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vaadin-container-utils is a util library to facilitate the creation of Containers.

Author Vincent Demeester (
Version 0.3.0
Status master : Build status (master)
develop : Build status (develop)

It currently contains two main classes to use :

  • ContainerUtils : Utils class useful for common and generic operation on Container such as initialize, add a property, etc.
  • ContainerFactory : Create different type of Container from a list of Bean using different algorithm to get the list of properties.

It also contains a @Container annotation to easily annotate your beans for behavior in creating Vaadin containers. The corresponding PropertyReaderAlogrithm is then AnnotationReaderAlgorithm.

The goals when creating this library is to ease the creation of different type of containers, while still have a maximum flexibility. Before having a 1.0 version, there is a lot of improvement to push (Pivotable containers, better customization, etc.).


To use in your Maven powered project, you'll have to add the temporary shortbrain repository (for now… soon in the vaadin addon repository and/or the central repository)




The main method in ContainerUtils is initContainer. It lets you instantiate a new Container based on a type. If the type is a concrete class, it will directly instantiate it, else it will try some predefined default.

// Concrete classes
ContainerUtils.initContainer(IndexedContainer.class); // Instantiate an IndexedContainer
// Interfaces
ContainerUtils.initContainer(Filterable.class); // Instantiate a Filterable container (using IndexedContainer)
ContainerUtils.initContainer(Hierarchical.class); // Instantiate a Hierarchical container (using HierarchicalContainer)

For more, please look at the javadocs


The ContainerFactory class is here to simplify the creation of Containers. It will handle the initialization of the Container and its properties (and update them if the container already contained properties), and populate it with a given list of Object (Bean).

// ContainerFactory containerFactory already defined
// Specify an existing Container (container), and a list of MyBean
containerFactory.getContainerFromList(container, myBeans);

// Specify an existing null Container, and a list of MyBean
Container.Filterable filterableContainer = null;
containerFactory.getContainerFromList(filterableContainer, myBeans, Filterable.class);

// Specify a list of MyBean and a type of Container
Container.Filterable filterableContainer = null;
containerFactory.getContainerFromList(myBeans, Filterable.class);

Right now, ContainerFactory only support Filterable and Hierarchical Vaadin containers. For Hierarchical containers, it will by default look for an attribute named children. In the future version of this library, this behavior will be configurable).

class MyBean {
	List<MyBean> children;
// Specify a list of MyBean and a type of Container
Container.Filterable Hierarchical = containerFactory.getContainerFromList(myBeans, Hierarchical.class);
// This will give you a hierarchy (visible in TreeTable for example)


There is sensible default static creation methods to get ContainerFactory instances.

// Simple default ContainerFactory
// Looking for properties by attributes (of MyBean)
ContainerFactory<MyBean> containerFactory = ContainerFactory.getByAttributes(MyBean.class);

// Looking for properties by getter methods (of MyBean)
ContainerFactory<MyBean> containerFactory = ContainerFactory.getByGetters(MyBean.class);

It also possible to passed a custom PropertyReaderAlgorithm, implementation that will get properties out of MyBean.

// Let say TotoAlgorithm is an implementation of PropertyReaderAlgorithm
ContainerFactory<MyBean> containerFactory = ContainerFactory.getByAlgorithm(MyBean.class, new TotoAlgorithm());


The last algorithm currently implemented is by looking up for the @Container annotation. The idea behind this annotation is to be able to specify the properties that should be created for the bean and how to get the values.

For this to work, there is an @Container annotation that takes an array of @Property annotation. Each @Property defines few fields :

  • name : The name of the properties.
  • types : An array of ContainerType that lets defined multiple type of Container.
  • attribut : How to look for the value of the property. If not specified, it will be the same as name.
@Container(properties = {
		@Property(name = "string", types = { ContainerType.EXTENDED,
				ContainerType.RESUME }),
		@Property(name = "number", types = { ContainerType.RESUME }, attribute = "integer") })
private static class TestBean {

	private String string;
	private Integer integer;

	public String getString() {
		return string;

	public Integer getInteger() {
		return integer;

As for other implemented algorithms, there is an easy way to get a ContainerFactory using this algorithm.

// Looking for properties by annotation @Container (of MyBean)
// Using ContainerType.RESUME definition
ContainerFactory<MyBean> containerFactory = ContainerFactory.getByAnnotation(MyBean.class, ContainerType.RESUME);
// Using ContainerType.EXTENDED definition
ContainerFactory<MyBean> containerFactory = ContainerFactory.getByAnnotation(MyBean.class, ContainerType.EXTENDED);


The ContainerFactory has been designed to be easily extensible. There is two way of extending the ContainerFactory :

  1. Extends the ContainerFactory class. This is almost like implementing an Interface, you have almost nothing to start.
  2. Extends the AbstractContainerFactory, the class behind the static creation method. This is the preferred ways.


Fork of @xgbi/vaadin-container-utils (for personal contribution)







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