Пример #1
 public boolean predicate2(Object dm, Designer dsgr) {
   if (!(dm instanceof MClassifier)) return NO_PROBLEM;
   MClassifier cls = (MClassifier) dm;
   String myName = cls.getName();
   //@ if (myName.equals(Name.UNSPEC)) return NO_PROBLEM;
   String myNameString = myName;
   if (myNameString.length() == 0) return NO_PROBLEM;
   Collection pkgs = cls.getElementImports2();
   if (pkgs == null) return NO_PROBLEM;
   for (Iterator iter = pkgs.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
     MElementImport imp = (MElementImport)iter.next();
     MNamespace ns = imp.getPackage();
     Collection siblings = ns.getOwnedElements();
     if (siblings == null) return NO_PROBLEM;
     Iterator enum = siblings.iterator();
     while (enum.hasNext()) {
       MElementImport eo = (MElementImport) enum.next();
       MModelElement me = (MModelElement) eo.getModelElement();
       if (!(me instanceof MClassifier)) continue;
       if (me == cls) continue;
       String meName = me.getName();
       if (meName == null || meName.equals("")) continue;
       if (meName.equals(myNameString)) return PROBLEM_FOUND;
   return NO_PROBLEM;
Пример #2
  * Return all interfaces the given class realizes.
  * @param clazz
  * @return Collection
 public Collection getRealizedInterfaces(MClassifier clazz) {
   if (clazz == null) return new ArrayList();
   Iterator it = clazz.getClientDependencies().iterator();
   List list = new ArrayList();
   MNamespace model = ProjectBrowser.TheInstance.getProject().getModel();
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     Object o = it.next();
     if (o instanceof MAbstraction) {
       MAbstraction abstraction = (MAbstraction) o;
       MStereotype stereo = abstraction.getStereotype();
       if (stereo != null
           && stereo.getBaseClass() != null
           && stereo.getName() != null
           && stereo.getBaseClass().equals("Abstraction")
           && stereo.getName().equals("realize")) {
         Iterator it2 = abstraction.getSuppliers().iterator();
         while (it2.hasNext()) {
           Object o2 = it2.next();
           if (o2 instanceof MInterface) {
   return list;
Пример #3
  * Returns all attributes of some classifier clazz and of its parents
  * @param clazz
  * @return Collection
 public Collection getAllAttributes(MClassifier clazz) {
   if (clazz == null) return new ArrayList();
   List list = new ArrayList();
   Iterator it = clazz.getFeatures().iterator();
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     MFeature element = (MFeature) it.next();
     if (element instanceof MAttribute) {
   it = clazz.getGeneralizations().iterator();
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     list.addAll(getAllAttributes((MClassifier) it.next()));
   return list;
Пример #4
  * Returns the contents (owned elements) of this classifier and all its parents as specified in
  * section of the UML 1.3 spec
  * @param clazz
  * @return Collection
 public Collection getAllContents(MClassifier clazz) {
   if (clazz == null) return new ArrayList();
   List list = new ArrayList();
   Iterator it = clazz.getOwnedElements().iterator();
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     MModelElement element = (MModelElement) it.next();
     if (element.getVisibility().equals(MVisibilityKind.PUBLIC)
         || element.getVisibility().equals(MVisibilityKind.PROTECTED)) {
   it = clazz.getGeneralizations().iterator();
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     list.addAll(getAllContents((MClassifier) it.next()));
