public class Utilities { public static String LOGIN_PATH = "index.html"; public static Config config = new Config(); public static String USERNAME = config.getUsername(); public static String PASSWORD = config.getPassword(); public static void login(WebDriver driver, String baseURL) { driver.get(baseURL + LOGIN_PATH); WebElement html = driver.findElement(By.tagName("html")); for (int i = 0; i != 4; i++) { html.sendKeys(Keys.chord(Keys.COMMAND, Keys.SUBTRACT)); } driver.findElement(By.className("csc-login-userId")).sendKeys(USERNAME); driver.findElement(By.className("csc-login-password")).sendKeys(PASSWORD); driver.findElement(By.className("csc-login-button")).click(); } public static List<WebElement> findElementsWithTimeout( WebDriver driver, int timeoutSeconds, By by) { driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(timeoutSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS); List<WebElement> foundElements = driver.findElements(by); driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); return foundElements; } /** * Fills an autocomplete field with a given value. * * @param driver The WebDriver instance we are working with * @param value The new value, or null to generate a non-empty value * @param autocompleteInputElement The WebElement into which we are inputting the value */ public static void fillAutocompleteField( WebDriver driver, WebElement autocompleteInputElement, String value) { if (autocompleteInputElement != null) {; autocompleteInputElement.sendKeys(value); new WebDriverWait(driver, 10) .until( ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.className("cs-autocomplete-popup"))); WebElement popupElement = driver.findElement(By.className("cs-autocomplete-popup")); WebElement matchesElement = popupElement.findElement(By.className("csc-autocomplete-Matches")); WebElement matchSpanElement = null; new WebDriverWait(driver, 10) .until( ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.className("cs-autocomplete-popup"))); for (WebElement candidateMatchElement : matchesElement.findElements(By.tagName("li"))) { WebElement candidateMatchSpanElement = candidateMatchElement.findElement(By.tagName("span")); if (candidateMatchSpanElement.getText().equals(value)) { matchSpanElement = candidateMatchSpanElement; break; } } if (matchSpanElement != null) { // Click the value if found new WebDriverWait(driver, 10) .until( ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated( By.className("cs-autocomplete-popup")));; } else { // create a new authority item if one matching it does not already exist new WebDriverWait(driver, 10) .until( ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated( By.className("cs-autocomplete-popup"))); WebElement addToPanelElement = popupElement.findElement(By.className("csc-autocomplete-addToPanel")); WebElement firstAuthorityItem = addToPanelElement.findElement(By.tagName("li"));; while (findElementsWithTimeout(driver, 0, By.className("cs-autocomplete-popup")).size() > 0) { // Wait for the popup to close } } } else { } } public static void log(String str) { System.out.print(str); } /** * Builds the xpath to select the div of Record or Vocab type on the Create New page. Useful for * scoping searches for elements contained in that div. * * @param type the type of record being tested. * @return a xpath string */ public static String buildCreateNewRecordTypeXpath(String type) { String xpath = "//span[@class='csc-createNew-recordLabel cs-createNew-recordLabel']"; xpath = xpath.concat("[text()='" + type + "']/ancestor::div[1]"); return xpath; } /** * @param driver webdriver object to access the browser * @param term the search term expected in the results * @return is it true or not */ public static Boolean isInSearchResults(WebDriver driver, String term, Integer pageCounter) { Boolean result = Boolean.FALSE; String xpath = "//tr[@class='csc-row']/td/a[text()='" + term + "']"; String textTemplate; String currentPageIndicatorFieldText; if (!driver.findElements(By.xpath(xpath)).isEmpty()) { result = Boolean.TRUE; } else { try { driver.findElement(By.className("flc-pager-next")).click(); new WebDriverWait(driver, 10) .until( ExpectedConditions.invisibilityOfElementLocated( By.className("cs-loading-indicator"))); pageCounter += 1; WebElement textField = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id=\"pager-bottom\"]/li[5]")); textTemplate = "Viewing page " + pageCounter + "."; currentPageIndicatorFieldText = textField.getText(); if (!