "mapping", DefaultPaths.DEFAULT_REGEXNER_RULES);
    String[] mappings = mappingFiles.split("\\s*[,;]\\s*");
    String validPosRegex = properties.getProperty(prefix + "validpospattern");
    this.posMatchType =
            properties.getProperty(prefix + "posmatchtype",;

    String noDefaultOverwriteLabelsProp =
        properties.getProperty(prefix + "noDefaultOverwriteLabels");
    this.noDefaultOverwriteLabels =
        (noDefaultOverwriteLabelsProp != null)
            ? Collections.unmodifiableSet(
            : Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>());
    this.ignoreCase = PropertiesUtils.getBool(properties, prefix + "ignorecase", false);
    this.verbose = PropertiesUtils.getBool(properties, prefix + "verbose", false);

    if (validPosRegex != null && !validPosRegex.isEmpty()) {
      validPosPattern = Pattern.compile(validPosRegex);
    } else {
      validPosPattern = null;
    entries =
            readEntries(name, noDefaultOverwriteLabels, ignoreCase, verbose, mappings));
    IdentityHashMap<SequencePattern<CoreMap>, Entry> patternToEntry = new IdentityHashMap<>();
    multiPatternMatcher = createPatternMatcher(patternToEntry);
    this.patternToEntry = Collections.unmodifiableMap(patternToEntry);
    Set<String> myLabels = Generics.newHashSet();
    // Can always override background or none.
    Collections.addAll(myLabels, backgroundSymbols);
    // Always overwrite labels
    for (Entry entry : entries) myLabels.add(entry.type);
    this.myLabels = Collections.unmodifiableSet(myLabels);

  public void annotate(Annotation annotation) {
    if (verbose) {
      System.err.print("Adding TokensRegexNER annotations ... ");

    List<CoreMap> sentences = annotation.get(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation.class);
    if (sentences != null) {
      for (CoreMap sentence : sentences) {
        List<CoreLabel> tokens = sentence.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class);
    } else {
      List<CoreLabel> tokens = annotation.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class);
      if (tokens != null) {
      } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find sentences or tokens in " + annotation);

    if (verbose) System.err.println("done.");

  private MultiPatternMatcher<CoreMap> createPatternMatcher(
      Map<SequencePattern<CoreMap>, Entry> patternToEntry) {
    // Convert to tokensregex pattern
    int patternFlags = ignoreCase ? Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE : 0;
    int stringMatchFlags = ignoreCase ? NodePattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE : 0;
    Env env = TokenSequencePattern.getNewEnv();
    NodePattern<String> posTagPattern =
        (validPosPattern != null && PosMatchType.MATCH_ALL_TOKENS.equals(posMatchType))
            ? new CoreMapNodePattern.StringAnnotationRegexPattern(validPosPattern)
            : null;
    List<TokenSequencePattern> patterns = new ArrayList<>(entries.size());
    for (Entry entry : entries) {
      TokenSequencePattern pattern;
      if (entry.tokensRegex != null) {
        // TODO: posTagPatterns...
        pattern = TokenSequencePattern.compile(env, entry.tokensRegex);
      } else {
        List<SequencePattern.PatternExpr> nodePatterns = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String p : entry.regex) {
          CoreMapNodePattern c = CoreMapNodePattern.valueOf(p, patternFlags);
          if (posTagPattern != null) {
            c.add(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class, posTagPattern);
          nodePatterns.add(new SequencePattern.NodePatternExpr(c));
        pattern =
            TokenSequencePattern.compile(new SequencePattern.SequencePatternExpr(nodePatterns));
      if (entry.annotateGroup < 0 || entry.annotateGroup > pattern.getTotalGroups()) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Invalid match group for entry " + entry);
      patternToEntry.put(pattern, entry);
    return TokenSequencePattern.getMultiPatternMatcher(patterns);

  private void annotateMatched(List<CoreLabel> tokens) {
    List<SequenceMatchResult<CoreMap>> matched = multiPatternMatcher.findNonOverlapping(tokens);
    for (SequenceMatchResult<CoreMap> m : matched) {
      Entry entry = patternToEntry.get(m.pattern());

      // Check if we will overwrite the existing annotation with this annotation
      int g = entry.annotateGroup;
      int start = m.start(g);
      int end = m.end(g);

      boolean overwriteOriginalNer = checkPosTags(tokens, start, end);
      if (overwriteOriginalNer) {
        overwriteOriginalNer = checkOrigNerTags(entry, tokens, start, end);
      if (overwriteOriginalNer) {
        for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
          tokens.get(i).set(CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class, entry.type);
      } else {
        if (verbose) {
              "Not annotating  '"
                  + "': "
                  + StringUtils.joinFields(
                      m.groupNodes(g), CoreAnnotations.NamedEntityTagAnnotation.class)
                  + " with "
                  + entry.type
                  + ", sentence is '"
                  + StringUtils.joinWords(tokens, " ")
                  + '\'');

