private boolean handleBackspace(String filter) { boolean clicked = false; final Iterator<Pair<String, JCheckBox>> iterator = myTriggeredCheckboxes.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Pair<String, JCheckBox> next =; if (next.getFirst().length() < filter.length()) break; if (next.getFirst().length() >= filter.length()) { iterator.remove(); next.getSecond().doClick(); clicked = true; } } return clicked; }
public void printToHistory(@NotNull final List<Pair<String, TextAttributes>> attributedText) { ApplicationManager.getApplication().assertIsDispatchThread(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("printToHistory(): " + attributedText.size()); } final boolean scrollToEnd = shouldScrollHistoryToEnd(); final int[] offsets = new int[attributedText.size() + 1]; int i = 0; offsets[i] = 0; final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (final Pair<String, TextAttributes> pair : attributedText) { sb.append(StringUtil.convertLineSeparators(pair.getFirst())); offsets[++i] = sb.length(); } final DocumentEx history = myHistoryViewer.getDocument(); final int oldHistoryLength = history.getTextLength(); appendToHistoryDocument(history, sb.toString()); assert oldHistoryLength + offsets[i] == history.getTextLength() : "unexpected history length " + oldHistoryLength + " " + offsets[i] + " " + history.getTextLength(); LOG.debug("printToHistory(): text processed"); final MarkupModel markupModel = DocumentMarkupModel.forDocument(history, myProject, true); i = 0; for (final Pair<String, TextAttributes> pair : attributedText) { markupModel.addRangeHighlighter( oldHistoryLength + offsets[i], oldHistoryLength + offsets[i + 1], HighlighterLayer.SYNTAX, pair.getSecond(), HighlighterTargetArea.EXACT_RANGE); ++i; } LOG.debug("printToHistory(): markup added"); if (scrollToEnd) { scrollHistoryToEnd(); } queueUiUpdate(scrollToEnd); LOG.debug("printToHistory(): completed"); }
@Override public boolean process(Pair<HighlightInfo, ProgressIndicator> pair) { ApplicationManager.getApplication().assertIsDispatchThread(); ProgressIndicator indicator = pair.getSecond(); if (indicator.isCanceled()) { return false; } HighlightInfo info = pair.getFirst(); final EditorColorsScheme colorsScheme = getColorsScheme(); UpdateHighlightersUtil.addHighlighterToEditorIncrementally( myProject, myDocument, myFile, myStartOffset, myEndOffset, info, colorsScheme, Pass.UPDATE_ALL, ranges2markersCache); return true; }
@NotNull public List<Pair<TaskInfo, ProgressIndicator>> getBackgroundProcesses() { synchronized (myOriginals) { if (myOriginals.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyList(); List<Pair<TaskInfo, ProgressIndicator>> result = new ArrayList<Pair<TaskInfo, ProgressIndicator>>(myOriginals.size()); for (int i = 0; i < myOriginals.size(); i++) { result.add(Pair.<TaskInfo, ProgressIndicator>create(myInfos.get(i), myOriginals.get(i))); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(result); } }
private void highlightTodo(boolean left, List<Pair<TextRange, TextAttributes>> todoRanges) { FragmentedDiffPanelState panelState = (FragmentedDiffPanelState) ((DiffPanelImpl) myHorizontal).getDiffPanelState(); FragmentedDiffPanelState panelState2 = (FragmentedDiffPanelState) ((DiffPanelImpl) myVertical).getDiffPanelState(); for (Pair<TextRange, TextAttributes> range : todoRanges) { TextAttributes second = range.getSecond().clone(); panelState.addRangeHighlighter( left, range.getFirst().getStartOffset(), range.getFirst().getEndOffset(), second); panelState2.addRangeHighlighter( left, range.getFirst().getStartOffset(), range.getFirst().getEndOffset(), second); } }
