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Short, Undeniable Signature for Android 2.x

1. Requirements
To use this project, you need
    - Android SDK
    - JDK 6
    - MySQL

1.1 Library used
Here are the libraray used in this project, you do not need to install them.
    - jcalendar
    - gnu-crypto
The .jar are provided with the project.

2. The Projects
If you are using eclipse, the project is separated into three eclipse projects:
    - Server
    - Share
    - UniversityContest
The last one is an android project and the two first are java projects.
You can just by load the projects in Eclipse

2.1 Server

The Server is separated into two parts, the first is a process listening to port 12345 for new clients.
To run this process just run < > in Eclipse (package: ch.epfl.lasec.universitycontest).

The second part of the server is the Server Manager, used manage challenges, teams and universities.
A GUI is available for the managment. To start the GUI just run < > in Eclipse 
(package: ch.epfl.lasec.universitycontest.gui ) 

For the server to work properly, you need to initialize the MySQL Database. 
First you can either add a new user that has access to MySQL databases:
    username: java      password: akfss19uT
To add a new user, in the mysql prompt, type
    mysql> CREATE USER 'java'@'localhost' [IDENTIFIED BY 'akfss19uT']
or you can just use an already created user (for example root) and change in files
< > (package: ch.epfl.lasec.universitycontest) the USER to "your_custom_username"
and the PASSWORD to "your_custom_password". Do the same in file < >
(package: ch.epfl.lasec.universitycontest).
I would adwise to use the first solution since it is simpler.

Then you have to initialize the database by running < > (package: ch.epfl.lasec.universitycontest).
This should create a new DataBase name [unicontest]. It should also create three tables: [team],[challenge] and [university].
Verify that they where created by connecting to the database and checking that the tables exist.

Executable Jar
An executable jar are provided for the Server Manager and for the listening process.
To run the server manager you can execute ServerManager.jar:
    > java -jar ServerManager.jar
Same for the process:
    > java -jar UniversityContestServerProcess.jar

2.2 Share

The Share project contains all code shared by the client and the server. Make sure it is in the classpath of the Server project
and UniversityContest project. 
There is no code to be run in this project. A jar is provided so that you can add it in the classpath of the two 
other projects.

2.3 UniversityContest

This is the Android project. If the android plugin is installed in Eclipse, it should not be a problem.

A java doc is available for all projects (Server,Share and UniversityContest) in their respective folder.


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