Exemplo n.º 1
   * Draw the chess piece represented by stone into the given row and column. The actual blocks
   * drawn depend on the board's current chess set.
   * @param row
   * @param col
   * @param stone
  public void paintChessPiece(int row, int col, int stone) {
    // for entity sets, just check that the entity is still at (row,col)
    // for block sets, get the stone and paste its data into the region at (row,col)
    ChessSet cSet = designer != null ? designer.getChessSet() : chessSet;
    if (cSet.hasMovablePieces()) {
      // we don't paint movable pieces; moveChessPiece() can handle those
    Cuboid region = getPieceRegion(row, col);
    MassBlockUpdate mbu =
            ChessCraft.getInstance(), getBoard().getWorld());
    region.fill(0, (byte) 0, mbu);
    if (stone != Chess.NO_STONE) {
      ChessStone cStone = cSet.getStone(stone, getRotation());
      if (cStone != null) {
        cStone.paint(region, mbu);
      } else {
        LogUtils.severe("unknown chess stone " + stone);

    region.expand(CuboidDirection.Down, 1).forceLightLevel(boardStyle.getLightLevel());
    if (ChessCraft.getInstance().getDynmapIntegration() != null) {
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Board constructor.
  * @param origin
  * @param rotation
  * @param boardStyleName
  * @param pieceStyleName
  * @throws ChessException
 public ChessBoard(
     Location origin, BoardRotation rotation, String boardStyleName, String pieceStyleName)
     throws ChessException {
   setPieceStyle(pieceStyleName != null ? pieceStyleName : boardStyle.getPieceStyleName());
   this.rotation = rotation;
   a1Center = new PersistableLocation(origin);
   a1Corner = initA1Corner(origin, rotation);
   h8Corner = initH8Corner(a1Corner.getLocation());
   board = new Cuboid(a1Corner.getLocation(), h8Corner.getLocation());
   areaBoard = board.expand(CuboidDirection.Up, boardStyle.getHeight());
   frameBoard = board.outset(CuboidDirection.Horizontal, boardStyle.getFrameWidth());
   aboveFullBoard =
           .shift(CuboidDirection.Up, 1)
           .expand(CuboidDirection.Up, boardStyle.getHeight() - 1);
   fullBoard = frameBoard.expand(CuboidDirection.Up, boardStyle.getHeight() + 1);
Exemplo n.º 3
   * Get the Cuboid region for this square <i>of the chessboard itself</i>
   * @param row
   * @param col
   * @return a Cuboid representing the square
  public Cuboid getSquare(int row, int col) {
    if (row < 0 || col < 0 || row > 7 || col > 7) {
      throw new ChessException("ChessBoard: getSquare: bad (row, col): (" + row + "," + col + ")");

    Cuboid sq = new Cuboid(a1Corner.getLocation());

    int s = boardStyle.getSquareSize();
    CuboidDirection dir = rotation.getDirection();
    CuboidDirection dirRight = rotation.getRight().getDirection();

    sq = sq.shift(dir, row * s).shift(dirRight, col * s);
    sq = sq.expand(dir, s - 1).expand(dirRight, s - 1);

    return sq;
Exemplo n.º 4
   * Draw the chess piece represented by stone into the given row and column. The actual blocks
   * drawn depend on the board's current chess set.
   * @param row
   * @param col
   * @param stone
  public void paintChessPiece(int row, int col, int stone) {
    Cuboid region = getPieceRegion(row, col);
    MassBlockUpdate mbu = CraftMassBlockUpdate.createMassBlockUpdater(getBoard().getWorld());
    region.fill(0, (byte) 0, mbu);
    ChessSet cSet = designer != null ? designer.getChessSet() : chessPieceSet;
    if (stone != Chess.NO_STONE) {
      ChessStone cStone = cSet.getStone(stone, getRotation());
      if (cStone != null) {
        paintChessPiece(region, cStone, mbu);
      } else {
        LogUtils.severe("unknown piece: " + stone);

    region.expand(CuboidDirection.Down, 1).forceLightLevel(boardStyle.getLightLevel());