Пример #1
  public Map<String, TypedAST> getChildren() {
    Map<String, TypedAST> children = new HashMap<>();

    for (Case c : cases) {
      // is there a proper convention for names in children?
      children.put("match case: " + c.getTaggedTypeMatch(), c.getAST());

    if (defaultCase != null) {
      children.put("match default-case: " + defaultCase.getTaggedTypeMatch(), defaultCase.getAST());

    return children;
Пример #2
  private Type typecheckCases(Environment env, Optional<Type> expected) {
    Type commonType = null;
    // do actual type-checking on cases
    for (Case c : cases) {
      Type rt = c.getAST().typecheck(env, expected);
      // System.out.println("rt = " + rt);
      if (commonType == null) commonType = rt;
      if (!rt.equals(commonType)) {
        // System.out.println("WARNING: rt = " + rt + " and commonType = " + commonType);
        ToolError.reportError(ErrorMessage.MATCH_NO_COMMON_RETURN, this);
        return null;

    if (expected.equals(Optional.empty())) {
      return commonType;
    } else {
      // System.out.println("expected = " + expected);
      // System.out.println("commonType = " + commonType);
      if (commonType == null
          || /*expected.equals(commonType) ||*/ expected.get().equals(commonType)) {
        return commonType;
      } else {
        ToolError.reportError(ErrorMessage.MATCH_NO_COMMON_RETURN, this);
        return null;
Пример #3
  public Value evaluate(EvaluationEnvironment env) {
    // TaggedInfo.resolveAll(env, this);

    Type mo = matchingOver.getType();

    TaggedInfo matchingOverTag = TaggedInfo.lookupTagByType(mo); // FIXME:

    if (matchingOver instanceof Variable) {
      Variable w = (Variable) matchingOver;
      // ClassType wType = (ClassType) env.lookup(w.getName()).getType();
      // System.out.println("wType = " + wType);
      // System.out.println("looked up = " + TaggedInfo.lookupTagByType(wType));
      // System.out.println("but mot = " + matchingOverTag);
      matchingOverTag =
                      .map(ib -> ib.getValue(env))
                      .orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("Invalid matching over tag")))

    // System.out.println("Evaluating match with matchingOver = " + matchingOver + " its class " +
    // matchingOver.getClass());
    Variable v = (Variable) matchingOver;
    System.out.println("v.getType() = " + v.getType());
    System.out.println("v.getName() = " + v.getName());

    System.out.println("mo = " + mo + " and its class is " + mo.getClass());

    TypeType ttmo = (TypeType) mo;
    System.out.println("ttmo.getName() is declared but not actual type = " + ttmo.getName());
    TypeType tttmo = (TypeType) ((MetadataWrapper) v.typecheck(env, Optional.empty())).getInner();
    System.out.println("v.type = " + tttmo.getName());


    // System.out.println("Evaluating match over tag: " + matchingOverTag + " with matchingOver = "
    // + matchingOver.getType());
    if (matchingOver.getType() instanceof ClassType) {
      ClassType ct = (ClassType) matchingOver.getType();
      // System.out.println("hmm = " + this.matchingOver.typecheck(env, Optional.empty()));
      // System.out.println("ct = " + ct.getName());

    // System.out.println("matchingOverTag (latest) = " + matchingOverTag);
    int cnt = 0;

    for (Case c : cases) {

      // String caseTypeName = getTypeName(c.getAST());

      // System.out.println("case "+ cnt + " = " + c);

      Type tt = c.getTaggedTypeMatch();

      TaggedInfo caseTag;
      if (tt instanceof TypeInv) {
        TypeInv ti = (TypeInv) tt;

        // System.out.println("Processing TypeInv case: " + ti);

        // FIXME: In ECOOP2015Artifact, I am trying to tell the difference between winMod.Win and
        // bigWinMod.Win...