(currentPageIndicatorFieldText.contains(textTemplate))) { return Boolean .FALSE; // fixes infinite loop of button-clicking when the item is not found. } result = isInSearchResults(driver, term, pageCounter); } catch (Exception e) { log(e.getMessage()); } } return result; } /** Fill in the required fields for a record type */ public static void fillRequiredFieldsFor(String recordType, WebDriver driver) throws Exception { Record record = loadRecordOfType(recordType); Map<String, String> requiredMap = record.getRequiredMap(); for (String required : requiredMap.keySet()) { driver.findElement(; } } /** Generate unique test data for a field of a given type */ public static String generateTestFieldDataFor(String recordType) { long timestamp = (new Date().getTime()); return "required-" + recordType + "-" + timestamp; } /** Finds an Element by either its class name or its xPath */ public static WebElement findElementWithLabel( WebDriver driver, String recordType, String fieldName) throws Throwable { Record record; record = loadRecordOfType(recordType); String selector = record.getFieldSelectorByLabel(fieldName); WebElement element; if (selector == null) { selector = record.getXPath(fieldName); element = driver.findElement(By.xpath(selector)); } else { selector = record.getFieldSelectorByLabel(fieldName); element = driver.findElement(By.className(selector)); } return element; } /** * Fill in ann fields for a given record type. Creates a new Record of the recordType, where * fields are defined. */ public static void fillInAllFieldsFor(String recordType, WebDriver driver) { try { Record record = loadRecordOfType(recordType); fillInFields(driver, record.getRequiredMap()); fillInFields(driver, record.getFieldMap()); updateSelectFields(driver, record.getSelectMap()); fillInVocabFields(driver, record.getVocabMap()); // TO DO ADD Dates and Checkboxes } catch (Exception e) { log(e.getMessage()); } } /** Clears all fields except required fields */ public static void clearAllFieldsFor(String recordType, WebDriver driver) { try { Record record = loadRecordOfType(recordType); clearFields(driver, record.getFieldMap()); clearSelectFields(driver, record.getSelectMap()); clearVocabFields(driver, record.getVocabMap()); // TODO ADD Dates and Checkboxes } catch (Exception e) { log(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Verify that fields for a given Record have been filled in. * * @param recordType the type of Record to check */ public static void verifyAllFieldsFilledIn(String recordType, WebDriver driver) { try { Record record = loadRecordOfType(recordType); verifyFieldsAreFilledIn(driver, record.getFieldMap()); verifySelectFieldsUpdated(driver, record.getSelectMap()); } catch (Exception e) { log(e.getMessage()); } } public static void verifyAllFieldsCleared(String recordType, WebDriver driver) { try { Record record = loadRecordOfType(recordType); verifyFieldsAreCleared(driver, record.getFieldMap()); verifySelectFieldsCleared(driver, record.getSelectMap()); } catch (Exception e) { log(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Iterate over a Map to fill in field identified by field selector with value * * @param fieldMap HashMap of fields for given Record type, providing selectors and values. */ public static void fillInFields(WebDriver driver, Map<String, String> fieldMap) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> field : fieldMap.entrySet()) { fillFieldLocatedById(field.getKey(), field.getValue(), driver); } } /** * Iterate over a Map to select an option from a '<select>' field by value * * @param selectMap HashMap of '<select>' fields for given Record type, providing selectors and * values. */ private static void updateSelectFields(WebDriver driver, Map<String, String> selectMap) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> field : selectMap.entrySet()) { updateSelectFieldLocatedByClass(field.getKey(), field.getValue(), driver); } } public static void fillInVocabFields(WebDriver driver, Map<String, String> vocabMap) { WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10); for (Map.Entry<String, String> field : vocabMap.entrySet()) { fillVocabFieldLocatedByID(field.getKey(), field.getValue(), driver); WebElement autocomplete = wait.until(visibilityOfElementLocated(By.className("cs-autocomplete-popup"))); String xpath = "//li[contains(@class, 'cs-autocomplete-matchItem')]/span[text()='" + field.getValue() + "']"; List<WebElement> options = driver.findElements(By.xpath(xpath)); if (!options.isEmpty()) { options.get(0).click(); } else { autocomplete.findElement("authorityItem:")).click(); } } } public