@NotNull private static Pair<EditorTextField, EditorEx> createEditor( Project project, @Nullable FileType fileType, boolean inheritFontFromLaF) { EditorTextField field = new EditorTextField(new MyDocument(), project, fileType, false, false); field.setSupplementary(true); field.setFontInheritedFromLAF(inheritFontFromLaF); field.addNotify(); // creates editor EditorEx editor = (EditorEx) ObjectUtils.assertNotNull(field.getEditor()); editor.setRendererMode(true); editor.setColorsScheme(editor.createBoundColorSchemeDelegate(null)); editor.getSettings().setCaretRowShown(false); editor.getScrollPane().setBorder(null); return Pair.create(field, editor); }
public void registerFix( @Nullable IntentionAction action, @Nullable List<IntentionAction> options, @Nullable String displayName, @Nullable TextRange fixRange, @Nullable HighlightDisplayKey key) { if (action == null) return; if (fixRange == null) fixRange = new TextRange(startOffset, endOffset); if (quickFixActionRanges == null) { quickFixActionRanges = ContainerUtil.createLockFreeCopyOnWriteList(); } IntentionActionDescriptor desc = new IntentionActionDescriptor(action, options, displayName, null, key, getProblemGroup()); quickFixActionRanges.add(Pair.create(desc, fixRange)); fixStartOffset = Math.min(fixStartOffset, fixRange.getStartOffset()); fixEndOffset = Math.max(fixEndOffset, fixRange.getEndOffset()); if (action instanceof HintAction) { setHint(true); } }
public static Pair<JPanel, JBList> createActionGroupPanel( ActionGroup action, final JComponent parent, final Runnable backAction) { JPanel actionsListPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); actionsListPanel.setBackground(getProjectsBackground()); final JBList list = new JBList(action.getChildren(null)); list.setBackground(getProjectsBackground()); list.installCellRenderer( new NotNullFunction<AnAction, JComponent>() { final JLabel label = new JLabel(); { label.setBorder(JBUI.Borders.empty(3, 7)); } @NotNull @Override public JComponent fun(AnAction action) { label.setText(action.getTemplatePresentation().getText()); Icon icon = action.getTemplatePresentation().getIcon(); label.setIcon(icon); return label; } }); JScrollPane pane = ScrollPaneFactory.createScrollPane(list, true); pane.setBackground(getProjectsBackground()); actionsListPanel.add(pane, BorderLayout.CENTER); if (backAction != null) { final JLabel back = new JLabel(AllIcons.Actions.Back); back.setBorder(JBUI.Borders.empty(3, 7, 10, 7)); back.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.LEFT); new ClickListener() { @Override public boolean onClick(@NotNull MouseEvent event, int clickCount) {; return true; } }.installOn(back); actionsListPanel.add(back, BorderLayout.SOUTH); } final Ref<Component> selected = Ref.create(); final JPanel main = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); main.add(actionsListPanel, BorderLayout.WEST); ListSelectionListener selectionListener = new ListSelectionListener() { @Override public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { if (e.getValueIsAdjusting()) { // Update when a change has been finalized. // For instance, selecting an element with mouse fires two consecutive // ListSelectionEvent events. return; } if (!selected.isNull()) { main.remove(selected.get()); } Object value = list.getSelectedValue(); if (value instanceof AbstractActionWithPanel) { JPanel panel = ((AbstractActionWithPanel) value).createPanel(); panel.setBorder(JBUI.Borders.empty(7, 10)); selected.set(panel); main.add(selected.get()); for (JButton button : UIUtil.findComponentsOfType(main, JButton.class)) { if (button.getClientProperty(DialogWrapper.DEFAULT_ACTION) == Boolean.TRUE) { parent.getRootPane().setDefaultButton(button); break; } } main.revalidate(); main.repaint(); } } }; list.addListSelectionListener(selectionListener); if (backAction != null) { new AnAction() { @Override public void actionPerformed(@NotNull AnActionEvent e) {; } }.registerCustomShortcutSet(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE, 0, main); } return Pair.create(main, list); }
