/** @return Whether the name is used in a way that might be a candidate for inlining. */
  static boolean isCandidateUsage(Node name) {
    Node parent = name.getParent();
    if (parent.isVar() || parent.isFunction()) {
      // This is a declaration.  Duplicate declarations are handle during
      // function candidate gathering.
      return true;

    if (parent.isCall() && parent.getFirstChild() == name) {
      // This is a normal reference to the function.
      return true;

    // Check for a ".call" to the named function:
    //   CALL
    //       NAME
    //       STRING == "call"
    //     This-Value
    //     Function-parameter-1
    //     ...
    if (NodeUtil.isGet(parent)
        && name == parent.getFirstChild()
        && name.getNext().isString()
        && name.getNext().getString().equals("call")) {
      Node gramps = name.getAncestor(2);
      if (gramps.isCall() && gramps.getFirstChild() == parent) {
        // Yep, a ".call".
        return true;
    return false;
    public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
      switch (n.getType()) {
          // Function calls
        case Token.CALL:
          Node child = n.getFirstChild();
          String name = null;
          // NOTE: The normalization pass insures that local names do not
          // collide with global names.
          if (child.isName()) {
            name = child.getString();
          } else if (child.isFunction()) {
            name = anonFunctionMap.get(child);
          } else if (NodeUtil.isFunctionObjectCall(n)) {
            Node fnIdentifingNode = child.getFirstChild();
            if (fnIdentifingNode.isName()) {
              name = fnIdentifingNode.getString();
            } else if (fnIdentifingNode.isFunction()) {
              name = anonFunctionMap.get(fnIdentifingNode);

          if (name != null) {
            FunctionState fs = functionMap.get(name);

            // Only visit call-sites for functions that can be inlined.
            if (fs != null) {
              callback.visitCallSite(t, n, fs);
    /** If this is an assign to a variable or its property, return it. Otherwise, return null. */
    static Assign maybeCreateAssign(Node assignNode) {

      // Skip one level of GETPROPs or GETELEMs.
      // Don't skip more than one level, because then we get into
      // situations where assigns to properties of properties will always
      // trigger side-effects, and the variable they're on cannot be removed.
      boolean isPropAssign = false;
      Node current = assignNode.getFirstChild();
      if (NodeUtil.isGet(current)) {
        current = current.getFirstChild();
        isPropAssign = true;

        if (current.getType() == Token.GETPROP
            && current.getLastChild().getString().equals("prototype")) {
          // Prototype properties sets should be considered like normal
          // property sets.
          current = current.getFirstChild();

      if (current.getType() == Token.NAME) {
        return new Assign(assignNode, current, isPropAssign);
      return null;
   * Check that Node n is a call to one of the jQuery.extend methods that we can expand. Valid calls
   * are single argument calls where the first argument is an object literal or two argument calls
   * where the first argument is a name and the second argument is an object literal.
  public static boolean isJqueryExtendCall(Node n, String qname, AbstractCompiler compiler) {
    if (JQUERY_EXTEND_NAMES.contains(qname)) {
      Node firstArgument = n.getNext();
      if (firstArgument == null) {
        return false;

      Node secondArgument = firstArgument.getNext();
      if ((firstArgument.isObjectLit() && secondArgument == null)
          || (firstArgument.isName()
              || NodeUtil.isGet(firstArgument)
                  && !NodeUtil.mayHaveSideEffects(firstArgument, compiler)
                  && secondArgument != null
                  && secondArgument.isObjectLit()
                  && secondArgument.getNext() == null)) {
        return true;
    return false;
Пример #5
     * There are two types of calls we are interested in calls without explicit "this" values (what
     * we are call "free" calls) and direct call to eval.
    private static void annotateCalls(Node n) {

      // Keep track of of the "this" context of a call.  A call without an
      // explicit "this" is a free call.
      Node first = n.getFirstChild();

      // ignore cast nodes.
      while (first.isCast()) {
        first = first.getFirstChild();

      if (!NodeUtil.isGet(first)) {
        n.putBooleanProp(Node.FREE_CALL, true);