   return list;
Пример #5
  * Returns the associationend between some classifier type and some associaton assoc.
  * @param type
  * @param assoc
  * @return MAssociationEnd
 public MAssociationEnd getAssociationEnd(MClassifier type, MAssociation assoc) {
   if (type == null || assoc == null) return null;
   Iterator it = type.getAssociationEnds().iterator();
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     MAssociationEnd end = (MAssociationEnd) it.next();
     if (assoc.getConnections().contains(end)) return end;
   return null;
Пример #6
  * This method returns all operations of a given Classifier
  * @param classifier the classifier you want to have the operations for
  * @return a collection of the operations
 public Collection getOperations(MClassifier classifier) {
   Collection result = new ArrayList();
   Iterator features = classifier.getFeatures().iterator();
   while (features.hasNext()) {
     MFeature feature = (MFeature) features.next();
     if (feature instanceof MOperation) result.add(feature);
   return result;
Пример #7
  * This method returns all operations of a given Classifier, including inherited
  * @param classifier the classifier you want to have the operations for
  * @return a collection of the operations
 public Collection getOperationsInh(MClassifier classifier) {
   Collection result = new ArrayList();
   Iterator parents = classifier.getParents().iterator();
   while (parents.hasNext()) {
     result.addAll(getOperationsInh((MClassifier) parents.next()));
   return result;
Пример #8
  * Returns all associations for some classifier
  * @param classifier
  * @return Collection
 public Collection getAssociations(MClassifier classifier) {
   if (classifier == null) return new ArrayList();
   Iterator it = classifier.getAssociationEnds().iterator();
   List associations = new ArrayList();
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     associations.add(((MAssociationEnd) it.next()).getAssociation());
   return associations;
Пример #9
  * This method returns all opposite AssociationEnds of a given Classifier
  * @param classifier the classifier you want to have the opposite association ends for
  * @return a collection of the opposite associationends
 public Collection getAssociateEnds(MClassifier classifier) {
   Collection result = new ArrayList();
   Iterator ascends = classifier.getAssociationEnds().iterator();
   while (ascends.hasNext()) {
     MAssociationEnd ascend = (MAssociationEnd) ascends.next();
     if ((ascend.getOppositeEnd() != null)) result.add(ascend.getOppositeEnd());
   return result;
Пример #10
  * This method returns all attributes of a given Classifier, including inherited
  * @param classifier the classifier you want to have the attributes for
  * @return a collection of the attributes
 public Collection getAttributesInh(MClassifier classifier) {
   Collection result = new ArrayList();
   Iterator parents = classifier.getParents().iterator();
   while (parents.hasNext()) {
     MClassifier parent = (MClassifier) parents.next();
     cat.debug("Adding attributes for: " + parent);
   return result;
Пример #11
   * This method returns all Classifiers of which this class is a direct subtype.
   * @param cls the class you want to have the parents for
   * @return a collection of the parents, each of which is a {@link MGeneralizableElement
   *     MGeneralizableElement}
  public Collection getSupertypes(MClassifier cls) {

