Exemplo n.º 1
  /** Start collecting global monitoring information for the replication domain. */
  private void initializePendingMonitorData() {
    // Let's process our directly connected DS
    // - in the ServerHandler for a given DS1, the stored state contains :
    // -- the max CSN produced by DS1
    // -- the last CSN consumed by DS1 from DS2..n
    // - in the ReplicationDomainDB/ReplicaDB, the built-in state contains:
    // -- the max CSN produced by each server
    // So for a given DS connected we can take the state and the max from
    // the DS/state.

    for (ServerHandler ds : domain.getConnectedDSs().values()) {
      final int serverId = ds.getServerId();
      final ServerState dsState = ds.getServerState().duplicate();

      CSN maxCSN = dsState.getCSN(serverId);
      if (maxCSN == null) {
        // This directly connected LS has never produced any change
        maxCSN = new CSN(0, 0, serverId);
      pendingMonitorData.setLDAPServerState(serverId, dsState);
      pendingMonitorData.setFirstMissingDate(serverId, ds.getApproxFirstMissingDate());

    // Then initialize the max CSN for the LS that produced something
    // - from our own local db state
    // - whatever they are directly or indirectly connected
    final ServerState dbServerState = domain.getLatestServerState();
    pendingMonitorData.setRSState(domain.getLocalRSServerId(), dbServerState);
    for (CSN storedCSN : dbServerState) {
Exemplo n.º 2
   * Processes a Monitor message receives from a remote Replication Server and stores the data
   * received.
   * @param msg The message to be processed.
   * @param serverId server handler that is receiving the message.
  public void receiveMonitorDataResponse(MonitorMsg msg, int serverId) {
    synchronized (pendingMonitorDataLock) {
      if (pendingMonitorData == null) {
        // This is a response for an earlier request whose computing is
        // already complete.
        logger.debug(INFO_IGNORING_REMOTE_MONITOR_DATA, domain.getBaseDN(), msg.getSenderID());

      try {
        // Here is the RS state : list <serverID, lastCSN>
        // For each LDAP Server, we keep the max CSN across the RSes
        ServerState replServerState = msg.getReplServerDbState();

        // store the remote RS states.
        pendingMonitorData.setRSState(msg.getSenderID(), replServerState);

        // Store the remote LDAP servers states
        for (int dsServerId : toIterable(msg.ldapIterator())) {
          ServerState dsServerState = msg.getLDAPServerState(dsServerId);
          pendingMonitorData.setLDAPServerState(dsServerId, dsServerState);
              dsServerId, msg.getLDAPApproxFirstMissingDate(dsServerId));

        // Process the latency reported by the remote RSi on its connections
        // to the other RSes
        for (int rsServerId : toIterable(msg.rsIterator())) {
          long newFmd = msg.getRSApproxFirstMissingDate(rsServerId);
          if (rsServerId == domain.getLocalRSServerId()) {
            // this is the latency of the remote RSi regarding the current RS
            // let's update the first missing date of my connected LS
            for (DataServerHandler ds : domain.getConnectedDSs().values()) {
              int connectedServerId = ds.getServerId();
              pendingMonitorData.setFirstMissingDate(connectedServerId, newFmd);
          } else {
            // this is the latency of the remote RSi regarding another RSj
            // let's update the latency of the LSes connected to RSj
            ReplicationServerHandler rsjHdr = domain.getConnectedRSs().get(rsServerId);
            if (rsjHdr != null) {
              for (int remoteServerId : rsjHdr.getConnectedDirectoryServerIds()) {
                pendingMonitorData.setFirstMissingDate(remoteServerId, newFmd);
      } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        // FIXME: do we really expect these???
            e.getMessage() + " " + stackTraceToSingleLineString(e));
      } finally {
        // Decreases the number of expected responses and potentially
        // wakes up the waiting requester thread.
        if (pendingMonitorDataServerIDs.remove(serverId)) {