      // Keep track of the context in which eval is called. It is important
      // to distinguish between "(0, eval)()" and "eval()".
      if (first.isName() && "eval".equals(first.getString())) {
        first.putBooleanProp(Node.DIRECT_EVAL, true);
   * @param n The node in question.
   * @param cfgNode The node to add
   * @param conditional true if the definition is not always executed.
  private void computeMustDef(Node n, Node cfgNode, MustDef output, boolean conditional) {
    switch (n.getType()) {
      case Token.BLOCK:
      case Token.FUNCTION:

      case Token.WHILE:
      case Token.DO:
      case Token.IF:
        computeMustDef(NodeUtil.getConditionExpression(n), cfgNode, output, conditional);

      case Token.FOR:
        if (!NodeUtil.isForIn(n)) {
          computeMustDef(NodeUtil.getConditionExpression(n), cfgNode, output, conditional);
        } else {
          // for(x in y) {...}
          Node lhs = n.getFirstChild();
          Node rhs = lhs.getNext();
          if (NodeUtil.isVar(lhs)) {
            lhs = lhs.getLastChild(); // for(var x in y) {...}
          if (NodeUtil.isName(lhs)) {
            addToDefIfLocal(lhs.getString(), cfgNode, rhs, output);

      case Token.AND:
      case Token.OR:
        computeMustDef(n.getFirstChild(), cfgNode, output, conditional);
        computeMustDef(n.getLastChild(), cfgNode, output, true);

      case Token.HOOK:
        computeMustDef(n.getFirstChild(), cfgNode, output, conditional);
        computeMustDef(n.getFirstChild().getNext(), cfgNode, output, true);
        computeMustDef(n.getLastChild(), cfgNode, output, true);

      case Token.VAR:
        for (Node c = n.getFirstChild(); c != null; c = c.getNext()) {
          if (c.hasChildren()) {
            computeMustDef(c.getFirstChild(), cfgNode, output, conditional);
            addToDefIfLocal(c.getString(), conditional ? null : cfgNode, c.getFirstChild(), output);

        if (NodeUtil.isAssignmentOp(n)) {
          if (NodeUtil.isName(n.getFirstChild())) {
            Node name = n.getFirstChild();
            computeMustDef(name.getNext(), cfgNode, output, conditional);
                name.getString(), conditional ? null : cfgNode, n.getLastChild(), output);
          } else if (NodeUtil.isGet(n.getFirstChild())) {
            // Treat all assignments to arguments as redefining the
            // parameters itself.
            Node obj = n.getFirstChild().getFirstChild();
            if (NodeUtil.isName(obj) && "arguments".equals(obj.getString())) {
              // TODO(user): More accuracy can be introduced
              // ie: We know exactly what arguments[x] is if x is a constant
              // number.

        if (NodeUtil.isName(n) && "arguments".equals(n.getString())) {

        // DEC and INC actually defines the variable.
        if (n.getType() == Token.DEC || n.getType() == Token.INC) {
          Node target = n.getFirstChild();
          if (NodeUtil.isName(target)) {
            addToDefIfLocal(target.getString(), conditional ? null : cfgNode, null, output);

        for (Node c = n.getFirstChild(); c != null; c = c.getNext()) {
          computeMustDef(c, cfgNode, output, conditional);
  private Node tryFoldObjectPropAccess(Node n, Node left, Node right) {

    if (!left.isObjectLit() || !right.isString()) {
      return n;

    if (NodeUtil.isAssignmentTarget(n)) {
      // If GETPROP/GETELEM is used as assignment target the object literal is
      // acting as a temporary we can't fold it here:
      //    "{a:x}.a += 1" is not "x += 1"
      return n;

    // find the last definition in the object literal
    Node key = null;
    Node value = null;
    for (Node c = left.getFirstChild(); c != null; c = c.getNext()) {
      if (c.getString().equals(right.getString())) {
        switch (c.getType()) {
          case SETTER_DEF:
          case GETTER_DEF:
          case STRING_KEY:
            if (value != null && mayHaveSideEffects(value)) {
              // The previously found value had side-effects
              return n;
            key = c;
            value = key.getFirstChild();
            throw new IllegalStateException();
      } else if (mayHaveSideEffects(c.getFirstChild())) {
        // We don't handle the side-effects here as they might need a temporary
        // or need to be reordered.
        return n;

    // Didn't find a definition of the name in the object literal, it might
    // be coming from the Object prototype
    if (value == null) {
      return n;

    if (value.isFunction() && NodeUtil.referencesThis(value)) {
      // 'this' may refer to the object we are trying to remove
      return n;

    Node replacement = value.detachFromParent();
    if (key.isGetterDef()) {
      replacement = IR.call(replacement);
      replacement.putBooleanProp(Node.FREE_CALL, true);

    n.getParent().replaceChild(n, replacement);
    return n;