static void clearFields(WebDriver driver, Map<String, String> fieldMap) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> field : fieldMap.entrySet()) { clearFieldLocatedById(field.getKey(), field.getValue(), driver); } } public static void clearVocabFields(WebDriver driver, Map<String, String> vocabMap) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> field : vocabMap.entrySet()) { clearVocabFieldLocatedByID(field.getKey(), driver); } } public static void clearSelectFields(WebDriver driver, Map<String, String> selectMap) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> field : selectMap.entrySet()) { updateSelectFieldtoDefault(field.getKey(), driver); } } /** * Fill any field whose id contains the id with a value * * @param id id of the field to be filled * @param value the value with which to fill in the field */ public static void fillFieldLocatedById(String id, String value, WebDriver driver) { String xpath = "(//input|//textarea)[contains(@id, '" + id + "')]"; for (WebElement field : driver.findElements(By.xpath(xpath))) { field.sendKeys(value); new WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(textToBePresentInElementValue(field, value)); } } /** * Select an '<option>' in a all '<select>' containing @param selector in their id by its text * * @param selector class partial of the field to be updated * @param visibleText the text of the option to select */ private static void updateSelectFieldLocatedByClass( String selector, String visibleText, WebDriver driver) { String xpath = "(//select)[contains(@class, '" + selector + "')]"; for (WebElement element : driver.findElements(By.xpath(xpath))) { Select select = new Select(element); select.selectByVisibleText(visibleText); WebElement option = element.findElement(By.xpath("//option[text()='" + visibleText + "']")); new WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(elementToBeSelected(option)); } } public static void fillVocabFieldLocatedByID(String selector, String value, WebDriver driver) { WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10); String xpath = "//div[@class='content']/input[contains(@id,'" + selector + "')]/following-sibling::input[@class='cs-autocomplete-input']"; wait.until(visibilityOfElementLocated(By.xpath(xpath))); for (WebElement field : driver.findElements(By.xpath(xpath))) { field.sendKeys(value); } } public static void fillVocabFieldLocatedByIDAndSelectVocab( String selector, String value, String vocabName, WebDriver driver) { WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10); String fieldXPath = "//div[@class='content']/input[contains(@id,'" + selector + "')]/following-sibling::input[@class='cs-autocomplete-input']"; wait.until(visibilityOfElementLocated(By.xpath(fieldXPath))); WebElement field = driver.findElement(By.xpath(fieldXPath)); field.sendKeys(value); WebElement autocompleteDropdown = wait.until(visibilityOfElementLocated(By.className("cs-autocomplete-popup"))); String vocabXPath = "//div[contains(@class,'csc-autocomplete-addToPanel')]/descendant::li[@id='authorityItem:'][text()='" + vocabName + "']"; WebElement vocabItem = driver.findElement(By.xpath(vocabXPath));; } public static void clearFieldLocatedById(String id, String value, WebDriver driver) { String xpath = "(//input|//textarea)[contains(@id, '" + id + "')]"; for (WebElement field : driver.findElements(By.xpath(xpath))) { field.clear(); new WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(not(textToBePresentInElementValue(field, value))); } } private static void updateSelectFieldtoDefault(String selector, WebDriver driver) { String xpath = "(//select)[contains(@class, '" + selector + "')]"; for (WebElement element : driver.findElements(By.xpath(xpath))) { Select select = new Select(element); select.selectByIndex(0); new WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(elementToBeSelected(select.getOptions().get(0))); } } public static void clearVocabFieldLocatedByID(String selector, WebDriver driver) { WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10); String xpath = "//*[input[contains(@id,'" + selector + "')]]/input[@class='cs-autocomplete-input']"; wait.until(visibilityOfElementLocated(By.xpath(xpath))); for (WebElement field : driver.findElements(By.xpath(xpath))) { field.clear(); } } private static void verifySelectFieldsUpdated(WebDriver driver, Map<String, String> selectMap) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> select : selectMap.entrySet()) { verifySelectFieldOptionSelected(select.getKey(), select.getValue(), driver); } } private