   * Determines if the given configuration is currently running. If any of the configurations are
   * currently stuck in the queue, it is logged.
   * @param execution Contains information about the general build, including the listener used to
   *     log queue blockage.
   * @param configuration The configuration being checked to see if it's running.
   * @param mutableWhyMap Mutable map used to track the reasons a configuration is stuck in the
   *     queue. This prevents duplicate reasons from flooding the logs.
   * @return True if the build represented by the given configuration is currently running or stuck
   *     in the queue. False if the build has finished running.
  private boolean isBuilding(
      MatrixBuild.MatrixBuildExecution execution,
      MatrixConfiguration configuration,
      Map<String, String> mutableWhyMap) {
    MatrixRun build = configuration.getBuildByNumber(execution.getBuild().getNumber());
    if (build != null) {
      return build.isBuilding();

    Queue.Item queueItem = configuration.getQueueItem();
    if (queueItem != null) {
      String why = queueItem.getWhy();
      String key = queueItem.task.getFullDisplayName() + " " + queueItem.id;
      String oldWhy = mutableWhyMap.get(key);
      if (why == null) {
      if (why != null && !why.equals(oldWhy)) {
        mutableWhyMap.put(key, why);
        BuildListener listener = execution.getListener();
        PrintStream logger = listener.getLogger();
            "Configuration "
                + ModelHyperlinkNote.encodeTo(configuration)
                + " is still in the queue: ");
        queueItem.getCauseOfBlockage().print(listener); // this is still shown on the same line

    return true;
  public CauseOfBlockage canRun(Queue.Item item) {
    // Skip locking for multiple configuration projects,
    // only the child jobs will actually lock resources.
    if (item.task instanceof MatrixProject) return null;

    AbstractProject<?, ?> project = Utils.getProject(item);
    if (project == null) return null;

    LockableResourcesStruct resources = Utils.requiredResources(project);
    if (resources == null || (resources.required.isEmpty() && resources.label.isEmpty())) {
      return null;

    int resourceNumber;
    try {
      resourceNumber = Integer.parseInt(resources.requiredNumber);
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
      resourceNumber = 0;

    LOGGER.finest(project.getName() + " trying to get resources with these details: " + resources);

    if (resourceNumber > 0 || !resources.label.isEmpty()) {
      Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
      if (item.task instanceof MatrixConfiguration) {
        MatrixConfiguration matrix = (MatrixConfiguration) item.task;

      List<LockableResource> selected =
              .queue(resources, item.id, project.getFullName(), resourceNumber, params, LOGGER);

      if (selected != null) {
        LOGGER.finest(project.getName() + " reserved resources " + selected);
        return null;
      } else {
        LOGGER.finest(project.getName() + " waiting for resources");
        return new BecauseResourcesLocked(resources);

    } else {
      if (LockableResourcesManager.get().queue(resources.required, item.id)) {
        LOGGER.finest(project.getName() + " reserved resources " + resources.required);
        return null;
      } else {
        LOGGER.finest(project.getName() + " waiting for resources " + resources.required);
        return new BecauseResourcesLocked(resources);
  public boolean doBuildConfiguration(MatrixBuild b, MatrixConfiguration c) {
    MatrixSubsetAction a = b.getAction(MatrixSubsetAction.class);
    if (a == null) return true;

    // run the filter and restrict the subset to run
    return c.getCombination().evalScriptExpression(b.getParent().getAxes(), a.getFilter());
   * Schedules the given configuration.
   * <p>Copied from the {@link
   * DefaultMatrixExecutionStrategyImpl#scheduleConfigurationBuild(hudson.matrix.MatrixBuild.MatrixBuildExecution,
   * hudson.matrix.MatrixConfiguration)}
   * @param execution Contains information about the general build, including the listener used to
   *     log queue blockage.
   * @param configuration The configuration to schedule.
   * @param upstreamCause The cause of the build. Will either be an {@link
   *     hudson.model.Cause.UpstreamCause} or {@link
   *     com.attask.jenkins.healingmatrixproject.SelfHealingCause}.
  private void scheduleConfigurationBuild(
      MatrixBuild.MatrixBuildExecution execution,
      MatrixConfiguration configuration,
      Cause.UpstreamCause upstreamCause)
      throws InterruptedException {
    MatrixBuild build = (MatrixBuild) execution.getBuild();

    // filter the parent actions for those that can be passed to the individual jobs.
    List<MatrixChildAction> childActions = Util.filter(build.getActions(), MatrixChildAction.class);

