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  • The purpose of this project is to demonstrate an artificial intelligence that plays Connect-N. It uses Minmax and Alpha Beta pruning to determine what moves to make on each turn.


  • This program needs to be run as such:
anivarthi-djbeckwith-connectn.jar quad

where "quad" is the argument that sets the heuristic function and is required for execution.

  • To run with the referee, the execution will look like this:
java -jar referee.jar "java -jar anivarthi-djbeckwith-connectn.jar quad" "<arguments-for-other-player-jar>" 6 7 4 5 5

where would be replaced with the opponent JAR and its arguments. The last 5 arguments specify the height of the board, width of the board, consecutive pieces needed to win, time to return player names, and time to make move.