   * Construct a DirContextAdapter given the supplied paramters. The <code>name</code> is normally a
   * JNDI <code>CompositeName</code>, which needs to be handled with particuclar care. Specifically
   * the escaping of a <code>CompositeName</code> destroys proper escaping of Distinguished Names.
   * Also, the name might contain referral information, in which case we need to separate the server
   * information from the actual Distinguished Name so that we can create a representing
   * DirContextAdapter.
   * @param attrs the attributes
   * @param name the Name, typically a <code>CompositeName</code>, possibly including referral
   *     information.
   * @param nameInNamespace the Name in namespace.
   * @return a {@link DirContextAdapter} representing the specified information.
  DirContextAdapter constructAdapterFromName(Attributes attrs, Name name, String nameInNamespace) {
    String nameString;
    String referralUrl = "";

    if (name instanceof CompositeName) {
      // Which it most certainly will be, and therein lies the
      // problem. CompositeName.toString() completely screws up the
      // formatting
      // in some cases, particularly when backslashes are involved.
      nameString = LdapUtils.convertCompositeNameToString((CompositeName) name);
    } else {
          "Expecting a CompositeName as input to getObjectInstance but received a '"
              + name.getClass().toString()
              + "' - using toString and proceeding with undefined results");
      nameString = name.toString();

    if (nameString.startsWith(LDAP_PROTOCOL_PREFIX)
        || nameString.startsWith(LDAPS_PROTOCOL_PREFIX)) {
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            "Received name '"
                + nameString
                + "' contains protocol delimiter; indicating a referral."
                + "Stripping protocol and address info to enable construction of a proper LdapName");
      try {
        URI url = new URI(nameString);
        String pathString = url.getPath();
        referralUrl = nameString.substring(0, nameString.length() - pathString.length());

        if (StringUtils.hasLength(pathString) && pathString.startsWith("/")) {
          // We don't want any slash in the beginning of the
          // Distinguished Name.
          pathString = pathString.substring(1);

        nameString = pathString;
      } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Supplied name starts with protocol prefix indicating a referral,"
                + " but is not possible to parse to an URI",
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Resulting name after removal of referral information: '" + nameString + "'");

    DirContextAdapter dirContextAdapter =
        new DirContextAdapter(
    return dirContextAdapter;