private static void addPatchedInfos( @NotNull HighlightInfo info, @NotNull PsiFile injectedPsi, @NotNull DocumentWindow documentWindow, @NotNull InjectedLanguageManager injectedLanguageManager, @Nullable TextRange fixedTextRange, @NotNull Collection<HighlightInfo> out) { ProperTextRange textRange = new ProperTextRange(info.startOffset, info.endOffset); List<TextRange> editables = injectedLanguageManager.intersectWithAllEditableFragments(injectedPsi, textRange); for (TextRange editable : editables) { TextRange hostRange = fixedTextRange == null ? documentWindow.injectedToHost(editable) : fixedTextRange; boolean isAfterEndOfLine = info.isAfterEndOfLine; if (isAfterEndOfLine) { // convert injected afterEndOfLine to either host' afterEndOfLine or not-afterEndOfLine // highlight of the injected fragment boundary int hostEndOffset = hostRange.getEndOffset(); int lineNumber = documentWindow.getDelegate().getLineNumber(hostEndOffset); int hostLineEndOffset = documentWindow.getDelegate().getLineEndOffset(lineNumber); if (hostEndOffset < hostLineEndOffset) { // convert to non-afterEndOfLine isAfterEndOfLine = false; hostRange = new ProperTextRange(hostRange.getStartOffset(), hostEndOffset + 1); } } HighlightInfo patched = new HighlightInfo( info.forcedTextAttributes, info.forcedTextAttributesKey, info.type, hostRange.getStartOffset(), hostRange.getEndOffset(), info.description, info.toolTip, info.type.getSeverity(null), isAfterEndOfLine, null, false); patched.setHint(info.hasHint()); patched.setGutterIconRenderer(info.getGutterIconRenderer()); if (info.quickFixActionRanges != null) { for (Pair<HighlightInfo.IntentionActionDescriptor, TextRange> pair : info.quickFixActionRanges) { TextRange quickfixTextRange = pair.getSecond(); List<TextRange> editableQF = injectedLanguageManager.intersectWithAllEditableFragments( injectedPsi, quickfixTextRange); for (TextRange editableRange : editableQF) { HighlightInfo.IntentionActionDescriptor descriptor = pair.getFirst(); if (patched.quickFixActionRanges == null) patched.quickFixActionRanges = new ArrayList<Pair<HighlightInfo.IntentionActionDescriptor, TextRange>>(); TextRange hostEditableRange = documentWindow.injectedToHost(editableRange); patched.quickFixActionRanges.add(Pair.create(descriptor, hostEditableRange)); } } } patched.fromInjection = true; out.add(patched); } }
public static String composeText( final Map<String, ExpectedHighlightingSet> types, Collection<HighlightInfo> infos, String text) { // filter highlighting data and map each highlighting to a tag name List<Pair<String, HighlightInfo>> list = ContainerUtil.mapNotNull( infos, (NullableFunction<HighlightInfo, Pair<String, HighlightInfo>>) info -> { for (Map.Entry<String, ExpectedHighlightingSet> entry : types.entrySet()) { final ExpectedHighlightingSet set = entry.getValue(); if (set.enabled && set.severity == info.getSeverity() && set.endOfLine == info.isAfterEndOfLine()) { return Pair.create(entry.getKey(), info); } } return null; }); boolean showAttributesKeys = false; for (ExpectedHighlightingSet eachSet : types.values()) { for (HighlightInfo eachInfo : eachSet.infos) { if (eachInfo.forcedTextAttributesKey != null) { showAttributesKeys = true; break; } } } // sort filtered highlighting data by end offset in descending order Collections.sort( list, (o1, o2) -> { HighlightInfo i1 = o1.second; HighlightInfo i2 = o2.second; int byEnds = i2.endOffset - i1.endOffset; if (byEnds != 0) return byEnds; if (!i1.isAfterEndOfLine() && !i2.isAfterEndOfLine()) { int byStarts = i1.startOffset - i2.startOffset; if (byStarts != 0) return byStarts; } else { int byEOL =, i1.isAfterEndOfLine()); if (byEOL != 0) return byEOL; } int bySeverity = i2.getSeverity().compareTo(i1.getSeverity()); if (bySeverity != 0) return bySeverity; return, i2.getDescription()); }); // combine highlighting data with original text StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Couple<Integer> result = composeText(sb, list, 0, text, text.length(), 0, showAttributesKeys); sb.insert(0, text.substring(0, result.second)); return sb.toString(); }