static void verifySelectFieldOptionSelected( String selector, String expectedValue, WebDriver driver) { String xpath = "//select[contains(@class, '" + selector + "')]"; List<WebElement> selects = driver.findElements(By.xpath(xpath)); for (WebElement element : selects) { Select select = new Select(element); assertTrue(select.getFirstSelectedOption().getText().contains(expectedValue)); } } private static void verifySelectFieldsCleared(WebDriver driver, Map<String, String> selectMap) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> select : selectMap.entrySet()) { verifySelectFieldIsDefault(select.getKey(), driver); } } private static void verifySelectFieldIsDefault(String selector, WebDriver driver) { String xpath = "//select[contains(@class, '" + selector + "')]"; for (WebElement element : driver.findElements(By.xpath(xpath))) { Select select = new Select(element); assertEquals(select.getFirstSelectedOption(), select.getOptions().get(0)); } } /** * Iterate over a Map to verify each field from a record * * @param fieldMap HashMap of fields for given Record type, providing selectors and expected * values. */ public static void verifyFieldsAreFilledIn(WebDriver driver, Map<String, String> fieldMap) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> field : fieldMap.entrySet()) { verifyFieldLocatedByIDIsFilledIn(field.getKey(), field.getValue(), driver); } } /** * Iterate over a Map to verify each field from a record has been cleared * * @param fieldMap HashMap of fields for given Record type, providing selectors and expected * values. */ public static void verifyFieldsAreCleared(WebDriver driver, Map<String, String> fieldMap) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> field : fieldMap.entrySet()) { verifyFieldLocatedByIDIsFilledIn(field.getKey(), "", driver); } } /** * Verify that all fields with id containing selector have been filled with the correct value * * @param selector id of the field that should be filled in */ public static void verifyFieldLocatedByIDIsFilledIn( String selector, String expectedValue, WebDriver driver) { String xpath = "(//input|//textarea)[contains(@id, '" + selector + "')]"; for (WebElement field : driver.findElements(By.xpath(xpath))) { assertTrue(field.getAttribute("value").contains(expectedValue)); } } /** * Given a string name of a Record type, instantiate a new Object of that type and return it. * * @param recordType the type of Record object to be created * @return an object of the type requested by recordType * @throws Exception if the record type is not known */ public static Record loadRecordOfType(String recordType) throws Exception { Record record; switch (recordType) { case "Acquisition": record = new Acquisition(); break; case "Administration": record = new Administration(); break; case "AdvancedSearch": record = new AdvancedSearch(); break; case "AdvancedSearchVocabulary": record = new AdvancedSearchVocabulary(); break; case "Condition Check": record = new ConditionCheck(); break; case "Cataloging": record = new Cataloging(); break; case "Exhibition": record = new Exhibition(); break; case "FCTenant": record = new FCTenant(); break; case "Functionality": record = new Functionality(); break; case "GeneralPages": record = new GeneralPages(); break; case "Group": record = new Group(); break; case "ImportExport": record = new ImportExport(); break; case "Intake": record = new Intake(); break; case "LifeSciTenant": record = new LifeSciTenant(); break; case "Loan In": record = new LoanIn(); break; case "Loan Out": record = new LoanOut(); break; case "Location/Movement/Inventory": record = new LocationMovementInventory(); break; case "Media Handling": record = new MediaHandling(); break; case "Object Exit": record = new ObjectExit(); break; case "Organization": record = new Organization(); break; case "Person": record = new Person(); break; case "Place": record = new Place(); break; case "RecordsPrimaryTab": record = new RecordsPrimaryTab(); break; case "RecordsSecondaryTab": record = new RecordsSecondaryTab(); break; case "RightSideBar": record = new RightSideBar(); break; case "SupplementarySecondary": record = new SupplementarySecondary(); break; case "SupplementaryPrimary": record = new SupplementaryPrimary(); break; case "Valuation Control": record = new ValuationControl(); break; case "VocabularyTerms": record = new VocabularyTerms(); break; default: throw new Exception(recordType + ": No classes of that Type known"); } return record; } }