Пример #1
  * @param hslaCssValue the hslaCssValue to set
  * @since 1.0.0
  * @author WFF
 public void setHslaCssValue(final HslaCssValue hslaCssValue) {
   if (hslaCssValue == null) {
     throw new NullValueException("hslaCssValue can not be null");
   if (this.hslaCssValue != null) {
     if (hslaCssValue.isAlreadyInUse()
         && this.hslaCssValue.getStateChangeInformer() != hslaCssValue.getStateChangeInformer()) {
       try {
         final HslaCssValue hslaCssValueClone = CloneUtil.deepClone(hslaCssValue);
         this.hslaCssValue = hslaCssValueClone;
         if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
               "cloned hslaCssValue "
                   + hslaCssValue
                   + "(hashcode: "
                   + hslaCssValue.hashCode()
                   + ") as it is already used by another object");
       } catch (final CloneNotSupportedException e) {
         throw new InvalidValueException(e.toString());
     } else {
       this.hslaCssValue = hslaCssValue;
   } else {
     if (hslaCssValue.isAlreadyInUse()) {
       try {
         this.hslaCssValue = CloneUtil.deepClone(hslaCssValue);
         if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.WARNING)) {
               "cloned hslaCssValue "
                   + hslaCssValue
                   + "(hashcode: "
                   + hslaCssValue.hashCode()
                   + ") as it is already used by another object");
       } catch (final CloneNotSupportedException e) {
         throw new InvalidValueException(e.toString());
     } else {
       this.hslaCssValue = hslaCssValue;
   cssValue = this.hslaCssValue.getValue();
Пример #2
 public LargeMailUser clone() {
   LargeMailUser copy;
   try {
     copy = ((LargeMailUser) super.clone());
   } catch (CloneNotSupportedException _x) {
     throw new InternalError((_x.toString()));
   copy.addressLine = new ArrayList<AddressLine>((getAddressLine().size()));
   for (AddressLine iter : addressLine) {
   copy.largeMailUserName =
       new ArrayList<LargeMailUser.LargeMailUserName>((getLargeMailUserName().size()));
   for (LargeMailUser.LargeMailUserName iter : largeMailUserName) {
   copy.largeMailUserIdentifier =
       ((largeMailUserIdentifier == null)
           ? null
           : ((LargeMailUser.LargeMailUserIdentifier) largeMailUserIdentifier.clone()));
   copy.buildingName = new ArrayList<BuildingName>((getBuildingName().size()));
   for (BuildingName iter : buildingName) {
   copy.department = ((department == null) ? null : ((Department) department.clone()));
   copy.postBox = ((postBox == null) ? null : ((PostBox) postBox.clone()));
   copy.thoroughfare = ((thoroughfare == null) ? null : ((Thoroughfare) thoroughfare.clone()));
   copy.postalCode = ((postalCode == null) ? null : ((PostalCode) postalCode.clone()));
   copy.any = new ArrayList<Object>((getAny().size()));
   for (Object iter : any) {
   return copy;
Пример #3
   * clone a copy of oclOperator
   * @throws CloneNotSupportedException
   * @return Object
  public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
    try {
      oclEvent op = new oclEvent();
      op.opName = (oclPredicate) opName.clone();

      ListIterator li = prevail.listIterator();
      while (li.hasNext()) {
        oclSE se = (oclSE) li.next();
        op.addPrevSE((oclSE) se.clone());

      li = necessary.listIterator();
      while (li.hasNext()) {
        oclSC sc = (oclSC) li.next();
        op.addNecSC((oclSC) sc.clone());

      li = conditional.listIterator();
      while (li.hasNext()) {
        oclSC sc = (oclSC) li.next();
        op.addCondSC((oclSC) sc.clone());

      return op;
    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
      Utility.debugPrintln("Failed to clone event component + " + e.toString());
      throw e;
Пример #4
   * Clones a <code>List</code> of <code>TransactionEntry(s)</code>
   * @param fees <code>List</code> of fees to clone
  public void setTransactionEntries(final List<TransactionEntry> fees) {
    feeList = new ArrayList<>();

    if (fees.size() == 1) {
      TransactionEntry e = fees.get(0);

      if (e.getCreditAccount().equals(e.getDebitAccount())) {
      } else {
        try {
          feeList.add((TransactionEntry) e.clone()); // copy over the provided set's entry
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e1) {
              .log(Level.SEVERE, e1.getLocalizedMessage(), e1);
    } else {
      for (TransactionEntry entry : fees) { // clone the provided set's entries
        try {
          feeList.add((TransactionEntry) entry.clone());
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
          Logger.getLogger(FeePanel.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, e.toString(), e);