AbstractPopup init( final Project project, @NotNull final JComponent component, @Nullable final JComponent preferredFocusedComponent, final boolean requestFocus, final boolean focusable, final boolean forceHeavyweight, final boolean movable, final String dimensionServiceKey, final boolean resizable, @Nullable final String caption, @Nullable final Computable<Boolean> callback, final boolean cancelOnClickOutside, @Nullable final Set<JBPopupListener> listeners, final boolean useDimServiceForXYLocation, InplaceButton commandButton, @Nullable final IconButton cancelButton, @Nullable final MouseChecker cancelOnMouseOutCallback, final boolean cancelOnWindow, @Nullable final ActiveIcon titleIcon, final boolean cancelKeyEnabled, final boolean locateBycontent, final boolean placeWithinScreenBounds, @Nullable final Dimension minSize, float alpha, @Nullable MaskProvider maskProvider, boolean inStack, boolean modalContext, @Nullable Component[] focusOwners, @Nullable String adText, int adTextAlignment, final boolean headerAlwaysFocusable, @NotNull List<Pair<ActionListener, KeyStroke>> keyboardActions, Component settingsButtons, @Nullable final Processor<JBPopup> pinCallback, boolean mayBeParent, boolean showShadow) { if (requestFocus && !focusable) { assert false : "Incorrect argument combination: requestFocus=" + requestFocus + " focusable=" + focusable; } myActivityKey = new UiActivity.Focus("Popup:" + this); myProject = project; myComponent = component; myPopupBorder = PopupBorder.Factory.create(true, showShadow); myShadowed = showShadow; myPaintShadow = showShadow && !SystemInfo.isMac && !movable && !resizable &&"ide.popup.dropShadow"); myContent = createContentPanel(resizable, myPopupBorder, isToDrawMacCorner() && resizable); myMayBeParent = mayBeParent; myContent.add(component, BorderLayout.CENTER); if (adText != null) { setAdText(adText, adTextAlignment); } myCancelKeyEnabled = cancelKeyEnabled; myLocateByContent = locateBycontent; myLocateWithinScreen = placeWithinScreenBounds; myAlpha = alpha; myMaskProvider = maskProvider; myInStack = inStack; myModalContext = modalContext; myFocusOwners = focusOwners; myHeaderAlwaysFocusable = headerAlwaysFocusable; myMovable = movable; ActiveIcon actualIcon = titleIcon == null ? new ActiveIcon(EmptyIcon.ICON_0) : titleIcon; myHeaderPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); if (caption != null) { if (caption.length() > 0) { myCaption = new TitlePanel(actualIcon.getRegular(), actualIcon.getInactive()); ((TitlePanel) myCaption).setText(caption); } else { myCaption = new CaptionPanel(); } if (pinCallback != null) { myCaption.setButtonComponent( new InplaceButton( new IconButton( "Pin", IconLoader.getIcon("/general/autohideOff.png"), IconLoader.getIcon("/general/autohideOff.png"), IconLoader.getIcon("/general/autohideOffInactive.png")), new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { pinCallback.process(AbstractPopup.this); } })); } else if (cancelButton != null) { myCaption.setButtonComponent( new InplaceButton( cancelButton, new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { cancel(); } })); } else if (commandButton != null) { myCaption.setButtonComponent(commandButton); } } else { myCaption = new CaptionPanel(); myCaption.setBorder(null); myCaption.