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Plato: The Preservation Planning Tool

Plato is a preservation planning tool, it originates from the Planets Project and is now further developed within the SCAPE project.

Prepare the Database

Install and setup MySQL server

  1. Install MySQL 5 Server (tested with version 5.1.54)
  2. Set UTF8 as a default encoding/collation. Check appropriate MySQL 5.X reference manual for instruction on how to do this. There were some changes so it might not be the same for all versions.
  3. Configuration Make the following changes in your MySQL config file (on Linux it is my.cnf and on Windows my.ini)
      #in the Server Section [mysqld] 
      max_allowed_packet = 128M
      max_sp_recursion_depth = 255
      thread_stack = 512K
  4. Restart MySQL server

Setup Database for Planning Suite

If you run Planning Suite and IDP on the same domain, you can use a predefined script:

  1. Switch to the tools directory, there you will find the script It creates DB users and databases for IDP and Plato, and prepares a config file for your JBoss AS 7 server.
  2. Run it via ./ <MySQL root password> <Plato DB password> <IDP DB password>
  3. You will find two new files in this directory: standalone.xml for your production environment, adjust it to your needs, and additionally standalone-test.xml - the configuration for your test server.

Install and setup JBoss AS 7

  1. Download and install JBoss AS 7.1.0.Final. You can use JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final, but there are [issues with the included JSF implementation] (, so you have to replace the corresponding modules yourself.
  2. Copy the file standalone.xml you have generated during database setup to [JBOSS_HOME]/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml

Install MySQL Drivers

  1. Download [MySQL Connector/J] (
  2. Create a driver module as described in [Installing a JDBC driver as a module] (

Install and setup PicketLink

  1. Go to the modules/org/picketlink/main directory and delete all jar files in it.
  2. Download Picketlink 2.1.4 jars for JBoss AS 7.1.x here: picketlink-core-2.1.4.Final.jar and picketlink-jbas7-2.1.4.Final.jar
  3. Copy both Picketlink 2.1.4 jars into modules/org/picketlink/main directory
  4. In modules/org/picketlink/main do the following changes to the module.xml file :

<module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.1" name="org.picketlink"> <resources> <resource-root path="picketlink-core-2.1.4.Final.jar"/> <resource-root path="picketlink-jbas7-2.1.4.Final.jar"/> </resources> <dependencies> <module name="javax.api"/> <module name=""/> <module name=""/> <module name="javax.transaction.api"/> <module name="javax.xml.bind.api"/> <module name=""/> <module name="javax.servlet.api"/> <module name="org.jboss.common-core"/> <module name="org.jboss.logging"/> <module name=""/> <module name=""/> <module name="org.picketbox"/> <module name=""/> <module name="org.apache.log4j"/> <module name="org.apache.santuario.xmlsec"/> </dependencies> </module>

Install UTF8EncodingValve

Please refer to the [readme of jboss-utils] (

Install required programs

Configure Plato

Some aspects of Plato can be configured using configuration files. See Plato configuration for further information.

Optional: FITS

Optional: Minimee

Only necessary if you want to use Minimee services

  1. Install all tools you want to use on your server.
  2. Configure tool and services in the files tool-configs.xml and actions-config.xml. You can find examples in minimee/src/main/resources/data/services/

Build and Deploy Planning Suite

Setup Test Server

To setup the test server make a copy of the already configured main instance, replace the standalone.xml with the generated standalone-test.xml, and rename it to standalone.xml.

Build and Deploy

  1. Install maven version 3 .
  2. Install git client
  3. Clone Plato source from the Github:
    git clone
  4. Go into the folder plato and start the build process:
    mvn clean install -Dps.port=80 -DskipTests


  • ps.port=80: port on which the web-applications will be available (defaults to 8080)
  • sp.domain: specifies the domain of the service provider - where Planning Suite will be available (defaults to localhost)
  • idp.domain: the domain where your identity provider will be available(defaults to localhost)

The generated artifacts are in the target sub-folders of planningsuite-ear and idp You have to use the war and ear files. (you cannot deploy the exploded archives, because there is a bug in the maven-war plugin) 5. Copy planningsuite-ear/target/planningsuite-ear.ear to your JBoss deployments folder 6. Copy idp/target/idp.war to your JBoss deployments folder.

NOTE: If your database is set up for the first time, you have to:

  1. Build plannginsuite.ear with the additional parameter:
    and deploy it to JBoss (like described above)
  2. Stop JBoss
  3. Build plannginsuite.ear once more without the additional parameter and deploy it again This is important, otherwise the database gets re-created with each start - and your data gets lost

To run tests:

  • Instead of parameter -DskipTests you have to provide the path to your local JBoss server (the one you have prepared for testing):
     -DjbossHomeTest=< path to local jboss server > 



Setup IDE

After you install eclipse and clone the repo, install the following plugins listed above. To install a plugin click on Help > Eclipse Market Place and search them or just use the nice drag and drop feature and drag them from the links above.

As soon as you are ready import the maven modules by selecting File > Import > Maven > Existing Maven Projects. Maven will fetch the whole internet (this is normal) and will import the projects for you.

If you are planning to contribute please setup the provided eclipse_formatter, cleanup_profile and checkstyle config file (in the build-tools-config project). To do this for all projects in this eclipse instance follow these steps:

Select Window > Preferences. In the new window select Java > Code Style > Clean Up and import the cleanup_profile.xml (mentioned above). Do the same for the Formatter in Java > Code Style > Formatter

For Checkstyle open again the preferences window and select Checkstyle. Click on the New button and select Project Relative Configuration. Afterwards give a name and browse to the checkstyle.xml file provided in the build-tools-config maven module. At the end select this to be the default checkstyle config.

To activate checkstyle for a certain project just right click on it select checkstyle > activate checkstyle. This will continouosly check the code as you type and mark the bad spots with yellow and will provide warnings.


Part of this work was supported by the European Union in the 7th Framework Program, IST, through the SCAPE project, Contract 270137.


The Preservation Planning Tool Plato







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