  // TODO: roll check into tokens regex pattern?
  // That allows for better matching because unmatched sequences will be eliminated at match time
  private boolean checkPosTags(List<CoreLabel> tokens, int start, int end) {
    if (validPosPattern != null) {
      // Need to check POS tag too...
      switch (posMatchType) {
          if (tokens.size() > 1) return true;
          // fall through
          for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
            CoreLabel token = tokens.get(i);
            String pos = token.get(CoreAnnotations.PartOfSpeechAnnotation.class);
            if (pos != null && validPosPattern.matcher(pos).matches()) {
              return true;
          return false;
        case MATCH_ALL_TOKENS:
          // Checked else where
          return true;
          // Don't know this match type....
          return true;
    return true;

  private boolean checkOrigNerTags(Entry entry, List<CoreLabel> tokens, int start, int end) {
    int prevNerEndIndex = start - 1;
    int nextNerStartIndex = end;

    // Check if we found a pattern that overlaps with existing ner labels
    // tag1 tag1 x   x  tag2 tag2
    //      tag tag tag tag
    // Don't overwrite the old ner label if we overlap like this
    String startNer = tokens.get(start).ner();
    String endNer = tokens.get(end - 1).ner();
    if (startNer != null && !myLabels.contains(startNer)) {
      while (prevNerEndIndex >= 0) {
        // go backwards to find different entity type
        String ner = tokens.get(prevNerEndIndex).ner();
        if (ner == null || !ner.equals(startNer)) {
    if (endNer != null && !myLabels.contains(endNer)) {
      while (nextNerStartIndex < tokens.size()) {
        // go backwards to find different entity type
        String ner = tokens.get(nextNerStartIndex).ner();
        if (ner == null || !ner.equals(endNer)) {
    boolean overwriteOriginalNer = false;
    //noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody
    if (prevNerEndIndex != (start - 1) || nextNerStartIndex != end) {
      // Cutting across already recognized NEs don't disturb
    } else if (startNer == null) {
      // No old ner, okay to replace
      overwriteOriginalNer = true;
    } else {
      // Check if we have one consistent NER tag
      // if not, overwrite
      // if consistent, overwrite only if in our set of ner tags that we overwrite
      for (int i = start + 1; i < end; i++) {
        if (!startNer.equals(tokens.get(i).ner())) {
          overwriteOriginalNer = true;
      if (!overwriteOriginalNer) {
        // check if old ner type was one that was specified as explicitly overwritable by this entry
        if (entry.overwritableTypes.contains(startNer)) {
          overwriteOriginalNer = true;
        } else {
          // if this ner type doesn't belong to the labels for which we don't overwrite the default
          // labels (noDefaultOverwriteLabels)
          // we check mylabels to see if we can overwrite this entry
          if (
          /*entry.overwritableTypes.isEmpty() || */ !noDefaultOverwriteLabels.contains(
              entry.type)) {
            overwriteOriginalNer = myLabels.contains(startNer);
    return overwriteOriginalNer;

  private static class Entry {
    public final String tokensRegex;
    public final String[] regex; // the regex, tokenized by splitting on white space
    public final String type; // the associated type
    public final Set<String> overwritableTypes; // what types can be overwritten by this entry
    public final double priority;
    public final int annotateGroup;

    public Entry(
        String tokensRegex,
        String[] regex,
        String type,
        Set<String> overwritableTypes,
        double priority,
        int annotateGroup) {
      this.tokensRegex = tokensRegex;
      this.regex = regex;
      this.type = type.intern();
      this.overwritableTypes = overwritableTypes;
      this.priority = priority;
      this.annotateGroup = annotateGroup;

    public String toString() {
      return "Entry{"
          + ((tokensRegex != null) ? tokensRegex : StringUtils.join(regex))
          + ' '
          + type
          + ' '
          + overwritableTypes
          + ' '
          + priority
          + '}';

   * Creates a combined list of Entries using the provided mapping files.
   * @param mappings List of mapping files
   * @return list of Entries
  private static List<Entry> readEntries(
      String annotatorName,
      Set<String> noDefaultOverwriteLabels,
      boolean ignoreCase,
      boolean verbose,
      String... mappings) {
    // Unlike RegexNERClassifier, we don't bother sorting the entries
    // We leave it to TokensRegex NER to sort out the priorities and matches
    //   (typically after all the matches has been made since for some TokenRegex expression,
    //       we don't know how many tokens are matched until after the matching is done)
    List<Entry> entries = new ArrayList<>();
    TrieMap<String, Entry> seenRegexes = new TrieMap<>();
    for (String mapping : mappings) {
      BufferedReader rd = null;
      try {
        rd = IOUtils.readerFromString(mapping);
      } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeIOException("Couldn't read TokensRegexNER from " + mapping, e);
      } finally {

    if (mappings.length != 1) {
          "TokensRegexNERAnnotator "
              + annotatorName
              + ": Read "
              + entries.size()
              + " unique entries from "
              + mappings.length
              + " files");
    return entries;

