Exemplo n.º 1
   * Checks if an instance contains an item set.
   * @param instance the instance to be tested
   * @return true if the given instance contains this item set
  public boolean containedByTreatZeroAsMissing(Instance instance) {

    if (instance instanceof weka.core.SparseInstance) {
      int numInstVals = instance.numValues();
      int numItemSetVals = m_items.length;

      for (int p1 = 0, p2 = 0; p1 < numInstVals || p2 < numItemSetVals; ) {
        int instIndex = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        if (p1 < numInstVals) {
          instIndex = instance.index(p1);
        int itemIndex = p2;

        if (m_items[itemIndex] > -1) {
          if (itemIndex != instIndex) {
            return false;
          } else {
            if (instance.isMissingSparse(p1)) {
              return false;
            if (m_items[itemIndex] != (int) instance.valueSparse(p1)) {
              return false;

        } else {
          if (itemIndex < instIndex) {
          } else if (itemIndex == instIndex) {
    } else {
      for (int i = 0; i < instance.numAttributes(); i++) {
        if (m_items[i] > -1) {
          if (instance.isMissing(i) || (int) instance.value(i) == 0) {
            return false;
          if (m_items[i] != (int) instance.value(i)) {
            return false;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
   * Generates the classifier.
   * @param instances set of instances serving as training data
   * @throws Exception if the classifier has not been generated successfully
  public void buildClassifier(Instances instances) throws Exception {
    // can classifier handle the data?

    // remove instances with missing class
    instances = new Instances(instances);

    m_headerInfo = new Instances(instances, 0);
    m_numClasses = instances.numClasses();
    m_numAttributes = instances.numAttributes();
    m_probOfWordGivenClass = new double[m_numClasses][];

      initialising the matrix of word counts
      NOTE: Laplace estimator introduced in case a word that does not appear for a class in the
      training set does so for the test set
    for (int c = 0; c < m_numClasses; c++) {
      m_probOfWordGivenClass[c] = new double[m_numAttributes];
      for (int att = 0; att < m_numAttributes; att++) {
        m_probOfWordGivenClass[c][att] = 1;

    // enumerate through the instances
    Instance instance;
    int classIndex;
    double numOccurences;
    double[] docsPerClass = new double[m_numClasses];
    double[] wordsPerClass = new double[m_numClasses];

    java.util.Enumeration<Instance> enumInsts = instances.enumerateInstances();
    while (enumInsts.hasMoreElements()) {
      instance = (Instance) enumInsts.nextElement();
      classIndex = (int) instance.value(instance.classIndex());
      docsPerClass[classIndex] += instance.weight();

      for (int a = 0; a < instance.numValues(); a++)
        if (instance.index(a) != instance.classIndex()) {
          if (!instance.isMissingSparse(a)) {
            numOccurences = instance.valueSparse(a) * instance.weight();
            if (numOccurences < 0)
              throw new Exception("Numeric attribute values must all be greater or equal to zero.");
            wordsPerClass[classIndex] += numOccurences;
            m_probOfWordGivenClass[classIndex][instance.index(a)] += numOccurences;

      normalising probOfWordGivenClass values
      and saving each value as the log of each value
    for (int c = 0; c < m_numClasses; c++)
      for (int v = 0; v < m_numAttributes; v++)
        m_probOfWordGivenClass[c][v] =
            Math.log(m_probOfWordGivenClass[c][v] / (wordsPerClass[c] + m_numAttributes - 1));

      calculating Pr(H)
      NOTE: Laplace estimator introduced in case a class does not get mentioned in the set of
      training instances
    final double numDocs = instances.sumOfWeights() + m_numClasses;
    m_probOfClass = new double[m_numClasses];
    for (int h = 0; h < m_numClasses; h++)
      m_probOfClass[h] = (double) (docsPerClass[h] + 1) / numDocs;