        Type ttti = ti.getInnerType();
        String mbr = ti.getInvName();

        if (ttti instanceof UnresolvedType) {
          Value objVal = env.lookup(((UnresolvedType) ttti).getName()).get().getValue(env);
          caseTag =
              ((Obj) objVal)
                  .lookupBinding(mbr, HackForArtifactTaggedInfoBinding.class)
                  .map(b -> b.getTaggedInfo())
                  .orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("Invalid tag invocation"));

        } else {
          // tt = ti.resolve(env); TODO: is this valid?
          caseTag = TaggedInfo.lookupTagByType(tt); // FIXME:
      } else {
        caseTag = TaggedInfo.lookupTagByType(tt); // FIXME:

      // System.out.println("case " + cnt + " type = " + tt);

      // System.out.println("caseTag = " + caseTag);

      if (caseTag != null && isSubtag(matchingOverTag, caseTag)) {
        // We've got a match, evaluate this case
        // System.out.println("MAAAAATTTCH!");
        return c.getAST().evaluate(env);

    // No match, evaluate the default case
    // System.out.println("DEFAULT: " + defaultCase.getAST().evaluate(env));
    return defaultCase.getAST().evaluate(env);
Пример #4
  protected Type doTypecheck(Environment env, Optional<Type> expected) {

    Type matchOverType = matchingOver.typecheck(env, expected);
    // System.out.println("env = " + env);
    // System.out.println("matchingOver = " + matchingOver);
    // System.out.println("matchOverType = " + matchOverType);

    if (!(matchingOver instanceof Variable)) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Can only match over variable");

    // Variable v = (Variable) matchingOver;
    // System.out.println("v = " + v);
    // System.out.println("v.getType()=" + v.getType());

    StaticTypeBinding staticBinding = getStaticTypeBinding(matchingOver, env);

    // System.out.println(staticBinding);

    if (staticBinding == null) {
    	throw new RuntimeException("variable matching over must be statically tagged");

    // Variable we're matching must exist and be a tagged type
    // String typeName = getTypeName(matchOverType);

    TaggedInfo matchTaggedInfo = TaggedInfo.lookupTagByType(matchOverType); // FIXME:

    // System.out.println(matchOverType);

    if (matchTaggedInfo == null) {
      ToolError.reportError(ErrorMessage.TYPE_NOT_TAGGED, matchingOver, matchOverType.toString());

    // System.out.println(matchTaggedInfo);
    matchTaggedInfo.resolve(env, this);
    // System.out.println(matchTaggedInfo);



    Type returnType = typecheckCases(env, expected);




    // System.out.println(env);
    if (staticBinding != null) {
      NameBinding nb = env.lookup(staticBinding.getTypeName());
      if (nb != null) {
        checkStaticSubtags(TaggedInfo.lookupTagByType(nb.getType())); // matchTaggedInfo
        checkBoundedAndUnbounded(TaggedInfo.lookupTagByType(nb.getType())); // matchTaggedInfo

    // If we've omitted default, we must included all possible sub-tags
    if (defaultCase == null) {
      // first, the variables tag must use comprised-of!

      // next, the match cases must include all those in the comprises-of list
      if (true) {}

    // If we've included default, we can't have included all subtags for a tag using comprised-of
    if (defaultCase != null) {
      // We only care if tag specifies comprises-of
      if (matchTaggedInfo.hasComprises()) {
        // all subtags were specified, error
        if (comprisesSatisfied(matchTaggedInfo)) {
          // ToolError.reportError(ErrorMessage.DEFAULT_PRESENT, matchingOver);

    // System.out.println(expected);

    if (returnType == null) {
      if (defaultCase != null) {
        if (!expected.equals(Optional.empty())) {
          // System.out.println(defaultCase.getAST().getType());
          // System.out.println(expected.get());
          if (!expected.get().equals(defaultCase.getAST().getType())) {
            ToolError.reportError(ErrorMessage.MATCH_NO_COMMON_RETURN, this);
            return null;

    return returnType;