Пример #1
 /** @return a two-way property of whether {@code items} are a subset of this list. */
 public BooleanProperty containsAll(final List<E> items) {
   final BooleanProperty b = booleanProperty(getName() + "ContainsAll", false);
   final boolean[] firing = {false};
   // conditionally update us when b goes true->false/false->true
       new PropertyChangedHandler<Boolean>() {
         public void onPropertyChanged(final PropertyChangedEvent<Boolean> event) {
           if (!firing[0]) {
             firing[0] = true;
             if (event.getNewValue()) {
               for (final E item : items) {
                 if (!get().contains(item)) {
             } else {
             firing[0] = false;
   // conditionally update b when we change
       new PropertyChangedHandler<List<E>>() {
         public void onPropertyChanged(final PropertyChangedEvent<List<E>> event) {
           if (!firing[0]) {
             firing[0] = true;
             firing[0] = false;
   return b;
Пример #2
  /** Tests that trigger is called after the value is changed */
  public void testValueChange() {
    final MyProperties props = new MyProperties();

    String path = "test.mondrian.properties.change.value";
    BooleanProperty boolProp = new BooleanProperty(props, path, false);

    assertTrue("Check property value NOT false", !boolProp.get());

    // set via the 'set' method
    final boolean prevBoolean = boolProp.set(true);
    assertEquals(false, prevBoolean);

    // now explicitly set the property
    final Object prevObject = props.setProperty(path, "false");
    assertEquals("true", prevObject);

    String v = props.getProperty(path);
    assertTrue("Check property value is null", v != null);
    assertTrue("Check property value is true", (!Boolean.valueOf(v).booleanValue()));

    final State state = new State();
    state.triggerCalled = false;
    state.triggerValue = null;

    final Trigger trigger =
        new Trigger() {
          public boolean isPersistent() {
            return false;

          public int phase() {
            return Trigger.PRIMARY_PHASE;

          public void execute(Property property, String value) {
            state.triggerCalled = true;
            state.triggerValue = value;

    String falseStr = "false";
    props.setProperty(path, falseStr);
    assertTrue("Check trigger was called", !state.triggerCalled);

    String trueStr = "true";
    props.setProperty(path, trueStr);

    assertTrue("Check trigger was NOT called", state.triggerCalled);
    assertTrue("Check trigger value was null", (state.triggerValue != null));
    assertTrue("Check trigger value is NOT correct", state.triggerValue.equals(trueStr));
   * Return the default value of the property
   * @param p Swagger property object
   * @return string presentation of the default value of the property
  public String toDefaultValue(Property p) {
    if (p instanceof StringProperty) {
      StringProperty dp = (StringProperty) p;
      if (dp.getDefault() != null) {
        return "'" + dp.getDefault().toString() + "'";
    } else if (p instanceof BooleanProperty) {
      BooleanProperty dp = (BooleanProperty) p;
      if (dp.getDefault() != null) {
        if (dp.getDefault().toString().equalsIgnoreCase("false")) return "False";
        else return "True";
    } else if (p instanceof DateProperty) {
      // TODO
    } else if (p instanceof DateTimeProperty) {
      // TODO
    } else if (p instanceof DoubleProperty) {
      DoubleProperty dp = (DoubleProperty) p;
      if (dp.getDefault() != null) {
        return dp.getDefault().toString();
    } else if (p instanceof FloatProperty) {
      FloatProperty dp = (FloatProperty) p;
      if (dp.getDefault() != null) {
        return dp.getDefault().toString();
    } else if (p instanceof IntegerProperty) {
      IntegerProperty dp = (IntegerProperty) p;
      if (dp.getDefault() != null) {
        return dp.getDefault().toString();
    } else if (p instanceof LongProperty) {
      LongProperty dp = (LongProperty) p;
      if (dp.getDefault() != null) {
        return dp.getDefault().toString();