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(0, 0)); } setWindowActive(myHeaderAlwaysFocusable); myHeaderPanel.add(myCaption, BorderLayout.NORTH); myContent.add(myHeaderPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH); myForcedHeavyweight = true; myResizable = resizable; myPreferredFocusedComponent = preferredFocusedComponent; myRequestFocus = requestFocus; myFocusable = focusable; myDimensionServiceKey = dimensionServiceKey; myCallBack = callback; myCancelOnClickOutside = cancelOnClickOutside; myCancelOnMouseOutCallback = cancelOnMouseOutCallback; myListeners = listeners == null ? new HashSet<JBPopupListener>() : listeners; myUseDimServiceForXYLocation = useDimServiceForXYLocation; myCancelOnWindow = cancelOnWindow; myMinSize = minSize; for (Pair<ActionListener, KeyStroke> pair : keyboardActions) { myContent.registerKeyboardAction( pair.getFirst(), pair.getSecond(), JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); } if (settingsButtons != null) { myCaption.addSettingsComponent(settingsButtons); } return this; }
@Override @NotNull public Pair<FileEditor[], FileEditorProvider[]> openFileWithProviders( @NotNull VirtualFile file, boolean focusEditor, boolean searchForSplitter) { return Pair.create(new FileEditor[0], new FileEditorProvider[0]); }
public void simulateBall() { ballPreviousX = ballX; ballPreviousY = ballY; leftEdgeActive = rightEdgeActive = topEdgeActive = bottomEdgeActive = true; if (ballY >= MaxY) { ballStarted = false; } if (!ballStarted) { ballX = padx - ballDiameter / 2; ballY = padTop - ballDiameter; } else { ballX = ballX + (int) (Math.cos((angle * pi) / 180.0) * unit); ballY = ballY - (int) (Math.sin((angle * pi) / 180.0) * unit); // Y increases downward if (Math.sin((angle * pi) / 180.0) * unit >= 0) { top = true; } else top = false; if (Math.cos((angle * pi) / 180.0) * unit >= 0) { right = true; } else right = false; if (right) leftEdgeActive = false; else rightEdgeActive = false; if (top) bottomEdgeActive = false; else topEdgeActive = false; Pair temp; if (leftEdgeActive) { int xBlockLeft = ((ballX - blockStartX) / blockLength) * blockLength; int yBlockLeft = ((ballY - blockStartY + ballDiameter / 2) / blockHeight) * blockHeight; // Left Boundary Edge temp = new Pair(xBlockLeft, yBlockLeft); if ((blockMap.containsKey(temp.toString()) && (ballX >= blockStartX) && (ballY >= blockStartY)) || ballX <= 0) { if (immutableBlocks.containsKey(temp.toString()) == false) { /* if(fireBlocks.containsKey(temp.toString())){ fireEnabled = true; } */ angle = 180.0 - angle; blockMap.remove(temp.toString()); repaintBlocks = true; count = numRepaints; repaint(); return; } else { // angle = 180.0 - angle; blockMap.put(temp.toString(), Color.RED); repaintBlocks = true; count = numRepaints; repaint(); return; } } } if (rightEdgeActive) { int xBlockRight = ((ballX - blockStartX + ballDiameter) / blockLength) * blockLength; int yBlockRight = ((ballY - blockStartY + ballDiameter / 2) / blockHeight) * blockHeight; // Right Boundary Edge temp = new Pair(xBlockRight, yBlockRight); if ((blockMap.containsKey(temp.toString()) && (ballX - blockStartX + ballDiameter > 0) && (ballY - blockStartY + ballDiameter / 2) >= 0) || (ballX + ballDiameter) >= MaxX) { // System.out.println("Right edge"); if (immutableBlocks.containsKey(temp.toString()) == false) { /* if(fireBlocks.containsKey(temp.toString())){ fireEnabled = true; }*/ angle = 180.0 - angle; blockMap.remove(temp.toString()); repaintBlocks = true; count = numRepaints; repaint(); return; } else { // angle = 180.0 - angle; blockMap.put(temp.toString(), Color.RED); repaintBlocks = true; count = numRepaints; repaint(); return; } } } if (topEdgeActive) { int xBlockTop = ((ballX - blockStartX + ballDiameter / 2) / blockLength) * blockLength; int yBlockTop = ((ballY - blockStartY) / blockHeight) * blockHeight; // top Boundary Edge temp = new Pair(xBlockTop, yBlockTop); if ((blockMap.containsKey(temp.toString()) && (ballX >= blockStartX) && (ballY >= blockStartY)) || (ballY - ballDiameter) <= 0) { if (immutableBlocks.containsKey(temp.toString()) == false) { /*if(fireBlocks.containsKey(temp.toString())){ fireEnabled = true; }*/ angle = 360.0 - angle; blockMap.remove(temp.toString()); repaintBlocks = true; count = numRepaints; repaint(); // System.out.println("temp " + temp.toString()); return; } else { // angle = 360.0 - angle; blockMap.put(temp.toString(), Color.RED); repaintBlocks = true; count = numRepaints; repaint(); return; } } } if (bottomEdgeActive) { int xBlockBottom = ((ballX - blockStartX + ballDiameter / 2) / blockLength) * blockLength; int yBlockBottom = ((ballY - blockStartY + ballDiameter) / blockHeight) * blockHeight; // top Boundary Edge temp = new Pair(xBlockBottom, yBlockBottom); if ((blockMap.containsKey(temp.toString()) && (ballX - blockStartX + ballDiameter / 2 >= 0) && (ballY - blockStartY + ballDiameter >= 0)) || (((((ballY + ballDiameter) >= padTop && (ballY + ballDiameter) <= padBottom)) || (ballY >= padTop && ballY <= padBottom)) && (ballX) >= (padx - padLength / 2) && ballX <= (padx + padLength / 2))) { if (immutableBlocks.containsKey(temp.toString()) == false) { /*if(fireBlocks.containsKey(temp.toString())){ fireEnabled = true; }*/ angle = 360.0 - angle; blockMap.remove(temp.toString()); repaintBlocks = true; count = numRepaints; repaint(); return; } else { // angle = 360.0 - angle; blockMap.put(temp.toString(), Color.RED); repaintBlocks = true; count = numRepaints; repaint(); return; } } } } }
public MapPanel(ClientGameBoard gl) { super(); _dismiss = false; gameLogic = gl; gameLogic._mapPanel = this; _hexes = new ArrayList<Hex>(); vertexContents = new Hashtable<CoordPair, Pair>(); roadContents = new Hashtable<Pair, Integer>(); portContents = new Hashtable<Pair, BoardObject.type>(); diceImage = new BufferedImage(582, 98, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics2D g = diceImage.createGraphics(); g.drawImage(BoardObject.images.get(BoardObject.type.DICE), null, null); g.dispose(); rings = gameLogic.getNumRings(); hexleft = 100 - (int) (radius + (Math.floor(rings / 2) * radius + Math.floor((rings - 1) / 2) * radius * 2)); if (rings % 2 == 0) { hexleft -= radius / 2; } hextop = 300 - (int) (radius * 0.866 + (rings - 1) * 2 * (radius * 0.866)); double border = 0.4; HashMap<Pair, Pair> hexData = gameLogic.getHexInfo(); // call the gamelogic Pair currCoord = gameLogic.getStartPoint(); Pair topCoord = currCoord; int ring = 0; int currentDir = 5; int current = 0; int[][] directions = {{1, 1}, {0, 2}, {-1, 1}, {-1, -1}, {0, -2}, {1, -1}}; int[][] HexCoordDirections = {{2, 1}, {0, 2}, {-2, 1}, {-2, -1}, {0, -2}, {2, -1}}; Hex top = new Hex( 100, 300, radius, (BoardObject.type) (hexData.get(currCoord).getA()), (Integer) (hexData.get(currCoord).getB())); Hex curr = top; _hexes.add(top); while (true) { if (current == ring) { currentDir++; current = 0; } if (currentDir > 5) { currentDir = 0; current = 0; ring++; if (ring < rings) { topCoord = new Pair(currCoord.getA(), (Double) (currCoord.getB()) - 2); currCoord = topCoord; top = new Hex( curr.getX(), (curr.getY() - 2 * (Math.cos(Math.PI / 6) * (curr.getRadius() + border))), curr.getRadius(), (BoardObject.type) (hexData.get(currCoord).getA()), (Integer) (hexData.get(currCoord).getB())); curr = top; } else { break; } } currCoord.setA((Object) ((Double) (currCoord.getA()) + HexCoordDirections[currentDir][0])); currCoord.setB((Object) ((Double) (currCoord.getB()) + HexCoordDirections[currentDir][1])); curr = new Hex( (curr.getX() + directions[currentDir][0] * (curr.getRadius() + border) * 3 / 2), (curr.getY() + directions[currentDir][1] * (Math.cos(Math.PI / 6) * (curr.getRadius() + border))), curr.getRadius(), (BoardObject.type) (hexData.get(currCoord).getA()), (Integer) (hexData.get(currCoord).getB())); _hexes.add(curr); current++; } addMouseListener(this); addMouseMotionListener(this); }
