  * Remove the databaseUser whose identifier is specified in parameter
  * @param databaseUser The DatabaseUser object to remove
  * @param plugin The current plugin using this method
 public static void remove(DatabaseUser databaseUser, Plugin plugin) {
   _dao.delete(databaseUser, plugin);
  * Get the list of id of user with the expired status.
  * @param plugin The plugin
  * @return The list of id of user with the expired status.
 public static List<Integer> findAllExpiredUserId(Plugin plugin) {
   return _dao.findAllExpiredUserId(plugin);
  * Update a user last login date
  * @param strLogin Login of the user to update
  * @param dateLastLogin date of the last login of the user
  * @param plugin The plugin
 public static void updateUserLastLoginDate(String strLogin, Date dateLastLogin, Plugin plugin) {
   _dao.updateUserLastLoginDate(strLogin, new java.sql.Timestamp(dateLastLogin.getTime()), plugin);
   * Update of the databaseUser which is specified in parameter
   * @param databaseUser The instance of the DatabaseUser which contains the data to store
   * @param plugin The current plugin using this method
   * @return The instance of the DatabaseUser which has been updated
  public static DatabaseUser update(DatabaseUser databaseUser, Plugin plugin) {
    _dao.store(databaseUser, plugin);

    return databaseUser;
  * Increment the number of alert send to users by 1
  * @param listIdUser The list of users to update
  * @param plugin The plugin
 public static void updateNbAlert(List<Integer> listIdUser, Plugin plugin) {
   _dao.updateNbAlert(listIdUser, plugin);
  * Update the user expiration date with the new values. Also update his alert account to 0
  * @param nIdUser Id of the user to update
  * @param newExpirationDate Id of the user to update
  * @param plugin The plugin
 public static void updateUserExpirationDate(
     int nIdUser, Timestamp newExpirationDate, Plugin plugin) {
   _dao.updateUserExpirationDate(nIdUser, newExpirationDate, plugin);
  * Check the password for a DatabaseUser
  * @param strLogin The user login of DatabaseUser
  * @param strPassword The password of DatabaseUser
  * @param plugin The Plugin using this data access service
  * @return true if password is ok
 public static boolean checkPassword(String strLogin, String strPassword, Plugin plugin) {
   return _dao.checkPassword(strLogin, strPassword, plugin);
  * Get the list of id of users that have an expired password but not the change password flag
  * @param currentTimestamp Timestamp describing the current time.
  * @param plugin The plugin
  * @return the list of id of users with expired passwords
 public static List<Integer> getIdUsersWithExpiredPasswordsList(
     Timestamp currentTimestamp, Plugin plugin) {
   return _dao.getIdUsersWithExpiredPasswordsList(currentTimestamp, plugin);
  * Returns a collection of DatabaseUser objects for a email
  * @param strEmail The email of the databseUser
  * @param plugin The current plugin using this method
  * @return A collection of DatabaseUser
 public static Collection<DatabaseUser> findDatabaseUsersListForEmail(
     String strEmail, Plugin plugin) {
   return _dao.selectDatabaseUserListForEmail(strEmail, plugin);
  * Returns the password of the specified user
  * @param nKey The Primary key of the databaseUser
  * @param plugin The current plugin using this method
  * @return An instance of DatabaseUser
 public static String findPasswordByPrimaryKey(int nKey, Plugin plugin) {
   return _dao.selectPasswordByPrimaryKey(nKey, plugin);
  * Returns a collection of DatabaseUser objects for a login
  * @param strLogin The login of the databseUser
  * @param plugin The current plugin using this method
  * @return A collection of DatabaseUser
 public static Collection<DatabaseUser> findDatabaseUsersListForLogin(
     String strLogin, Plugin plugin) {
   return _dao.selectDatabaseUserListForLogin(strLogin, plugin);
  * Returns a collection of DatabaseUser objects
  * @param plugin The current plugin using this method
  * @return A collection of DatabaseUser
 public static Collection<DatabaseUser> findDatabaseUsersList(Plugin plugin) {
   return _dao.selectDatabaseUserList(plugin);
  * Returns an instance of a DatabaseUser whose identifier is specified in parameter
  * @param nKey The Primary key of the databaseUser
  * @param plugin The current plugin using this method
  * @return An instance of DatabaseUser
 public static DatabaseUser findByPrimaryKey(int nKey, Plugin plugin) {
   return _dao.load(nKey, plugin);
  * Get the list of id of users that need to receive their first alert
  * @param firstAlertMaxDate The maximum expiration date to send first alert.
  * @param plugin The plugin
  * @return the list of id of users that need to receive their first alert
 public static List<Integer> getIdUsersToSendFirstAlert(
     Timestamp firstAlertMaxDate, Plugin plugin) {
   return _dao.getIdUsersToSendFirstAlert(firstAlertMaxDate, plugin);
  * Find DatabaseUsers by filter
  * @param duFilter filter
  * @param plugin The plugin