   * Reads a list of Entries from a mapping file and update the given entries. Line numbers start
   * from 1.
   * @return the updated list of Entries
  private static List<Entry> readEntries(
      String annotatorName,
      List<Entry> entries,
      TrieMap<String, Entry> seenRegexes,
      String mappingFilename,
      BufferedReader mapping,
      Set<String> noDefaultOverwriteLabels,
      boolean ignoreCase,
      boolean verbose)
      throws IOException {
    int origEntriesSize = entries.size();
    int isTokensRegex = 0;
    int lineCount = 0;
    for (String line; (line = mapping.readLine()) != null; ) {
      String[] split = line.split("\t");
      if (split.length < 2 || split.length > 5) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Provided mapping file is in wrong format. This line is bad: " + line);
      String regex = split[0].trim();
      String tokensRegex = null;
      String[] regexes = null;
      if (regex.startsWith("( ") && regex.endsWith(" )")) {
        // Tokens regex (remove start and end parenthesis)
        tokensRegex = regex.substring(1, regex.length() - 1).trim();
      } else {
        regexes = regex.split("\\s+");
      String[] key = (regexes != null) ? regexes : new String[] {tokensRegex};
      if (ignoreCase) {
        String[] norm = new String[key.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < key.length; i++) {
          norm[i] = key[i].toLowerCase();
        key = norm;
      String type = split[1].trim();

      Set<String> overwritableTypes = Generics.newHashSet();
      double priority = 0.0;

      if (split.length >= 3) {
      if (split.length >= 4) {
        try {
          priority = Double.parseDouble(split[3].trim());
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              "ERROR: Invalid priority in line "
                  + lineCount
                  + " in regexner file "
                  + mappingFilename
                  + ": \""
                  + line
                  + "\"!",
      int annotateGroup = 0;
      // Get annotate group from input....
      if (split.length >= 5) {
        // Which group to take (allow for context)
        String context = split[4].trim();
        try {
          annotateGroup = Integer.parseInt(context);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(
              "ERROR: Invalid group in line "
                  + lineCount
                  + " in regexner file "
                  + mappingFilename
                  + ": \""
                  + line
                  + "\"!",

      // Print some warning about the type
      int commaPos = type.indexOf(',');
      if (commaPos > 0) {
        // Strip the "," and just take first type
        String newType = type.substring(0, commaPos).trim();
            "TokensRegexNERAnnotator "
                + annotatorName
                + ": Entry has multiple types: "
                + line
                + ".  Taking type to be "
                + newType);
        type = newType;

      Entry entry =
          new Entry(tokensRegex, regexes, type, overwritableTypes, priority, annotateGroup);

      if (seenRegexes.containsKey(key)) {
        Entry oldEntry = seenRegexes.get(key);
        if (priority > oldEntry.priority) {
              "TokensRegexNERAnnotator "
                  + annotatorName
                  + ": Replace duplicate entry (higher priority): old="
                  + oldEntry
                  + ", new="
                  + entry);
        } else {
          if (!oldEntry.type.equals(type)) {
            if (verbose) {
                  "TokensRegexNERAnnotator "
                      + annotatorName
                      + ": Ignoring duplicate entry: "
                      + split[0]
                      + ", old type = "
                      + oldEntry.type
                      + ", new type = "
                      + type);
            // } else {
            //   if (verbose) {
            //     logger.warn("TokensRegexNERAnnotator " + annotatorName +
            //             ": Duplicate entry [ignored]: " + split[0] + ", old type = " +
            // oldEntry.type + ", new type = " + type);
            //   }

      // Print some warning if label belongs to noDefaultOverwriteLabels but there is no
      // overwritable types
      if (entry.overwritableTypes.isEmpty() && noDefaultOverwriteLabels.contains(entry.type)) {
            "TokensRegexNERAnnotator "
                + annotatorName
                + ": Entry doesn't have overwriteable types "
                + entry
                + ", but entry type is in noDefaultOverwriteLabels");

      seenRegexes.put(key, entry);
      if (entry.tokensRegex != null) isTokensRegex++;

        "TokensRegexNERAnnotator "
            + annotatorName
            + ": Read "
            + (entries.size() - origEntriesSize)
            + " unique entries out of "
            + lineCount
            + " from "
            + mappingFilename
            + ", "
            + isTokensRegex
            + " TokensRegex patterns.");
    return entries;

  public Set<Requirement> requires() {
    return StanfordCoreNLP.TOKENIZE_AND_SSPLIT;

  public Set<Requirement> requirementsSatisfied() {
    // TODO: we might want to allow for different RegexNER annotators
    // to satisfy different requirements
    return Collections.emptySet();