private static void broadcastingAttack(RobotController rc, RobotInfo enemy) throws GameActionException { if ( <= RobotType.SOLDIER.attackPower) { if (enemy.type == RobotType.ZOMBIEDEN) { rc.attackLocation(enemy.location); Message.sendBasicGivenRange(rc, Message.FULL_MAP_RANGE); denLocations.remove(enemy.location); nearestDenLocation = denLocations.getClosest(myLoc); } else { rc.attackLocation(enemy.location); } } else { rc.attackLocation(enemy.location); } }
private static void removeTurretLocations(RobotController rc) throws GameActionException { MapLocation[] removedLocations = new MapLocation[turretLocations.size()]; int removedLength = 0; for (MapLocation location : turretLocations) { if (rc.canSenseLocation(location)) { RobotInfo info = rc.senseRobotAtLocation(location); if (info == null) { removedLocations[removedLength++] = location; } else if ( != enemyTeam || ( == enemyTeam && info.type != RobotType.TURRET)) { removedLocations[removedLength++] = location; } } } for (int i = 0; i < removedLength; i++) { turretLocations.remove(removedLocations[i]); } }
// reads the message signals and sets the nearestTurretLocation and currentDestination static // variables public static void readMessages(RobotController rc) { List<Message> messages = Message.readMessageSignals(rc); // we want to loop through each message and get the ones that are relevant to the soldier distressedArchonTurns++; for (Message m : messages) { // if the message is a turret, try to get the nearest turret location if (m.type == Message.TURRET) { turretLocations.add(m.location); if (nearestTurretLocation == null) { nearestTurretLocation = m.location; } else if (myLoc.distanceSquaredTo(m.location) < myLoc.distanceSquaredTo(nearestTurretLocation)) { nearestTurretLocation = m.location; } } else // if the message is to remove a turret, and if it's our nearestTurret, remove it if (m.type == Message.TURRETKILLED) { turretLocations.remove(m.location); // Compute the new closest turret if (m.location.equals(nearestTurretLocation)) { nearestTurretLocation = turretLocations.getClosest(myLoc); } } else // if the message is an enemy, get the closet one if (m.type == Message.ENEMY) { if (nearestEnemyLocation == null) { nearestEnemyLocation = m.location; } else if (myLoc.distanceSquaredTo(m.location) < myLoc.distanceSquaredTo(nearestEnemyLocation)) { nearestEnemyLocation = m.location; } } else // if the message is a den, get the closest one if (m.type == Message.ZOMBIEDEN) { denLocations.add(m.location); if (nearestDenLocation == null) { nearestDenLocation = m.location; } else if (myLoc.distanceSquaredTo(m.location) < myLoc.distanceSquaredTo(nearestDenLocation)) { nearestDenLocation = m.location; } } else // if zombie killed message, then recompute the nearest den and remove den location. if (m.type == Message.ZOMBIEDENKILLED) { denLocations.remove(m.location); if (m.location.equals(nearestDenLocation)) { nearestDenLocation = denLocations.getClosest(myLoc); } } else // if the message is an archon location, store the nearest current archon location if (m.type == Message.ARCHONLOC) { if (newArchonLoc == null) { newArchonLoc = m.location; } else if (myLoc.distanceSquaredTo(m.location) < myLoc.distanceSquaredTo(newArchonLoc)) { newArchonLoc = m.location; } } else // if we get a rush signal, we want to rush towards the nearest turret if (m.type == Message.RUSH) { MapLocation closestTurret = turretLocations.getClosest(myLoc); if (closestTurret != null) { if (myLoc.distanceSquaredTo(closestTurret) <= 400) { rush = true; rushLocation = closestTurret; } } } else // if we get an archon in distressed signal, needs to take priority if (m.type == Message.ARCHONINDANGER) { distressedArchonTurns = 0; if (nearestDistressedArchon == null) { nearestDistressedArchon = m.location; } else if (myLoc.distanceSquaredTo(m.location) < myLoc.distanceSquaredTo(nearestDistressedArchon)) { nearestDistressedArchon = m.location; } } else // if we get a basic message, then remove the closest den location if (m.type == Message.BASIC) { MapLocation reference = m.signal.getLocation(); MapLocation closestDen = denLocations.getClosest(reference); denLocations.remove(closestDen); nearestDenLocation = denLocations.getClosest(myLoc); } } // if we actually have a destination, set it to currentDestination setCurrentDestination(rc); }