    BuildListener listener = execution.getListener();
    while (!configuration.scheduleBuild(childActions, upstreamCause)) {
      String msg = "Unable to schedule build " + configuration.getFullDisplayName() + ". Retrying.";
 public Collection<? extends Action> getProjectActions(AbstractProject<?, ?> project) {
   if (this.reportTargets.isEmpty()) {
     return Collections.emptyList();
   } else {
     ArrayList<Action> actions = new ArrayList<Action>();
     for (HtmlPublisherTarget target : this.reportTargets) {
       if (project instanceof MatrixProject
           && ((MatrixProject) project).getActiveConfigurations() != null) {
         for (MatrixConfiguration mc : ((MatrixProject) project).getActiveConfigurations()) {
           try {
             mc.onLoad(mc.getParent(), mc.getName());
           } catch (IOException e) {
             // Could not reload the configuration.
     return actions;
   * Waits for the given configurations to finish, retrying any that qualify to be rerun.
   * @param execution Provided by the plugin.
   * @param patterns List of regular expression patterns used to scan the log to determine if a
   *     build should be rerun.
   * @param retries Mutable map that tracks the number of times a specific configuration has been
   *     retried.
   * @param configurations The configurations that have already been scheduled to run that should be
   *     waited for to finish.
   * @return The worst result of all the runs. If a build was rerun, only the result of the rerun is
   *     considered.
   * @throws InterruptedException
   * @throws IOException
  private Result waitForMatrixRuns(
      MatrixBuild.MatrixBuildExecution execution,
      List<Pattern> patterns,
      Map<MatrixConfiguration, Integer> retries,
      LinkedList<MatrixConfiguration> configurations)
      throws InterruptedException, IOException {
    BuildListener listener = execution.getListener();
    PrintStream logger = listener.getLogger();

    Map<String, String> whyBlockedMap =
        new HashMap<
            String>(); // keep track of why builds are blocked so we can print unique messages when
    // they change.
    Result finalResult = Result.SUCCESS;
    int iteration = 0;
    boolean continueRetrying = true;
    while (!configurations.isEmpty()) {
      MatrixConfiguration configuration = configurations.removeFirst();
      if (isBuilding(execution, configuration, whyBlockedMap)) {
        if (iteration >= configurations.size()) {
          // Every time we loop through all the configurations, sleep for a bit.
          // This is to prevent polling too often while everything is still building.
          iteration = 0;

      Run parentBuild = execution.getBuild();
      MatrixRun matrixRun = configuration.getBuildByNumber(parentBuild.getNumber());
      Result runResult = matrixRun.getResult();
      if (continueRetrying
          && runResult.isWorseOrEqualTo(getWorseThanOrEqualTo())
          && runResult.isBetterOrEqualTo(getBetterThanOrEqualTo())) {
        if (matchesPattern(matrixRun, patterns)) {
          int retriedCount = retries.get(configuration);
          if (retriedCount < getMaxRetries()) {
            retries.put(configuration, retriedCount);
            // rerun
            String logMessage =
                    "%s was %s. Matched pattern to rerun. Rerunning (%d).",
                    matrixRun, runResult, retriedCount);

            HealedAction action = parentBuild.getAction(HealedAction.class);
            if (action == null) {
              //noinspection SynchronizationOnLocalVariableOrMethodParameter
              synchronized (parentBuild.getActions()) {
                action = parentBuild.getAction(HealedAction.class);
                if (action == null) {
                  action = new HealedAction(matrixRun.getCharset());

            MatrixConfiguration parent = matrixRun.getParent();
            if (parent != null) {
              // I'm paranoid about NPEs
            } else {
                  "couldn't remove old run, parent was null. This is a Jenkins core bug.");
                execution, configuration, new SelfHealingCause(parentBuild, retriedCount));
          } else {
            String logMessage =
                    "%s was %s. Matched pattern to rerun, but the max number of retries (%d) has been met.",
                    matrixRun, runResult, getMaxRetries());
            if (getStopRetryingAfterOneFails()) {
              listener.error("Not retrying any more builds.");
              continueRetrying = false;
        } else {
          String logMessage =
                  "%s was %s. It did not match the pattern to rerun. Accepting result.",
                  matrixRun, runResult);
      notifyEndRun(matrixRun, execution.getAggregators(), execution.getListener());
      finalResult = finalResult.combine(runResult);
    return finalResult;