Exemplo n.º 1
   * Inserts the classifier in the population. Before that, it looks if there is a classifier in the
   * population with the same action and condition (in this case, increments its numerosity). After,
   * it checks that the number of micro classifiers is less than the maximum population size. If it
   * isn't, it deletes one classifier from the population calling the deleteClassifier function. It
   * inserts the classifier in the population and in the action set if it's not null.
   * @param cl is the classifier that has to be inserted in the population.
   * @param ASet Population where the classifier will be inserted.
  public void insertInPopulation(Classifier cl, Population ASet) {
    boolean found = false;
    int i = 0;

    while (i < macroClSum && !found) {
      if (set[i].equals(cl)) {
        microClSum += cl.getNumerosity();
        if (ASet != null) {
          if (ASet.isThereClassifier(set[i]) >= 0) ASet.microClSum += cl.getNumerosity();
        found = true;
    if (!found) {

    // Here, the classifier has been added to the population
    if (microClSum
        > Config.popSize) { // If we have inserted to many classifiers, we have to delete one.
  } // end insertInPopulation
Exemplo n.º 2
   * Inserts the classifier into the population. Before, it looks if there is a classifier in the
   * population that can subsume the new one (in this case, increments its numerosity). After, it
   * checks that the number of micro classifiers is less than the maximum population size. If it
   * isn't, it deletes one classifier of the population calling the deleteClassifier function. It
   * inserts the classifier in the population and in the action set if it's not null.
   * @param cl is the classifier that has to be inserted in the population.
   * @param ASet Population where the classifier will be inserted.
  public void insertInPSubsumingCl(Classifier cl, Population ASet) {
    int i = 0;
    Classifier bestSubsumer = null;
    Classifier equalClassifier = null;

    // We look for the best subsumer or for an equal classifier.
    while (i < macroClSum) {
      if (set[i].couldSubsume() && set[i].isMoreGeneral(cl)) {
        if (bestSubsumer == null) bestSubsumer = set[i];
        else if (set[i].isMoreGeneral(bestSubsumer)) bestSubsumer = set[i];
      if (set[i].equals(cl)) equalClassifier = set[i];

    // If there is a subsumer, its numerosity is increased.
    if (bestSubsumer != null) {
      microClSum += cl.getNumerosity();
    } else if (equalClassifier != null) {
      microClSum += cl.getNumerosity();
    } else {
    // There's no classifier deletion, independent of if the maximum size
    // has been overcomen
  } // end insertInPSubsumingCl
Exemplo n.º 3
   * Deletes one classifier from the population. After that, if the population passed as a parameter
   * is not null, it looks for the deleted classifier. If it is in the second population, it will
   * delete it too.
   * @param aSet is the population where the deleted classifier has to be searched.
   * @return a Classifier that contains the deleted classifier.
  public Classifier deleteClFromPopulation(Population aSet) {
    // A classifier has been deleted from the population
    Classifier clDeleted = deleteClassifier();

    if (aSet
        != null) { // Now, this classifier has to be deleted from the action set (if it exists in).
      int pos = aSet.isThereClassifier(clDeleted); // It is searched in the action set.
      if (pos >= 0) { // It has to be deleted from the action set too.

        // If the classifier has 0 numerosity, we remove it from the population.
        if (clDeleted.getNumerosity() == 0) { // It has to be completely deleted from action set.
          aSet.macroClSum--; // Decrements the number of macroclassifiers
          aSet.set[pos] = aSet.set[aSet.macroClSum]; // Moves the last classifier to the deleted one
          aSet.set[aSet.macroClSum] = null; // Puts the last classifier to null.
    return clDeleted;
  } // end deleteClFromPopulation
Exemplo n.º 4
  /** This method applies the action set subsumption */
  public void doActionSetSubsumption() {
    int i, pos = 0;
    Classifier cl = null;

    for (i = 0; i < macroClSum; i++) {
      if (set[i].couldSubsume()) {
        if (cl == null
            || set[i].numberOfDontCareSymbols() > cl.numberOfDontCareSymbols()
            || (set[i].numberOfDontCareSymbols() == cl.numberOfDontCareSymbols()
                && Config.rand() < 0.5)) {
          cl = set[i];
          pos = i;
    if (cl != null) {
      for (i = 0; i < macroClSum; i++) {
        if (cl != set[i] && cl.isMoreGeneral(set[i])) {
          // Now, the classifier has to be removed from the actionSet and the population.
          // It's deleted from the action set.
          Classifier clDeleted = set[i];

          // And now, it's deleted from the population
          Population p = parentRef;
          while (p.parentRef != null) {
            p = p.parentRef;

          pos =
                  clDeleted); // The classifier is searched in the initial population.

          if (pos >= 0) p.deleteClassifier(pos);
  } // end doActionSetSubsumption
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Adds a classifier in the population.
  * @param cl is the new classifier to be added.
 public void addClassifier(Classifier cl) {
   try {
     set[macroClSum] = cl;
     microClSum += cl.getNumerosity();
   } catch (Exception e) {
         "Exception in the insertion of a new classifier. The macroClSum is : "
             + macroClSum
             + " and the microClsum: "
             + microClSum);
         "And the maximum number of classifiers in the population is: " + Config.popSize);
 } // end addClassifier