public synchronized void paint(Graphics graphics) { Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) graphics; Image water = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("catanui/water.jpg"); g.drawImage(water, 0, 0, this); for (Hex o : _hexes) { o.paint(g, _display_offset[0], _display_offset[1]); } g.translate(_display_offset[0] + 2, _display_offset[1] - 1); synchronized (portContents) { for (Pair c : portContents.keySet()) { int lowx = hexleft + (((CoordPair) c.getA()).getX() - (((CoordPair) c.getA()).getX() % 2)) / 2 * intervalSide[0] + (((CoordPair) c.getA()).getX() - (((CoordPair) c.getA()).getX() % 2)) / 2 * intervalSide[1] + (((CoordPair) c.getA()).getX() % 2) * intervalSide[0]; int lowy = hextop + ((CoordPair) c.getA()).getY() * intervalUp; int highx = hexleft + (((CoordPair) c.getB()).getX() - (((CoordPair) c.getB()).getX() % 2)) / 2 * intervalSide[0] + (((CoordPair) c.getB()).getX() - (((CoordPair) c.getB()).getX() % 2)) / 2 * intervalSide[1] + (((CoordPair) c.getB()).getX() % 2) * intervalSide[0]; int highy = hextop + ((CoordPair) c.getB()).getY() * intervalUp; int dx = highx - lowx; int dy = highy - lowy; double rad = Math.atan((1.0) * dy / dx); if (dx < 0) rad += Math.PI; g.translate(lowx, lowy); g.rotate(rad); g.drawImage( BoardObject.images.get(BoardObject.type2port.get(portContents.get(c))), 0, -75, null); g.rotate(-rad); g.translate((-1) * lowx, (-1) * lowy); } } g.translate((-1) * _display_offset[0], (-1) * _display_offset[1]); synchronized (roadContents) { for (Pair c : roadContents.keySet()) { Road r = new Road( hexleft + (((CoordPair) c.getA()).getX() - (((CoordPair) c.getA()).getX() % 2)) / 2 * intervalSide[0] + (((CoordPair) c.getA()).getX() - (((CoordPair) c.getA()).getX() % 2)) / 2 * intervalSide[1] + (((CoordPair) c.getA()).getX() % 2) * intervalSide[0], hextop + ((CoordPair) c.getA()).getY() * intervalUp); r.setX2( hexleft + (((CoordPair) c.getB()).getX() - (((CoordPair) c.getB()).getX() % 2)) / 2 * intervalSide[0] + (((CoordPair) c.getB()).getX() - (((CoordPair) c.getB()).getX() % 2)) / 2 * intervalSide[1] + (((CoordPair) c.getB()).getX() % 2) * intervalSide[0]); r.setY2(hextop + ((CoordPair) c.getB()).getY() * intervalUp); r.setColor(roadContents.get(c)); r.paint(g, _display_offset[0], _display_offset[1]); } } synchronized (vertexContents) { for (CoordPair c : vertexContents.keySet()) { int newx = hexleft + ((c._x - (c._x % 2)) / 2 * intervalSide[0] + (c._x - (c._x % 2)) / 2 * intervalSide[1] + (c._x % 2) * intervalSide[0]) - 20; int newy = hextop + c._y * intervalUp - 20; if ((BoardObject.type) (vertexContents.get(c).getA()) == BoardObject.type.SETTLEMENT) { Settlement s = new Settlement(newx, newy, (Integer) (vertexContents.get(c).getB())); s.paint(g, _display_offset[0], _display_offset[1]); } else if ((BoardObject.type) (vertexContents.get(c).getA()) == BoardObject.type.CITY) { City s = new City(newx, newy, (Integer) (vertexContents.get(c).getB())); s.paint(g, _display_offset[0], _display_offset[1]); } else System.out.println("neither -_-"); } } g.setColor(Color.GRAY); g.fill(new Rectangle(0, 0, 110, 60)); g.setColor(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); g.fill(new Rectangle(3, 3, 104, 56)); if (_dieRoll > 0) { BufferedImage r1img = diceImage.getSubimage((int) (Math.floor((twoDice[0] - 1) * 94.7)), 0, 94, 93); g.drawImage(r1img, 5, 7, 48, 47, null); BufferedImage r2img = diceImage.getSubimage((int) (Math.floor((twoDice[1] - 1) * 94.7)), 0, 94, 93); g.drawImage(r2img, 55, 7, 48, 47, null); } if (_up != null) _up.paint(g); if (!_gameOver.equals("") && !_dismiss) { _currAlpha += 0.007; } g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, _currAlpha)); g.setColor(Color.GRAY); g.fill(new Rectangle(-20, 0, 1020, 650)); g.setColor(Color.BLACK); g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, (float) 1.0)); if (!_gameOver.equals("")) { if (_currAlpha >= 0.8) { if (_gameOver.equals(gameLogic._name)) { g.drawString("Congratulations, you won!", 350, 200); } else { g.drawString(_gameOver + " has won!", 350, 200); } _dismiss = true; } else repaint(); } }