    return null;
  public String toDefaultValue(Property p) {
    if (p instanceof IntegerProperty) {
      IntegerProperty dp = (IntegerProperty) p;
      if (dp.getDefault() != null) {
        return dp.getDefault().toString();
    } else if (p instanceof LongProperty) {
      LongProperty dp = (LongProperty) p;
      if (dp.getDefault() != null) {
        return dp.getDefault().toString();
    } else if (p instanceof DoubleProperty) {
      DoubleProperty dp = (DoubleProperty) p;
      if (dp.getDefault() != null) {
        return dp.getDefault().toString();
    } else if (p instanceof FloatProperty) {
      FloatProperty dp = (FloatProperty) p;
      if (dp.getDefault() != null) {
        return dp.getDefault().toString();
    } else if (p instanceof BooleanProperty) {
      BooleanProperty bp = (BooleanProperty) p;
      if (bp.getDefault() != null) {
        return bp.getDefault().toString();
    } else if (p instanceof StringProperty) {
      StringProperty sp = (StringProperty) p;
      if (sp.getDefault() != null) {
        return "\"" + escapeText(sp.getDefault()) + "\"";

    return null;
Пример #5
 public boolean isUseThemeManager() {
   return useThemeManager.getValue();
Пример #6
 public boolean isAlwaysUseParentTheme() {
   return alwaysUseParentTheme.getValue();
Пример #7
 public boolean isDebugMode() {
   return debugMode.getValue();
Пример #8
 public boolean isDisableOverscrollEffects() {
   return disableOverscrollEffects.getValue();
Пример #9
 public boolean isDisableContextMenu() {
   return disableContextMenu.getValue();
Пример #10
 public boolean getStringedNamePreferences() {
   return stringedNamePreferences.getValue();
 public String toDefaultValue(Property p) {
   if (p instanceof ArrayProperty) {
     final ArrayProperty ap = (ArrayProperty) p;
     final String pattern;
     if (fullJavaUtil) {
       pattern = "new java.util.ArrayList<%s>()";
     } else {
       pattern = "new ArrayList<%s>()";
     return String.format(pattern, getTypeDeclaration(ap.getItems()));
   } else if (p instanceof MapProperty) {
     final MapProperty ap = (MapProperty) p;
     final String pattern;
     if (fullJavaUtil) {
       pattern = "new java.util.HashMap<String, %s>()";
     } else {
       pattern = "new HashMap<String, %s>()";
     return String.format(pattern, getTypeDeclaration(ap.getAdditionalProperties()));
   } else if (p instanceof IntegerProperty) {
     IntegerProperty dp = (IntegerProperty) p;
     if (dp.getDefault() != null) {
       return dp.getDefault().toString();
     return "null";
   } else if (p instanceof LongProperty) {
     LongProperty dp = (LongProperty) p;
     if (dp.getDefault() != null) {
       return dp.getDefault().toString() + "l";
     return "null";
   } else if (p instanceof DoubleProperty) {
     DoubleProperty dp = (DoubleProperty) p;
     if (dp.getDefault() != null) {
       return dp.getDefault().toString() + "d";
     return "null";
   } else if (p instanceof FloatProperty) {
     FloatProperty dp = (FloatProperty) p;
     if (dp.getDefault() != null) {
       return dp.getDefault().toString() + "f";
     return "null";
   } else if (p instanceof BooleanProperty) {
     BooleanProperty bp = (BooleanProperty) p;
     if (bp.getDefault() != null) {
       return bp.getDefault().toString();
     return "null";
   } else if (p instanceof StringProperty) {
     StringProperty sp = (StringProperty) p;
     if (sp.getDefault() != null) {
       String _default = sp.getDefault();
       if (sp.getEnum() == null) {
         return "\"" + escapeText(_default) + "\"";
       } else {
         // convert to enum var name later in postProcessModels
         return _default;
     return "null";
   return super.toDefaultValue(p);
Пример #12
  /** Checks that triggers are called in the correct order. */
  public void testTriggerCallOrder() {
    final MyProperties props = new MyProperties();
    String path = "test.mondrian.properties.call.order";
    BooleanProperty boolProp = new BooleanProperty(props, path, false);

    final State2 state = new State2();
    state.callCounter = 0;

    // now explicitly set the property
    props.setProperty(path, "false");

    String v = props.getProperty(path);
    assertTrue("Check property value is null", (v != null));
    assertTrue("Check property value is true", (!Boolean.valueOf(v).booleanValue()));

    // primaryOne
    Trigger primaryOneTrigger =
        new Trigger() {
          public boolean isPersistent() {
            return false;

          public int phase() {
            return Trigger.PRIMARY_PHASE;

          public void execute(Property property, String value) {
            state.primaryOne = state.callCounter++;