  * @return a list of DatabaseUsers
 public static List<DatabaseUser> findDatabaseUsersListByFilter(
     DatabaseUserFilter duFilter, Plugin plugin) {
   return _dao.selectDatabaseUsersListByFilter(duFilter, plugin);
  * Get the list of id of users that need to receive their first alert
  * @param alertMaxDate The maximum date to send alerts.
  * @param timeBetweenAlerts Timestamp describing the time between two alerts.
  * @param maxNumberAlerts Maximum number of alerts to send to a user
  * @param plugin The plugin
  * @return the list of id of users that need to receive their first alert
 public static List<Integer> getIdUsersToSendOtherAlert(
     Timestamp alertMaxDate, Timestamp timeBetweenAlerts, int maxNumberAlerts, Plugin plugin) {
   return _dao.getIdUsersToSendOtherAlert(
       alertMaxDate, timeBetweenAlerts, maxNumberAlerts, plugin);
  * Get a user id from his login
  * @param strLogin The login of the user
  * @param plugin The plugin
  * @return The user id, or 0 if no user has this login.
 public static int findDatabaseUserIdFromLogin(String strLogin, Plugin plugin) {
   return _dao.findDatabaseUserIdFromLogin(strLogin, plugin);
  * Update status of a list of user accounts
  * @param listIdUser List of user accounts to update
  * @param nNewStatus New status of the user
  * @param plugin The plugin
 public static void updateUserStatus(List<Integer> listIdUser, int nNewStatus, Plugin plugin) {
   _dao.updateUserStatus(listIdUser, nNewStatus, plugin);
  * Gets the history of password of the given user
  * @param nUserID Id of the user
  * @param plugin The plugin
  * @return The collection of recent passwords used by the user.
 public static List<String> selectUserPasswordHistory(int nUserID, Plugin plugin) {
   return _dao.selectUserPasswordHistory(nUserID, plugin);
  * Set the "change password" flag of users to true
  * @param listIdUser The list of users to update
  * @param plugin The plugin
 public static void updateChangePassword(List<Integer> listIdUser, Plugin plugin) {
   _dao.updateChangePassword(listIdUser, plugin);
  * Get the number of password change done by a user since the given date.
  * @param minDate Minimum date to consider.
  * @param nUserId Id of the user
  * @param plugin The plugin
  * @return The number of password change done by the user since the given date.
 public static int countUserPasswordHistoryFromDate(
     Timestamp minDate, int nUserId, Plugin plugin) {
   return _dao.countUserPasswordHistoryFromDate(minDate, nUserId, plugin);
  * Get the number of notification send to a user to warn him about the expiration of his account
  * @param nIdUser Id of the user
  * @param plugin The plugin
  * @return The number of notification send to the user
 public static int getNbAccountLifeTimeNotification(int nIdUser, Plugin plugin) {
   return _dao.getNbAccountLifeTimeNotification(nIdUser, plugin);
  * Log a password change in the password history
  * @param strPassword New password of the user
  * @param nUserId Id of the user
  * @param plugin The plugin
 public static void insertNewPasswordInHistory(String strPassword, int nUserId, Plugin plugin) {
   _dao.insertNewPasswordInHistory(strPassword, nUserId, plugin);
   * Creation of an instance of databaseUser
   * @param databaseUser The instance of the DatabaseUser which contains the informations to store
   * @param strPassword The user's password
   * @param plugin The current plugin using this method
   * @return The instance of DatabaseUser which has been created with its primary key.
  public static DatabaseUser create(DatabaseUser databaseUser, String strPassword, Plugin plugin) {
    _dao.insert(databaseUser, strPassword, plugin);

    return databaseUser;
  * Remove every password saved in the password history for a user.
  * @param nUserId Id of the user
  * @param plugin The plugin
 public static void removeAllPasswordHistoryForUser(int nUserId, Plugin plugin) {
   _dao.removeAllPasswordHistoryForUser(nUserId, plugin);
   * Update of the databaseUser which is specified in parameter
   * @param databaseUser The instance of the DatabaseUser which contains the data to store
   * @param strNewPassword The new password to store
   * @param plugin The current plugin using this method
   * @return The instance of the DatabaseUser which has been updated
  public static DatabaseUser updatePassword(
      DatabaseUser databaseUser, String strNewPassword, Plugin plugin) {
    _dao.updatePassword(databaseUser, strNewPassword, plugin);

    return databaseUser;
   * Update of the databaseUser which is specified in parameter
   * @param user The instance of the DatabaseUser which contains the data to store
   * @param bNewValue The new value of the reset password attribute
   * @param plugin The current plugin using this method
   * @return The instance of the DatabaseUser which has been updated
  public static DatabaseUser updateResetPassword(
      DatabaseUser user, boolean bNewValue, Plugin plugin) {
    _dao.updateResetPassword(user, bNewValue, plugin);

    return user;