Exemplo n.º 1
   * Check if a para is tupe file or image
   * @param structure
   * @param paramName
   * @return boolean
  public static boolean imageOrFileParam(Structure structure, String paramName) {

    Field field = structure.getFieldVar(paramName);
    if (UtilMethods.isSet(field)
        && (field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.FILE.toString())
            || field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.IMAGE.toString()))) {
      return true;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
  public static Contentlet createContent(
      Structure st,
      ArrayList<Category> cats,
      String userId,
      List<String> parametersName,
      List<String[]> values,
      String options,
      List<Map<String, Object>> fileParameters,
      boolean autoPublish,
      Host formHost,
      String moderatorRole)
      throws DotContentletStateException, DotDataException, DotSecurityException {

    Contentlet contentlet = null;

    /*try {*/
    /** Get the current user */
    User user = getUserFromId(userId);

    /** Content inherit structure permissions */
    List<Permission> permissionList = perAPI.getPermissions(st);

    /** Set the content values */
    contentlet = SubmitContentUtil.setAllFields(st.getName(), parametersName, values);

    /** Get the required relationships */
    Map<Relationship, List<Contentlet>> relationships =
        SubmitContentUtil.getRelationships(st, contentlet, options, user);

    /** Validating content fields */
    // conAPI.validateContentlet(contentlet,relationships,cats);

    /** Set the binary field values http://jira.dotmarketing.net/browse/DOTCMS-3463 */
    if (fileParameters.size() > 0) {
      for (Map<String, Object> value : fileParameters) {
        Field field = (Field) value.get("field");
        java.io.File file = (java.io.File) value.get(field.getVelocityVarName());
        if (file != null) {
          try {
            contentlet.setBinary(field.getVelocityVarName(), file);
          } catch (IOException e) {


    if (st.getStructureType() == Structure.STRUCTURE_TYPE_FORM) {
      Host host =
              .find(formHost.getIdentifier(), APILocator.getUserAPI().getSystemUser(), false);
      if (!perAPI.doesUserHavePermissions(
              + PermissionAPI.PERMISSION_READ
              + ", CONTENTLETS:"
              + PermissionAPI.PERMISSION_WRITE
              + "",
          user)) {
        throw new DotSecurityException("User doesn't have write permissions to Contentlet");

    /** If the moderator field is set, a work flow task is created */
    if (UtilMethods.isSet(moderatorRole)) {

      if (!UtilMethods.isSet(contentlet.getStringProperty(Contentlet.WORKFLOW_ACTION_KEY)))
            APILocator.getWorkflowAPI().findEntryAction(contentlet, user).getId());

      String contentletTitle = "";

      List<Field> fields = FieldsCache.getFieldsByStructureInode(contentlet.getStructureInode());

      for (Field fld : fields) {
        if (fld.isListed()) {
          contentletTitle = contentlet.getMap().get(fld.getVelocityVarName()).toString();
          contentletTitle =
              contentletTitle.length() > 250 ? contentletTitle.substring(0, 250) : contentletTitle;
          "A new content titled \""
              + UtilHTML.escapeHTMLSpecialChars(contentletTitle.trim())
              + "\" has been posted by "
              + UtilHTML.escapeHTMLSpecialChars(user.getFullName())
              + " ("
              + user.getEmailAddress()
              + ")");

          Contentlet.WORKFLOW_ASSIGN_KEY, roleAPI.loadRoleByKey(moderatorRole).getId());

    /** Saving Content */
    contentlet = conAPI.checkin(contentlet, relationships, cats, permissionList, user, true);

    if (autoPublish) APILocator.getVersionableAPI().setLive(contentlet);

    /** Saving file and images */
    if (fileParameters.size() > 0) {

      for (Map<String, Object> value : fileParameters) {
        Field field = (Field) value.get("field");
        // http://jira.dotmarketing.net/browse/DOTCMS-3463
        if (field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.IMAGE.toString())
            || field.getFieldType().equals(Field.FieldType.FILE.toString())) {
          java.io.File uploadedFile = (java.io.File) value.get("file");
          try {
            if (!UtilMethods.isSet(FileUtil.getBytes(uploadedFile))) continue;
          } catch (IOException e) {
            Logger.error(SubmitContentUtil.class, e.getMessage());
          String title = (String) value.get("title");
          Host host = (Host) value.get("host");
          contentlet = addFileToContentlet(contentlet, field, host, uploadedFile, user, title);
      if (autoPublish) { // DOTCMS-5188
        contentlet =
                contentlet, relationships, cats, permissionList, user, true);
        conAPI.publish(contentlet, APILocator.getUserAPI().getSystemUser(), false);
      } else {
        contentlet =
                contentlet, relationships, cats, permissionList, user, true);
        conAPI.unpublish(contentlet, APILocator.getUserAPI().getSystemUser(), false);

    /*}catch(Exception e){

    	Logger.error(SubmitContentUtil.class, e.getMessage());
    	throw new DotContentletStateException("Unable to perform checkin. "+e.getMessage());


    return contentlet;