    // secondaryOne
    Trigger secondaryOneTrigger =
        new Trigger() {
          public boolean isPersistent() {
            return false;

          public int phase() {
            return Trigger.SECONDARY_PHASE;

          public void execute(Property property, String value) {
            state.secondaryOne = state.callCounter++;

    // tertiaryOne
    Trigger tertiaryOneTrigger =
        new Trigger() {
          public boolean isPersistent() {
            return false;

          public int phase() {
            return Trigger.TERTIARY_PHASE;

          public void execute(Property property, String value) {
            state.tertiaryOne = state.callCounter++;

    // tertiaryTwo
    Trigger tertiaryTwoTrigger =
        new Trigger() {
          public boolean isPersistent() {
            return false;

          public int phase() {
            return Trigger.TERTIARY_PHASE;

          public void execute(Property property, String value) {
            state.tertiaryTwo = state.callCounter++;

    // secondaryTwo
    Trigger secondaryTwoTrigger =
        new Trigger() {
          public boolean isPersistent() {
            return false;

          public int phase() {
            return Trigger.SECONDARY_PHASE;

          public void execute(Property property, String value) {
            state.secondaryTwo = state.callCounter++;

    // primaryTwo
    Trigger primaryTwoTrigger =
        new Trigger() {
          public boolean isPersistent() {
            return false;

          public int phase() {
            return Trigger.PRIMARY_PHASE;

          public void execute(Property property, String value) {
            state.primaryTwo = state.callCounter++;

    String falseStr = "false";
    props.setProperty(path, falseStr);
    assertTrue("Check trigger was called", (state.callCounter == 0));

    String trueStr = "true";
    props.setProperty(path, trueStr);

    assertTrue("Check trigger was NOT called", (state.callCounter != 0));
    assertTrue("Check triggers was NOT called correct number of times", (state.callCounter == 6));

    // now make sure that primary are called before secondary which are
    // before tertiary
    assertTrue("Check primaryOne > secondaryOne", (state.primaryOne < state.secondaryOne));
    assertTrue("Check primaryOne > secondaryTwo", (state.primaryOne < state.secondaryTwo));
    assertTrue("Check primaryOne > tertiaryOne", (state.primaryOne < state.tertiaryOne));
    assertTrue("Check primaryOne > tertiaryTwo", (state.primaryOne < state.tertiaryTwo));

    assertTrue("Check primaryTwo > secondaryOne", (state.primaryTwo < state.secondaryOne));
    assertTrue("Check primaryTwo > secondaryTwo", (state.primaryTwo < state.secondaryTwo));
    assertTrue("Check primaryTwo > tertiaryOne", (state.primaryTwo < state.tertiaryOne));
    assertTrue("Check primaryTwo > tertiaryTwo", (state.primaryTwo < state.tertiaryTwo));

    assertTrue("Check secondaryOne > tertiaryOne", (state.secondaryOne < state.tertiaryOne));
    assertTrue("Check secondaryOne > tertiaryTwo", (state.secondaryOne < state.tertiaryTwo));

    assertTrue("Check secondaryTwo > tertiaryOne", (state.secondaryTwo < state.tertiaryOne));
    assertTrue("Check secondaryTwo > tertiaryTwo", (state.secondaryTwo < state.tertiaryTwo));

    // remove some of the triggers

    // reset
    state.callCounter = 0;
    state.primaryOne = 0;
    state.primaryTwo = 0;
    state.secondaryOne = 0;
    state.secondaryTwo = 0;
    state.tertiaryOne = 0;
    state.tertiaryTwo = 0;

    props.setProperty(path, falseStr);
    assertTrue("Check trigger was NOT called", (state.callCounter != 0));
    assertTrue("Check triggers was NOT called correct number of times", (state.callCounter == 3));

    // now make sure that primary are called before secondary which are
    // before tertiary
    assertTrue("Check primaryOne > secondaryOne", (state.primaryOne < state.secondaryOne));
    assertTrue("Check primaryOne > tertiaryOne", (state.primaryOne < state.tertiaryOne));

    assertTrue("Check secondaryOne > tertiaryOne", (state.secondaryOne < state.tertiaryOne));