    feeField.setEditable(feeList.size() < 1);
Пример #5
 public Vehicle clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
   try {
     return (Vehicle) super.clone();
   } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
     throw new InternalError(e.toString());
 public Object clone() {
   try {
     SafeFileMonitor_1 ret = (SafeFileMonitor_1) super.clone();
     return ret;
   } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
     throw new InternalError(e.toString());
Пример #7
 public Object clone() {
   try {
     return super.clone();
   } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
     throw new InternalError(e.toString());
  * Returns a copy of this object. Changes to the copy will not affect the original and vice versa.
  * <p>Note: this method currently performs a shallow copy of the object (simply calls <code>
  * Object.clone()</code>). This may be changed in a future revision to perform a deep copy if new
  * parameters are added that should not be shared.
  * @return the copy
 public Object clone() {
   try {
     return super.clone();
   } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
     /* Cannot happen */
     throw new InternalError(e.toString());
Пример #9
 public Layer clone() {
   try {
     Layer result = (Layer) super.clone();
     return result;
   } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
     throw new InternalError(e.toString());
Пример #10
 /** Return a shallow copy of this ref. */
 public Object clone() {
   try {
     LiveRef newRef = (LiveRef) super.clone();
     return newRef;
   } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
     throw new InternalError(e.toString());
Пример #11
 public Object clone() {
   try {
     return super.clone();
   } catch (CloneNotSupportedException cnse) {
     // Shouldn't happen since we do implement Clonable
     throw new InternalError(cnse.toString());
Пример #12
 public FloatData clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
   try {
     FloatData data = (FloatData) super.clone();
     return data;
   } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
     throw new InternalError(e.toString());
Пример #13
 public Object clone() {
   ClassForTest clone = null;
   try {
     clone = (ClassForTest) super.clone();
   } catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) {
     System.out.println("Exception: " + ex.toString());
   return clone;
Пример #14
 /** Clone this weighting model */
 public BasicModel clone() {
   try {
     BasicModel newModel = (BasicModel) super.clone();
     newModel.i = (Idf) this.i.clone();
     return newModel;
   } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
     throw new InternalError(e.toString());
  /* (non-Javadoc)
   * This method is required to separate between ServiceTemplates that
   * 1.are stored as part of an experiment an may not be deleted and templates
   * 2.that are registered by the admin. So if 2. gets deleted 1. must be still available
   * @see java.lang.Object#clone()
  public TestbedServiceTemplateImpl clone() {
    TestbedServiceTemplateImpl template = new TestbedServiceTemplateImpl();
    try {
      template = (TestbedServiceTemplateImpl) super.clone();
    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
      log.error("Error cloning TestbedServiceTemplateImpl Object" + e.toString());

    return template;
Пример #16
  * Creates a new Vector with the same contents as this one. The clone is shallow; elements are not
  * cloned.
  * @return the clone of this vector
 public synchronized Object clone() {
   try {
     Vector clone = (Vector) super.clone();
     clone.elementData = (Object[]) elementData.clone();
     return clone;
   } catch (CloneNotSupportedException ex) {
     // Impossible to get here.
     throw new InternalError(ex.toString());
Пример #17
 public LargeMailUser.LargeMailUserName clone() {
   LargeMailUser.LargeMailUserName copy;
   try {
     copy = ((LargeMailUser.LargeMailUserName) super.clone());
   } catch (CloneNotSupportedException _x) {
     throw new InternalError((_x.toString()));
   return copy;
Пример #18
 public NetErrorBean clone() {
   NetErrorBean o = null;
   try {
     o = (NetErrorBean) super.clone(); // Object 中的clone()识别出你要复制的是哪一个对象。
     o.errorCode = this.errorCode;
     o.errorMessage = this.errorMessage;
   } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
   return o;
Пример #19
  * Clones a neuron/rbf
  * @return a copy of a neuron
 public Object clone() {
   try {
     Rbf rbf = (Rbf) super.clone();
     rbf.centre = (double[]) centre.clone();
     rbf.weight = (double[]) weight.clone();
     rbf.vectors = vectors;
     return (rbf);
   } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
     throw new InternalError(e.toString());
Пример #20
 public DTMAxisIterator cloneIterator() {
   try {
     final DupFilterIterator clone = (DupFilterIterator) super.clone();
     clone._nodes = (IntegerArray) _nodes.clone();
     clone._source = _source.cloneIterator();
     clone._isRestartable = false;
     return clone.reset();
   } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
     BasisLibrary.runTimeError(BasisLibrary.ITERATOR_CLONE_ERR, e.toString());
     return null;
Пример #21
     * Clone the current branch state. Used by the mouse recording process.
     * @return Object
     * @throws InternalError DOCUMENT ME!
    protected Object clone() {