    Collection result = new HashSet();
    Collection gens = cls.getGeneralizations();
    Iterator genIterator = gens.iterator();

    while (genIterator.hasNext()) {
      MGeneralization next = (MGeneralization) genIterator.next();
    return result;
Пример #12
   * This method returns all Classifiers of which this class is a direct supertype.
   * @param cls the class you want to have the children for
   * @return a collection of the children, each of which is a {@link MGeneralizableElement
   *     MGeneralizableElement}
  public Collection getSubtypes(MClassifier cls) {

    Collection result = new Vector();
    Collection gens = cls.getSpecializations();
    Iterator genIterator = gens.iterator();

    while (genIterator.hasNext()) {
      MGeneralization next = (MGeneralization) genIterator.next();
    return result;
Пример #13
  public Enumeration gen(Object o) {
      Vector res = new Vector();
    if (!(o instanceof MClassifier)) return res.elements();
    MClassifier cls = (MClassifier) o;
    Vector ends = new Vector(cls.getAssociationEnds());
    if (ends == null) return res.elements();
    Iterator enum = ends.iterator();
    while (enum.hasNext()) {
      MAssociationEnd ae = (MAssociationEnd) enum.next();
      if (MAggregationKind.COMPOSITE.equals(ae.getAggregation())) {
	MAssociation asc = ae.getAssociation();
	List conn = asc.getConnections();
	if (conn == null || conn.size() != 2) continue;
	Object otherEnd = (ae == conn.get(0)) ?
	  conn.get(1) : conn.get(0);
	MClassifier componentClass = ((MAssociationEnd)otherEnd).getType();
    return res.elements();
Пример #14
  * Returns all behavioralfeatures found in this classifier and its children
  * @return Collection
 public Collection getAllBehavioralFeatures(MClassifier clazz) {
   List features = new ArrayList();
   if (!(clazz instanceof MDataType)) {
     Iterator it = clazz.getFeatures().iterator();
     while (it.hasNext()) {
       Object o = it.next();
       if (!(o instanceof MStructuralFeature)) {
   return features;
Пример #15
  * Returns all classifiers that extend some classifier clazz.
  * @param clazz
  * @return Collection
 public Collection getExtendingClassifiers(MClassifier clazz) {
   if (clazz == null) return new ArrayList();
   Iterator it = clazz.getSpecializations().iterator();
   List list = new ArrayList();
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     MGeneralization gen = (MGeneralization) it.next();
     MGeneralizableElement client = gen.getChild();
     if (client instanceof MClassifier) {
   return list;
Пример #16
   * Returns all Interfaces of which this class is a realization.
   * @param cls the class you want to have the interfaces for
   * @return a collection of the Interfaces
  public Collection getSpecifications(MClassifier cls) {
    Collection result = new Vector();
    Collection deps = cls.getClientDependencies();
    Iterator depIterator = deps.iterator();

    while (depIterator.hasNext()) {
      MDependency dep = (MDependency) depIterator.next();
      if ((dep instanceof MAbstraction)
          && dep.getStereotype() != null
          && dep.getStereotype().getName() != null
          && dep.getStereotype().getName().equals("realize")) {
        MInterface i = (MInterface) dep.getSuppliers().toArray()[0];
    return result;
Пример #17
  * Gets all classifiers that are associated to the given classifier (have an association
  * relationship with the classifier).
  * @param classifier
  * @return Collection
 public Collection getAssociatedClassifiers(MClassifier classifier) {
   if (classifier == null) return new ArrayList();
   List list = new ArrayList();
   Iterator it = classifier.getAssociationEnds().iterator();
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     MAssociationEnd end = (MAssociationEnd) it.next();
     MAssociation assoc = end.getAssociation();
     Iterator it2 = assoc.getConnections().iterator();
     while (it2.hasNext()) {
       MAssociationEnd end2 = (MAssociationEnd) it2.next();
       if (end2 != end) {
   return list;
Пример #18
  * Gets the associations between the classifiers from and to. Returns null if from or to is null
  * or if there is no association between them.
  * @param from
  * @param to
  * @return MAssociation
 public Collection getAssociations(MClassifier from, MClassifier to) {
   Set ret = new HashSet();
   if (from == null || to == null) return ret;
   Iterator it = from.getAssociationEnds().iterator();
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     MAssociationEnd end = (MAssociationEnd) it.next();
     MAssociation assoc = end.getAssociation();
     Iterator it2 = assoc.getConnections().iterator();
     while (it2.hasNext()) {
       MAssociationEnd end2 = (MAssociationEnd) it2.next();
       if (end2.getType() == to) {
   return ret;
Пример #19
  * Returns the realization (abstraction) between some class and some interface
  * @param source
  * @param clazz
  * @return MAbstraction
 public MAbstraction getRealization(MInterface source, MClassifier clazz) {
   if (source == null || clazz == null) return null;
   Iterator it = clazz.getClientDependencies().iterator();
   MNamespace model = ProjectBrowser.TheInstance.getProject().getModel();
   MStereotype stereo =
           .buildStereotype(new MAbstractionImpl(), "realize", model);
   while (it.hasNext()) {
     Object o = it.next();
     if (o instanceof MAbstraction && ((MAbstraction) o).getStereotype().equals(stereo)) {
       Iterator it2 = ((MAbstraction) o).getSuppliers().iterator();
       while (it2.hasNext()) {
         Object o2 = it2.next();
         if (o2.equals(source)) {
           return (MAbstraction) o;
   return null;