Пример #1
 public void example(boolean confirm) {
   for (int i = 0, c = tabPanel.getWidgetCount(); i < c; i++) {
     Widget w = tabPanel.getWidget(i);
     if (w instanceof MetadataGroupPanel) {
       ((MetadataGroupPanel) w).example(confirm);
Пример #2
 /** Puts test values */
 void putTestValues(Map<String, String> values) {
   for (int i = 0, c = tabPanel.getWidgetCount(); i < c; i++) {
     Widget w = tabPanel.getWidget(i);
     if (w instanceof MetadataGroupPanel) {
       ((MetadataGroupPanel) w).putTestValues(values);
Пример #3
 /** Delegates to the metadata group panels and updates the internal 'enabled' flag. */
 public void enable(boolean enabled) {
   for (int i = 0, c = tabPanel.getWidgetCount(); i < c; i++) {
     Widget w = tabPanel.getWidget(i);
     if (w instanceof MetadataGroupPanel) {
       ((MetadataGroupPanel) w).enable(enabled);
   this.enabled = enabled;
Пример #4
  private void resetToOriginalOrNewValues(
      String ontologyUri,
      OntologyMetadata ontologyMetadata,
      boolean originalVals,
      ReviewResult_Old reviewResult_Old,
      boolean confirm,
      boolean link) {

    for (int i = 0, c = tabPanel.getWidgetCount(); i < c; i++) {
      Widget w = tabPanel.getWidget(i);
      if (w instanceof MetadataGroupPanel) {
        ((MetadataGroupPanel) w)
            .resetToOriginalOrNewValues(ontologyMetadata, originalVals, confirm);
Пример #5
   * Updates the metadata from the given temporary ontology info object, confirming with the user in
   * case of any possible overwriting of attributes.
  public void tempOntologyInfoObtained(TempOntologyInfo tempOntologyInfo) {

    // get the new values from temp file:
    OntologyMetadata ontologyMetadata = tempOntologyInfo.getOntologyMetadata();

    // get current values in the editor:

    Map<String, String> valuesInEditor = new HashMap<String, String>();
    putValues(valuesInEditor, false);

    // and from the file
    Map<String, String> tempValues = ontologyMetadata.getOriginalValues();

    Set<String> commonKeysWithDiffValues = new HashSet<String>();

    // see if there're common attributes with different values in both the editor and the new file
    for (String tempKey : tempValues.keySet()) {
      if (valuesInEditor.keySet().contains(tempKey)) {
        String valueInEditor = valuesInEditor.get(tempKey);
        String valueInTemp = tempValues.get(tempKey);
        if (((valueInEditor == null) ^ (valueInTemp == null))
            || !valueInEditor.equals(valueInTemp)) {

    if (!commonKeysWithDiffValues.isEmpty()) {

      // prompt the user for the action to take:

      String confirmationMsg =
          "There are different values in the uploaded file for "
              + commonKeysWithDiffValues.size()
              + " of the "
              + "non-empty attributes in the metadata editor. "
              + "Do you want to replace the existing values in the editor with those from the file?\n"
              + "\n"
              + "Select Accept to replace those attributes with values from the file.\n"
              + "\n"
              + "Select Cancel to keep the values in the editor.\n"
              + "\n"
              + "In either case, missing attributes in the editor will be updated with "
              + "available values from the file. \n";

      // add the attribute names for administrators:
      if (PortalControl.getInstance().getLoginResult() != null) {
        LoginResult loginResult = PortalControl.getInstance().getLoginResult();
        if (loginResult.isAdministrator()) {
          confirmationMsg += "\n" + "The attributes are:\n" + commonKeysWithDiffValues;

      if (true) { // this block is just a quick way to open the enclosing DisclosurePanel, if any
        Widget parent = this.getParent();
        while (parent != null) {
          if (parent instanceof DisclosurePanel) {
            ((DisclosurePanel) parent).setOpen(true);
          parent = parent.getParent();

      if (Window.confirm(confirmationMsg)) {
        // replace common attributes with values from the file.
        // Keep tempValues map as it is. See below.
      } else {
        // keep values in the editor, so remove the corresponding keys from tempValues:
        for (String tempKey : commonKeysWithDiffValues) {

      // use valuesInEditor map to collect the final set of attributes:
      for (String tempKey : tempValues.keySet()) {
        valuesInEditor.put(tempKey, tempValues.get(tempKey));

      // and set the final set of attributes:

    for (int i = 0, c = tabPanel.getWidgetCount(); i < c; i++) {
      Widget w = tabPanel.getWidget(i);
      if (w instanceof MetadataGroupPanel) {
        ((MetadataGroupPanel) w).resetToOriginalOrNewValues(ontologyMetadata, true, false);