      // Should not get clone unsupported exception since we use
      // the Object mehtod's clone which just replicated data
      // values and references.
      try {
        return super.clone();
      } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
        throw new InternalError(e.toString());
Пример #22
 /** Confirm that cloning works. */
 public void testCloning() {
   CompositeTitle t1 = new CompositeTitle(new BlockContainer());
   t1.getContainer().add(new TextTitle("T1"));
   t1.setBackgroundPaint(new GradientPaint(1.0f, 2.0f, Color.red, 3.0f, 4.0f, Color.yellow));
   CompositeTitle t2 = null;
   try {
     t2 = (CompositeTitle) t1.clone();
   } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
   assertTrue(t1 != t2);
   assertTrue(t1.getClass() == t2.getClass());
Пример #23
   * clone
   * @return an AbstractObject clone
  protected Object clone() {
    try {
      AbstractObjectUsage bou = (AbstractObjectUsage) super.clone();

      // bou.object keep the same value because it is the same object
      bou.object = object;
      bou.validated = false;

      return bou;
    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
      throw new InternalError(e.toString());
     * Creates a deep copy of this {@link HeapNode}. The clone is not reset from the current
     * position of the original.
     * @return the cloned heap node
    public HeapNode cloneHeapNode() {
      HeapNode clone;

      try {
        clone = (HeapNode) super.clone();
      } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
        BasisLibrary.runTimeError(BasisLibrary.ITERATOR_CLONE_ERR, e.toString());
        return null;

      clone._node = _node;
      clone._markedNode = _node;

      return clone;
Пример #25
  public Index clone() {
    try {
      Index clone = (Index) super.clone();
      clone.table = this.table.clone();

      Entry list[], table[][] = clone.table;
      for (int cc = 0, len = this.size; cc < len; cc++) {
        list = table[cc];
        if (null != list) table[cc] = list.clone();
      return clone;
    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException exc) {
      throw new InternalError(exc.toString());
  public DTMAxisIterator cloneIterator() {
    _isRestartable = false;
    final HeapNode[] heapCopy = new HeapNode[_heap.length];
    try {
      MultiValuedNodeHeapIterator clone = (MultiValuedNodeHeapIterator) super.clone();

      for (int i = 0; i < _free; i++) {
        heapCopy[i] = _heap[i].cloneHeapNode();
      clone._heap = heapCopy;
      return clone.reset();
    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
      BasisLibrary.runTimeError(BasisLibrary.ITERATOR_CLONE_ERR, e.toString());
      return null;
Пример #27
   * Overridden to make clone public. Returns a shallow copy of this node; the new node has no
   * parent or children and has a reference to the same user object, if any.
   * @return a copy of this node
  public Object clone() {
    DefaultMutableTreeNode newNode;

    try {
      newNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) super.clone();

      // shallow copy -- the new node has no parent or children
      newNode.children = null;
      newNode.parent = null;

    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
      // Won't happen because we implement Cloneable
      throw new Error(e.toString());

    return newNode;
Пример #28
    public void run() {
      try {
        SecurityNode clone = (SecurityNode) sNode.clone();

        Engine engine = EngineFactory.getEngine(EngineFactory.DEFAULT);

        CurrencyNode currencyNode = engine.getCurrency(cNode);

        if (currencyNode != null) {
          engine.updateCommodity(sNode, clone);
      } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.toString(), e);
Пример #29
 public Schema clone() {
   Schema copy;
   try {
     copy = ((Schema) super.clone());
   } catch (CloneNotSupportedException _x) {
     throw new InternalError((_x.toString()));
   copy.simpleField = new ArrayList<SimpleField>((getSimpleField().size()));
   for (SimpleField iter : simpleField) {
   copy.schemaExtension = new ArrayList<Object>((getSchemaExtension().size()));
   for (Object iter : schemaExtension) {
   return copy;
Пример #30
   * Returns a copy that can be associated with another EgDemand. The copy has the same amounts,
   * reason, time stamp and (cloned) receipts if any. (Note: making it public instead of protected
   * to allow any class to use it.)
  public Object clone() {
    EgDemandDetails clone = null;
    try {
      clone = (EgDemandDetails) super.clone();
    } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
      // this should never happen
      throw new InternalError(e.toString());

    clone.setEgdmCollectedReceipts(new HashSet<EgdmCollectedReceipt>());
    for (EgdmCollectedReceipt receipt : getEgdmCollectedReceipts()) {
      EgdmCollectedReceipt cloneRec = (EgdmCollectedReceipt) receipt.clone();
    return clone;