Exemplo n.º 1
  * This function extracts from a SetExpr that contains the values of a binary relation, the values
  * in the range of the relation
  * @param setValues The set with the values in the relation
  * @return the values in the range
 public static SetExpr extractRanValues(SetExpr setValues) {
   ZFactory zFactory = new ZFactoryImpl();
   SetExpr ranSetExpr = zFactory.createSetExpr();
   ZExprList zRanList = zFactory.createZExprList();
   ZExprList originalZList = setValues.getZExprList();
   for (int i = 0; i < originalZList.size(); i++) {
     Expr auxExpr = originalZList.get(i);
     if (auxExpr instanceof TupleExpr) {
       TupleExpr tupleExpr = (TupleExpr) auxExpr;
       ZExprList zTupList = tupleExpr.getZExprList();
       if (zTupList.size() == 2) {
         Expr ranExpr = zTupList.get(1);
       } else {
   return ranSetExpr;
Exemplo n.º 2
   * Compute the variable names occurring in the service expression using tree traversal, since
   * these are necessary for building the SPARQL query.
   * @return the set of variable names in the given service expression
  private Set<String> computeServiceVars(TupleExpr serviceExpression) {
    final Set<String> res = new HashSet<String>();
        new AbstractQueryModelVisitor<RuntimeException>() {

          public void meet(Var node) throws RuntimeException {
            // take only real vars, i.e. ignore blank nodes
            if (!node.hasValue() && !node.isAnonymous()) res.add(node.getName());
          // TODO maybe stop tree traversal in nested SERVICE?
          // TODO special case handling for BIND
    return res;
  private Expr visitAccumulator(
      Span span,
      List<GeneratorClause> gens,
      Op op,
      Expr body,
      List<StaticArg> staticArgs,
      boolean isParen) {
    body = visitGenerators(span, gens, body);
     * * If the accumulation is a nested reduction like BIG OP [ys <- gg] BIG OT <| f y | y <- ys |>
     * , visitGenerators returns a tuple of ((BIG OT, f), gg) (this should be refactored, though)
    Expr res;
    if (body instanceof FnExpr) {
      Expr opexp = ExprFactory.makeOpExpr(span, op, staticArgs);
      res =
              span, BIGOP_NAME, ExprFactory.makeTupleExpr(span, opexp, body));
    } else if (body instanceof TupleExpr) {
       * * For BIG OP [ys <- gg] BIG OT <| f y | y <- ys |> The nested reduction is replaced with
       * __bigOperator2(BIG OP, BIG OT, gg)
       * <p>This is similar to forOpExpr(OpExpr that) .
       * <p>by Kento
      // a tuple of the inner Accumulator (op, body) and the gg
      TupleExpr tuple = (TupleExpr) body;
      TupleExpr innerAccumTuple = (TupleExpr) tuple.getExprs().get(0);
      Expr opexpI = (Expr) innerAccumTuple.getExprs().get(0);
      Expr innerBody = (Expr) innerAccumTuple.getExprs().get(1);
      Expr opexpO = ExprFactory.makeOpExpr(span, op, staticArgs);
      Expr gg = tuple.getExprs().get(1);

      res =
              span, BIGOP2_NAME, ExprFactory.makeTupleExpr(span, opexpO, opexpI, gg, innerBody));
    } else res = bug(body, "Function expressions or tuple expressions are expected.");
    if (isParen) res = ExprFactory.makeInParentheses(res);
    return (Expr) recur(res);
  public Node forOpExpr(OpExpr that) {
    FunctionalRef op_result = (FunctionalRef) recur(that.getOp());

     * * For BIG OP <| BIG OT <| f y | y <- ys |> | ys <- gg |> Is this case, BIG <||> is being
     * removed. The nested reduction is replaced with __bigOperator2(BIG OP, BIG OT, gg)
     * <p>by Kento
    String str = op_result.toString();
    String theListEnclosingOperatorName = "BIG <| BIG |>";
    String someBigOperatorName = "BIG";

    // make sure the body is of application of some big operator
    if ((str.length() >= someBigOperatorName.length()
        && str.substring(0, someBigOperatorName.length()).equals(someBigOperatorName))) {
      // make sure that BIG OP (Accumulator (BIG <||>, gs))
      if (that.getArgs().size() == 1
          && that.getArgs().get(0) instanceof Accumulator
          && ((Accumulator) that.getArgs().get(0))
              .equals(theListEnclosingOperatorName)) {

        Accumulator acc = (Accumulator) that.getArgs().get(0);
        Expr body = visitGenerators(NodeUtil.getSpan(acc), acc.getGens(), acc.getBody());
         * * If the accumulation is a nested reduction like <| BIG OT <| f y | y <- ys |> | ys <- gg
         * |> , visitGenerators returns a tuple of ((BIG OT, f), gg) (this should be refactored,
         * though) In this case, the nested reduction is replaced with __bigOperator2
        if (body instanceof TupleExpr) {
          // a tuple of the inner Accumulator (op, body) and the gg
          TupleExpr tuple = (TupleExpr) body;
          TupleExpr innerAccumTuple = (TupleExpr) tuple.getExprs().get(0);
          Expr opexpI = (Expr) innerAccumTuple.getExprs().get(0);
          Expr innerBody = (Expr) innerAccumTuple.getExprs().get(1);
          FunctionalRef ref = (FunctionalRef) op_result;
          IdOrOp name = ref.getNames().get(0);
          // make sure the operator is actually an operator
          if (!(name instanceof Op)) return null;
          Expr opexpO =
              ExprFactory.makeOpExpr(NodeUtil.getSpan(that), (Op) name, ref.getStaticArgs());
          Expr gg = tuple.getExprs().get(1);
          Expr res =
                  ExprFactory.makeTupleExpr(NodeUtil.getSpan(body), opexpO, opexpI, gg, innerBody));
          return (Expr) recur(res);

    List<Expr> args_result = recurOnListOfExpr(that.getArgs());

    OpExpr new_op;
    if (op_result == that.getOp() && args_result == that.getArgs()) {
      new_op = that;
    } else {
      new_op =
    return cleanupOpExpr(new_op);